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Lv 7
` asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 9 years ago

What is happening in Yahoo! Answers [ Read : Further ]?

I'm getting same answers from different people for some of my questions frequently.. What is happening ? Are trolls attacking me ?? :(( What is this ?????


HOW TO DEAL WITH IT ??? :(( :(( :((


Ben - They copied a other member answer ( genuine answer ) and posted it as responses from different accounts?

Update 2:

@Thanga - Everyone answered my question correctly and if i don't have any logic how can they answer it ? Btw.... This is not a court to submit proof and evidence and I'm not arguing here for Justice... I just explained my problem and looking for a solution not for sympathy... Well !! you are not being in my contact and fan then how you are saying that my questions were already asked ??? Why are you passing unnecessary comments and soliciting here?? If you have an answer for my problem... Then please write it as an answer........................................ Why are you trolling like this ???

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That sounds like plagiarism to me, as well as point gaming with new accounts ... which might be people setting up multiple accounts (That's hard to prove) or just ignorance of the rules by beginners. It does happen in several areas of Answers, so it is not likely to be trolls attacking you personally. But all these accounts opened on the same day seems more than a coincidence - are you asking in a popular area? Since it does not happen with all your questions, you are not a target.

    If it is obvious that these are directly copied, even if they are repeats of the same content, they are reportable as abuse. Be sure these are not in the Polls and Surveys area, or questions where there really is only one correct answer.

    BEFORE you report them as abuse, copy and paste both the question(s) and links to the user profiles for each repeated answer in a word-processing document. Then send the entire document within the body of the e-mail, using copy and paste, to the Yahoo Answers Team. Do NOT send the document as an attachment. The e-mail address is <>

    ('e' missing on purpose in answrs, and underscores between y answers team)

    Then report them as Abuse. Mark direct copies as 'I think this answer is illegal', and put 'plagiarism' in the explanation field. Other answers that are only similar,or of the 'me too' or 'that's right' kind belong in the 'I think this answer violates the community guidelines' area as point gaming.

    Before a question goes to voting, all answers are listed in the order they are submitted, and Yahoo Answers itself can identify them by time stamps. The team will investigate. The more examples you have, the better, up to 5 for each - especially if it is the same user profiles!


  • 9 years ago

    Your question is a little incoherent. Could you quote exactly what has been repeated by these people. Ben.

    Edit: They may have multiple accounts or they might be playing mind games with the individual who posted the genuine answer. I have Three years of Yahoo Answer experience, so I think that's what's going on. Good luck with having these parasites exposed and then deleted.

  • 9 years ago

    Balaji, I get hardly any responses to any question I ever ask on yahoo answers..I suppose my questions must all be dumb and stupid because only 2 or 3 people ever respond to them and most sometimes I get some great answers..and other times people just respond with ''yes'' or no'' to questions that need a proper answer...that cannot be answered by simply writing down ''yes' or no'' so a lot of people who answer me if anyone answers at all just want the 2 points for answering a question and apart from you nobody has ever starred a question of mine...and some people only answer half of my question and don't respond to the other nobody seems to read what I ask them and I take effort to number my questions and leave space between them..but still they answer a part of it and most answers are not satisfactory..often but on occasion some people took the trouble to answer 15 questions when I asked something not long ago in connection with the Harry Potter movies and what they liked about the books or the movies and I asked a lot of questions regarding the series and 2 people took the effort to answer all the questions and really did give great answers..but most of the times the answers I believe my questions must suck because I get only half an answer or no answer at all...

    I prefer to answer questions...most of the time i don't get great answers to my questions then I think that I am the most stupid asker of questions and that for this reason I get so little response from people or that they don't give me proper answers and just give me half the answer I ask for...with some remarkably great exceptions...I don't have trolls to answer me but i often get daft answers I guess to stupid questions I ask...x

  • 9 years ago

    Well we call it spam.

    Spam do same things

    Means send tons of message to a user, but those message is not appropriate

    Language not understandable .

    For Example I was receiving hundred of message from different Email I.D per hours.

    All message are inappropriate language. So don't take it very seriously because

    Y/A system very strict towards spam those answers will automatically deleted by Y/A

    Source(s): More about Spam read it.
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 9 years ago

    Hi Balaji,

    Trolls or 'Muppet's' (As Astra puts it) unknown what

    I have noticed is that the first answerer

    has changed their answer to be the same as mine on a couple of occasions though ?

    It needs investigating ?

    Best Wishes.

    Mars Mission Soon In A Galaxy Like Yours..



  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    What logic is this? You are saying the members are new. They can not know answer. They can google to get answer. They copy from google and give it to you. Again another member doing this. Many times i am also doing this. Similar to your questions was asked some 3 and 4 years ago. The answer is available in google. so, they copy and paste. As a questioner you can choose any answer. why you find fault on members? Giving copy and paste answers from google a crime? The members who do also genuine members only and how can you say those members are not genuine? New members are trolls? i am not supporting but it is not correct to blame members unnecessarily without any proof. you floated generally and did not come with proof. How can i believe your words? Can you tolerate if i say your question is a lie since no proof with you? so please don't blame members without any proof.

    Are you trying to get sympathy from other members by floating a question generally without proof?

    please don't anger on me. i am not saying anything against you. i am saying against your question.

  • If they copied someone else's answer then report it. It is against the Guidelines. It is hard to tell unless you put the questions on here. I suggest you go to the Suggestion Board with a link to all the questions involved. Here is the link:

  • 9 years ago

    many people have there own work other than yahoo, or they just bored by yahoo answer.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Why is it happening only to you and that too,frequently?May be your question could have only one answer.Thus,if 4 is added to 5,the result will be same......9.....whoever gives the answer.Since,your question is not complete as to what you asked and what answers(same answers) you got,so,it is difficult for anyone to answer it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Someone loves you so much

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