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Why isn't it treason to give away the country?

Don’t the President and members of Congress take an oath to defend the Constitution. Right up at the top of The Constitution, it says the reason we formed a nation was “in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.” It doesn’t say we are forming a nation so we can be the policemen of the world, enslave a free people and take everything we and our ancestors have built and worked for and give or sell it to the rest of the world for the benefit of a privileged few. It doesn’t say we formed a nation so that we could neglect ourselves and our posterity but give education, health care, housing, technology, food, clothing and jobs to foreigners who are in dire straits because they have been largely irresponsible in their reproductive behaviors. If the Presidents and Congress blatantly ignore that oath, then isn’t that some kind of crime? If not treason, what do you call it?????


Diana B: re: not if it amounts to nothing beyond your pointless, bloated and uninformed hyperbole.

I am asking a legitimate question and your characterization of it, with the exception of "uniformed" is completely unwarranted and amounts to a rant. I am asking the question in order to receive information and therefore no longer be "uninformed." Hardly pointless!

re: the constitution doesn't say a lot of things that elected officials are nevertheless expected to do.

But their oath of office DOES say that they are expected to uphold and defend the Constitution, doesn't it? Am I wrong?

If the majority of the country disapproves of what the Congress and President are doing, but every time we try to elect someone different, they lie about their positions or change once they are in office or are blackmailed or whatever it is that is causing them to go against our wishes, then they are not doing what they were elected to do. So again, I ask why isn't it tr

Update 2:

GOZ2FAST: Some details please. Who prosecutes? Anybody? or does the Congress have to prosecute the President and the President have to prosecute the Congress and does it all go through the Supreme Court that was appointed by the traitor Presidents and confirmed by the traitor Congresses?

Update 3:

Yes Pat: The Constitution says: in Section. 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

If other countries work against our best interests in international affairs, and if they enter into trade agreements with us that they do not honor or that are clearly not in our best interests and in so doing deprive us of the wealth of our land and then use that wealth to come here and buy up our land and kick our people out and transplant their people here and drive us into slavery by forcing us to compete against their slave labor and if they ask us to assist them or agree to assist us in fighting invaders and then allow their people to undermine our efforts and fight our soldiers, etc., etc., etc., Are they not our enemies? If not, how do you defi

Update 4:

If not, how do you define ENEMIES?

And if they are our enemies, then when Congress and the President assist them in their efforts when it is clear from the outset that they are selling/giving us into the mercy of our enemies, isn't that "adhering to [our] Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort?"

Excuse, please. The website keeps cutting off my edits.

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is treason, but nobody will hold anybody responsible.

  • 9 years ago

    "Why isn't it treason to give away the country?"

    Did you bother to read the legal definition of treason before you posted this question?

    "It doesn’t say we formed a nation so that we could neglect ourselves and our posterity but give education, health care, housing, technology, food, clothing and jobs to foreigners who are in dire straits because they have been largely irresponsible in their reproductive behaviors. "

    Ummm, the constitution doesn't say a lot of things that elected officials are nevertheless expected to do.

    "If the Presidents and Congress blatantly ignore that oath, then isn’t that some kind of crime?"

    not if it amounts to nothing beyond your pointless, bloated and uninformed hyperbole. Our elected officials are pretty much doing what their voters want them to do.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Well if we're so horrible, why do you live here? I certainly wouldn't want to be living in a country and providing tax money to a government that I believed was enslaving people. If it's so bad, why do you continue to subsidize enslavement? Aren't you just as bad as Congress?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    And here, folks, we have ANOTHER FINE EXAMPLE of dumbasss republithugs who worship the constitution just eversomuch, but can't be bothered to READ THE DAMN THING.


    "Giving away the country" is not in that definition.

    Why are you people all so damn stupid?

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