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Christine asked in TravelVietnamHanoi · 9 years ago

Travel: hanoi to ha long bay?


apologies if a similar post has been posted a billion times but just got a few questions regarding ha long bay.

1. is it easy enough to organise a ha long bay tour in hanoi on the day ( i.e. book in the morning and get to halong bay on the same day)

2. Whats the standard tour.. 3d/2n or 2d/1n? whats the going rate for something standard ( not flash 5 star) but something clean and basic like 3 star.

3. how long does it take to travel from halong bay to Hanoi.

4. what time do tours normally leave from Hanoi and what time do they return. I am trying to schedule a ticket to fly out and the flight times depart around 6pm and what to know if i will be back in time for the flight.


3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi there

    It is really easy to organise your tour. They will vary in price, but in reality, all do the same thing, so shop around.

    Most tours include everything from hotel pick up, meals and if you are staying overnight, the accommodation as well. I have not taken the overnight tour (see Halong bay cruises tour ), but have done Halong Bay twice now, firstly with my husband, and the second time we bough our 3 youngest teenage children, so I cant comment on the overnight lodgings.

    It takes about 3 1/2 hours depending on where your hotel is on the schedule to get from Hanoi to Halong Bay. See more info Halong

    You can choose an overnight stay or just the day trip. As I said, I have never opted for the overnight stop, but my children went back to Vietnam again and did the overnight and really enjoyed themselves. All trips return at the same time and get back well after 6 pm at night, so you wont be able to leave on the night you return from Halong Bay.


  • 8 years ago

    Hi Christine!

    I have visited Halong bay for 2 3 times.

    1. I think you should book for a tour before 1 or 2 days. I could book at morning and go to halong in the same day, but the price could be more expensive

    2. The classic tour is 2 days/ 1 night. i also often offer this tour. You can visit halong in the morning, visit some natural cave or some islands. Or for longer you should go to Cat Ba from Halong bay. For 3* cruise. I think Halong Classic Sail is a good choice. It's romantic and traditional beauty and clean with 7 cabins ( .or visit

    3. It's about 170km and take you 3 - 3.5 hours via private car ( I think you should hire a car instead go by shuttle bus. It's more comfortable.

    4. normally, it's 3 4pm.

  • 4 years ago

    once you're occurring any form of cruise on the bay your booking agent ought to desire to have included transport. Bus is the foremost much less high priced thank you to circulate. A taxi will fee you merely approximately as much as a 2 day day holiday. So circulate with your hotel booking agent. it somewhat is somewhat a no concepts-er. The motels are geared up for this style of element. it may fee you merely a sprint greater yet its nicely worth it. Ha long is massive. you will probable have a super time!

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