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Lv 59,950 points

Aaron B

Favorite Answers61%

born in '87. I play volleyball competitivly during school for my college and during the summer in sand tournaments and leagues. I live in Rhode Island and love it here but wouldn't mind going a little more south for a longer summer.

  • How does everyone feel about the new Answers! layout?

    What does everyone think?

    Do you find it easier to navigate and find information as a reasearcher?

    As an answerer, do you find it easy to identify your history and check up on what you answered? How about navigating to categories that interest you?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • What are your thoughts on the rule changes for the upcoming indoor season.?

    Just the major change... which is:

    Add USAV 11.2.2: “Encroachment into the opponent’s

    court with any part(s) of the body is permitted, provided some

    part of the body remains either in contact with or directly

    above the center line, and there is no interference with opponents.

    In addition, completely crossing the center line with the

    foot, feet or hands, or encroachment with other body parts,

    must not present a safety hazard to opponents.”

    If you feel strongly about any other change that I didn't mention, then comment on it.

    On a side note, we ALMOST got double contacts on the serve receive back.

    2 AnswersVolleyball8 years ago
  • Do video poker odds vary from real life odds?

    So i have been playing zynga poker on my iPod lately to pass the time and it seems like the odds are seemed to make exciting hands. In this short time I have seen 4 of a kind 4 times ( including one of my own).

    More often than not, every player has at least a pair on the board. I've had more pocket pairs than I can count. Is there any data to support my conclusion, or am I just by chance seeing such absurd hands.

    (No this isn't a rant about losing)

    3 AnswersGambling9 years ago
  • Is it against Yahoo! Answers guidelines to copy/paste an existing answer?

    The question title pretty much says it all. Is this a "reportable" answer?

    I can't stand when people spam 20-30 questions with answers that are the exact same thing as someone who post the answer a few hours before them.

    I try to report these people, but I never seem to see their answers removed.

    This user is an example of this behavior:

    View this users activity and you will see that every question he answered is a copy/paste of a previous answer.

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • What will new the new official beach volleyball?

    With the AVP no longer the governing body and standard for beach volleyball in the U.S., what ball do you expect to be using in competitive play?

    USAV competition will continue to use the international Mikasa ball (with the swirl patern) but I'm certainly not skilled enough for international play.

    I live on the east coast and our major clubs (EEVB in particular) are drifting toward the Spalding King of the Beach ball.

    What do the west coast and other organizations plan on using? Have you drifted toward the Spalding ball as well?

    I believe Wilson is producing the AVP ball with SAND printed where AVP was but that may have just been a limited trial batch.

    1 AnswerVolleyball1 decade ago
  • VBA - A quick way to dimension 1000 different variables?

    Reason: I am trying to code 'Conway's game of life' in a 100x100 grid not using the excel code boxes on every iteration.

    My goal is to get from the starting grid of cells to the final grid in the shortest amount of time.

    My first thought is to eliminate the Excel display component until the very end.

    So, I want to generate 1000 variables (actually, the need a mirror variable so 2000) but don't want to make 1000 different names. As of now, my code looks something like this:

    Dim r1c1 As Integer

    Dim r1c2 As Integer

    Dim r1c3 As Integer

    Dim r1c4 As Integer

    Dim r1c5 As Integer

    Dim r1c6 As Integer

    Dim r1c7 As Integer

    Dim r1c8 As Integer

    Dim r1c9 As Integer

    Dim r1c10 As Integer

    Dim r1c11 As Integer

    Dim r1c12 As Integer




    My thoughts are to do something like

    for i = 1 to 100

    for j = 1 to 100

    dim "r" & i & "c" & j as integer

    next i

    next j

    That clearly won't work, but what will?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Attach a file to a ms word document. NOT a hyperlink.?

    I need to create a stand alone work document that contains embedded files. Specifically, links to programs that i have written.

    Insert Object is a fancy hyperlink. not a solution. This word doc. needs to be emailed to multiple different people

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • VBA Excel - Permanent storage of a variable?

    I want to keep a variable that does not get lost when the program is closed or the computer restarted.

    So for example, I click Button1 that sets VariableY = 4 and saves the worksheet. Now I restart the computer, open my worksheet and click button2 that prints VariableY.

