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Lv 4
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 9 years ago

Teens: Your views on abortion and why?

I am pro-choice because it is the woman's body, not anyone else's. Esp. during the case of rape or sickness. No offense to the pro-life people out there, but if I were to get raped and pregnant at this age, I would get the abortion because I know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to support the fetus and myself during the pregnancy, and I can't handle this at the moment. I would be a child having a child.

I also find it a little disturbing that most pro-life people believe that a hardly developed fetus matters more than a growing, living, breathing woman/girl whose physical/emotional wellbeing could be at stake.

BQ: Don't you find it a bit hypocritical when Pro-life people say that abortion is okay during the case of rape or sickness? Wouldn't that make you pro-choice?

Thank you for your time and answers.


Quite frankly, i wouldn't feel a thing because I wouldn't even know..... If my parents did abort me, I'm not sure if it would've been a good thing or a bad one~~~ Doesn't really matter to me because I wouldn't be around to tell.

Update 2:

If abortion is cutting off a potential life, then isn't menstruation andany time a woman isn't pregnant cutting off potential life as well? Isn't that 'murder' as well? Well, what are you waiting for?!? You could be getting nasty right now! This is a matter of life and death here!!!


Anyways, I happen to be an athiest, which means I don't believe in God. That's definitely okay if you do, but I just believe in life, death, and rebirth from our remains. I don't believe that 'God' or anyone gave me a fetus except for the sperm from a man's penis. Sorry if this offended you, but this is my opinion.

14 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    Not my body, not my decision. I am 100% pro-choice.

    Adoption isn't a reliable alternative....not all kids get a happy, loving family. Keeping the kid is cruel to the parents and child in a lot of cases - there is a chance this child can be abused/neglected if the parent's didn't want them. I'd rather see some cells be destroyed than a child abused to death.

    LOL @ anybody saying 'how would you feel if you were aborted?' Well I wouldn't 'feel' anything because I wouldn't *be* here, would I?

    BQ: Yes, that IS hypocritical. You are either okay with a woman making the decision for herself or you are not. End of.

    Source(s): ~ Jayne.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I am 100% pro-choice in any case. People always say you can give it up for adoption, but who says it will go to a good home, or any home at all? There are thousands of orphans in this world, what makes you think that one will be lucky? Sure, there are tons of couples that would love to adopt, but there are also tons of potential orphans they can adopt. Also what about the people who don't have insurance? Just carrying out a pregnancy cost a few thousand dollars. I also hate when they "life begins at the moment of conception" like we deny that the fetus is alive. Life beings BEFORE conception. Sperm is living, but no one sheds a tear when I man ejaculates on his sheets, and there are no protests to stop men from masturbating and 'killing' what could one day be a life.

    Anyway, I find it very hypocritical when pro-life people say abortion is okay in case of rape, or if the woman's/child's life is in danger. Either you are against abortion, or you aren't. It is the same either way, what makes the fetus of a rape victim more worthy of an abortion than a woman who can't afford a pregnancy? But then again, I also feel it is evil when they say even if the girl is raped she should carry out the pregnancy. But I think it is evil to force a woman to carry out any pregnancy she doesn't want to.

    I also hate when pro-life people say "What if your mother aborted you?" Well, if my mom aborted me, I wouldn't care, because I couldn't care, because I wouldn't be here! What am I going to do? Cry about not being born?

  • 9 years ago

    i personally would never choose abortion. i was raped when i was 12, and didnt abort. i miscarried but if i hadnt i would have put my baby up for adoption. i hate abortion because i believe every child should have a chance at life, and that no child should be blamed for what a parent did.

    but those are my beliefs for myself. for everyone else- im pro- choice. its that womens body. and i also understand that some women cant take the pain of carrying their rapist baby. and also medical reasons, and also women who cant cope with giving their child away. or women who are addicted to a drug and KNOW they wont be able to quit for 9 months. i feel its better to abort in that case because then you arent ruining a humans life. what i dont agree with is women using it as birth control. having unprotected sex and running out and getting an abortion every time they get pregnant. one girl that i go to school with has had 9 abortions, and is only 18. that bugs me. i do wish that women wouldnt abort. that theyd give the kids up for adoption. but its their choice. and i respect that choice because its a hard an emotional one to make.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I'm prochoice. My views are if you are raped or you truly are not going to care for the baby or you just can't have a baby with someone (ex. You don't love that person or they are abusive) you should get an abortion. But if you love that person and you have the funds then there's not need for an abortion. I believe that cause its usually in the best interest of the child.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm pro life for myself because if I got pregnant with my fiance, I wouldn't be able to destroy something we made together. I'm pro choice for others because it's not my place to choose for other women. It's not my place to tell them what they can or can't do with their body. And I'm not here to judge. If a woman wants to have an abortion because she feels she can not provide for it or for whatever reason, then she can go ahead. She doesn't need my permission. Of course the issue of adoption can come up. But YOU try going 9 months, caring for this baby, nurturing it, feeling it kick, and loving it, just to give it away in the end.

    BQ: Yea.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I think that if people don't plan on having babies, they shouldn't get pregnant. I also believe in choice but I personally couldn't live with knowing that I killed my unborn baby. It must suck to be in that situation. When you have an unplanned pregnancy, every choice that you make is going to be hard.

  • 9 years ago

    Pro choice because it's NONE of my business or anyone else's, including the government. I would personally never get one unless it was under extenuating circumstances but that's just me.

  • 9 years ago

    Pro choice because its YOUR body, and nobody should make a decision like that for you. Especially men who have no right to be speaking in this situation. I also feel that if the person is far to young to support the child it is in everybody's best interest.

    Thumbs me down, but i am entitled to an opinion.

  • 9 years ago

    It's a personal choice and I think people shouldn't force the female to not get one because they don't her to have one.

  • Brooke
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Think of it this way, your parents come up to you now and say, well since its my body that had you, I decided you aren't worth it because it will infringe in my life so I'm going to murder you. It the same thing. What if your parents aborted you? How would you feel? Fetuses begin to feel pain way before d planned parenthood says. They lie. They feel pain after a few weeks. How would you feel if your parents cut you up into little pieces or poisoned you? It like saying an adult is more important than a child so they can murder them because it their choice. IT IS NOT! It is the child's choice. It's their life your killing. It is not right

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