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Lv 7
Peter asked in Games & RecreationCard Games · 9 years ago

Quick poll: What do you guys think of the new Dark Ascension cards that have been spoiled?

Zombie Apocalypse is quite possibly my new favorite card. Opinions.

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    So far, I am pretty excited for the set. I am personally liking the "Undying" mechanic and how it's put on cards like "Strangleroot Geist." The mechanic is what rush decks need. And some of the other cards such as "Gravecrawler" are looking very promising for rush decks. And the card that I am most excited about is "Thraban Doomsayer"... 1/1 token generator? For 3 mana and no negative effect that only gets better? It's almost too good. I am definitely making a green white deck when the set comes out... and I will probably splash just a little bit of blue for counter spells and such so that cards like Zombie Apocalypse does not completely wipe out my army.

  • I'm a big fan of the token spawn, as that is one of my favorite deck types, and some of the bigger creatures like the Demon hold some potential in combo with the others. My issue is I'm hoping for Dark Ascension to really help the Innistrad Vampires, since they are WAY underpowered when compared to older Vamps. I'm also fairly pumped for Sorin 2.0. I'm a wee bit of a Planeswalker whore, so that's my biggest want.

  • 9 years ago

    Well, Undying is the reverse of Persist, some of the Flashback cards are pretty good. Fateful hour seems meh so far. Some of them are obviously made for 1 on 1 standard games because beig that close to losing the game for the cards to be any good is very situational.

    I see that one mill card being seriously messed up, especially in multiplayer games. For it to be twice as powerful on flashback is pretty hardcore. I also like that they are taking the transform in new directions, with the transforming artifact and the creature that turns into a mind control.

    In fact the creature that turns into mind control will be going into my control commander decks. ^.^

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