    Under normal circumstances it will have null value.

    I would like to avoid using cells on the worksheet for this permanent storage if possible.

    I dumbed down my example to illustrate my needs. The application is very different. There are other ways to achieve my goal but this would be the easiest if 'permanent storage' is a simple command.

    7 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • VBA Excel. I have a complicated Countif formula. I want to make a CUSTOM function to simplify user input.?

    Here is the working excel defined formula.

    =COUNTIF('Time Cards'!E4,">6:00")+COUNTIF('Time Cards'!H4,">6:00")+COUNTIF('Time Cards'!K4,">6:00")+COUNTIF('Time Cards'!N4,">6:00")+COUNTIF('Time Cards'!Q4,">6:00")+COUNTIF('Time Cards'!T4,">6:00")+COUNTIF('Time Cards'!W4,">6:00")

    Basically, the cell is greater than 6:00 it counts it.

    My Proposed VBA code would include entering the minimum time (6:00 above) and all of the cells to check against.

    Here is my code that doesn't work:

    Function Counter(Break_Min As Double, dim1 As Double, dim2 As Double, _

    dim3 As Double, dim4 As Double, dim5 As Double, dim6 As Double, _

    dim7 As Double) As Integer

    Counter = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(dim1, ">Break_Min") _

    + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(dim2, ">Break_Min") _

    + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(dim3, ">Break_Min") _

    + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(dim4, ">Break_Min") _

    + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(dim5, ">Break_Min") _

    + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(dim6, ">Break_Min") _

    + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(dim7, ">Break_Min")

    End Function

    I believe my error fall within my dimensioning or using the second term of the countif statement.

    5 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • VBA Saveas in local folder. Excel worksheet needs to be transferable to different computers.?

    Here is my code as of now:

    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _

    "c:Work stuff\timesheets\completed\" & Range("a1") & ".xls" _

    , FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _

    ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False

    This works fine on my computer but, If I transfer this to a new computer it won't save where the user wants.

    I want it to save in the local folder that they opened it from.

    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _

    "...timesheets\completed\" & Range("a1") & ".xls" _

    blah blah blah

    Obviously this wouldn't work but i want to save in the folder timesheets\completed with main directory of where ever the user is working from.

    ex. D:\\Employee Records\timesheets\completed\range(a1)

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Excel VBA - Variables in Public worksheet to be used in a UserForm?

    So in the VBA side bar I have Objects (my four worksheets), Forms (my 7 userforms that I made), and Modules (empty).

    I have many, many variables in my worksheet code (which includes buttons, ect).

    I need to reference these variables in my userform code but have no clue how.

    I asked this question last week but wasn't back in time to add more detail. I think I did better this time. I am fairly new to VBA as I started learning it about three weeks ago.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Excel - VBA I need to access a variable from a worksheet on a userform?

    How can i make reference to a variable that is on a worksheet code on a userform.

    I have a Loop as part of a button click where I change the value of a variable multiple times. Some instances trigger a userform. I need to use that value in the userform

    I have read that I would need to use a Module but I can't figure it out.

    I have made my own beginner (sloppy) work around by setting a worksheet cell equal to the variable and then using that cell in my userform instead of a variable.

    I have never used a module in VBA so i'm not sure where to start.

    I'll be checking back on Sunday so ask questions if need be.

    Thanks in advance,


    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Setting a cell equal to a variable in excel - vba?

    I get the error message Object Required

    Here is an edited version of the code to only include my error section:

    Public Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled

    Dim First_Name As String

    While First_Name = "Enter First Name Here. Ex. John" Or First_Name = ""

    First_Name = Application.InputBox("Enter New Employee First Name.", "First Name", "Enter First Name Here. Ex. John")


    Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)

    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select


    Target.Value = First_Name


    End Sub

    At the line: target.value = First_Name

    I get runtime 434 --> "object required"

    What is wrong with the code?

    Verbal summary of what I want the code to do:

    Have user enter name into Input box.

    Take that name and place it into the next empty cell on "Sheet2", Column "A"

    I'm in the beginner stages of learning VBA. I am open to any suggestions or criticisms of my code

    I left out many other input boxes, error checks, and password to begin script as i felt it irrelevant.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • VBA - Inputbox - I want to Exit Sub on Cancel?

