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How do I download music from tumblr?

I've already installed the greasemonkey add on and everything, but what I end up with is a page with a Quicktime player. If that's all I get, then fine, but I want the songs I find to be downloaded onto my itunes so I can listen to it on the go. If it's possible to do that, please tell me how.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Download the greasemonkey add-on here. This addon allows you install scripts to add stuff to web pages. After you install it, restart Firefox.

    2) Now in order to get the full Tumblr songs, you need to download the script Tumtaster. Restart Firefox after that.

    3)Tumtaster basically creates download links below each Tumblr music track so you can save them to your PC.

    You can also another step to download music from tumblr.

    Orbit Downloader is a free Tumblr songs downloader which can help you to download songs from Tumblr freee and easily with great speed.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Questo e' un buon link funzionante per scaricare Greasemonkey gratis:

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