    I have a series of msgbox and inputbox commands to gather information and place into excel. Certain answers bring the user down a certain path

    An InputBox give a choice of "vbOK" and "vbCancel".

    If OK is chosen it takes the entered text by default

    Is there a way to control the vbCancel when that is chosen?

    I think my problem is that I need to dimension my variable in accordance with the selection.

    Here is a simplified section of code.

    Dim OfficeFax as String

    OfficeFax = inputbox("What is the fax number at " & job, "Fax Number", "Enter work fax number here or leave blank")

    If OfficeFax = "Enter work fax number here or leave blank" Or OfficeFax = "" Then

    OfficeFax = "Not Available"

    End If

    Range("d15") = OfficeFax

    I want to include something like

    If OfficeFax = vbCancel Then

    Exit Sub

    End If

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • VBA - Search for a String in a .txt?

    Ultimately, I want to create a data base of workers in a .txt file that is utilized by excel.

    My (self assigned) project is to create a timesheet login program where an employee will come to the excel screen, type their name and accompanied password (stored in a seperate .txt file). I would use their input in excel to search for that string in a .txt file.

    All I want to know is:

    How do i search for a text string in a .txt file using VBA. What is the syntax?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Significance of typing a web address with httpS instead of just http. Gets me through work website blocker.?

    If I type a website address at work with the https suffix than the website blocking software does not work. If i type http:// or just the www. than, if the site should be blocked, it is blocked.

    I know that https is a secure protocol that the browser (or website) encrypts, i'm not sure how that all works (hence why I am here).

    My question:

    Why does the webblocker software not catch the https?

    I can add the "S" to any site and it will work

    If I ipconfig, my DNS is the work server.

    This server blocks many ports because my home proxy does not work.

    I was very surprised to see that a .gov server was so easily overriden.

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Announced today, Kerry Walsh coming back soon! What are your thoughts?

    Announced earlier today, Kerry Walsh is returning to the beach on August 10th with Rachel Wacholder.

    How do you think this duo will do?

    They are both returning after pregnancy

    If they are winning (key part) do you think they will remain together for next season when Misty is ready to return?

    Any other thoughts?

    3 AnswersVolleyball1 decade ago
  • Volleyball - Answering questions. Where do you put your credentials?

    I am wondering how you fellow volleyball answerers/askers feel about the mindset of some responses.

    Does it help to state credentials in the beginning or in the Sources section?

    Personally, I feel that it gets in the way of an otherwise good answer and belongs at the end, away from the meat of an answer, if necessary at all.

    All thoughts are very welcome as I am just curious of the general census. (You don't get points for agreeing w/ me, i want to know what you think)

    5 AnswersVolleyball1 decade ago
  • Modem works, Router problem. I can see router but no internet?

    I am fairly good with networking and I am beginning to think the router is dead.


    This is a verizon DSL connection that works fine when i hard wire from modem to computer.

    The problem:

    Router is not working


    It is assigning IP addresses.

    I can access router settings via the gateway

    I can ping the router

    I can not ping any website

    From ipconfig I can see the proper DNS as ""

    I have a properly assigned router IP as well as subnet mask.

    What I have tried (in this order)

    Restarting computer

    Cycling power to modem and router

    Removing security settings from router

    Reseting router to factory settings via reset button

    This is NOT a computer setting issue. Multiple computers have gone offline and each will work when connected directly to the modem.

    Thats about all i can think of saying but ask if I forgot something

    Oh yeah

    Router is a Linksys wrt54g V8

    modem is westell 6100

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • VBA Excel, msgbox won't go away. Stuck.?

    I was just playing around w/ a vba-excel program i've got and to be brief, The msgbox vbOKOnly will not go away.

    Every time i click OK it comes back instantly.

    I can't click anywhere in excel to close the file

    I can't start the debugger.

    I can't even look at other excel files i have open

    Besides a system restart or ctrl+alt+del to force the program closed

    is there a way to stop the code from executing?

    Ask questions if I'm unclear and I will update quickly

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago