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Do Anyone Agree With Me The Government Trashing Of Lords Welfare Amendments Was Crossing The Line Of Decency?

So the Tory vermin pressed ahead ignored the views of disability charities and others and overturned some decent amendments which included protecting the benefit of cancer patents and disabled kids. The right wing press are happy ignoring facts so misleading its readership about why the Lords where right in being concerned. It did not really surprise me this is the most vile government in living memory could not give a **** wants the poor and sick to pay of the deficit so there rich mates can have a easy ride. I hope now legal action is taken against this bunch disability group are thinking about taking action . Its needs to be done for the sake of many i believe.


Thanks Rick the only one so far who gets it to the others do any of you actually know who is affected by this bill disabled kids and cancer patients people who are not scroungers or workshy many like cancer patients would of been working. The welfare cap has been misold to gullible tabloid readers they believe this is to show fairness its not its to make the poor and sick pay of the deficit. There should be a cap on private rents that would help bring down the housing benefit bill for a start.The disabled should not be targeted simple as that nor cancer patients its just disgusting

Update 2:

Disgruntled and others for once stop swallowing the crap that the right wing press spill and listen to the charities and other more qualified experts. I am not talking about the able bodied lazy types i was brought up on a council estate i know they exist this will not have any real effect on them its the disabled and other innocent parties who will suffer those who are being shafted by dodgy landlords who will have to move and uproot there kids why should they suffer. Lets have some real action against the banks etc but of course there the Tories friend.

Update 3:

DA you can see your point but i am not defending the lazy workshy i am talking about the disabled and cancer patients the genuine in need being put in the same basket i wish people would look into what this bill includes and why some lords put in amendments in the first place.

Update 4:

Chas that is not a good argument ok he Lords are not elected but we do need a opposing chamber to scrutinise the bills. The fact there is large support is because of the right wing media slanting the debate ignoring the impact on the disabled and sick and the bad landlords with there high rents should be capped in my opinion.I am not in principle against a cap but i do not believe the disabled or the sick should be included at all. Also child benefit is supposed to be universal benefit should be discussed in a separate debate if there going to included in any cap.

Update 5:

sorry the lords.

Update 6:

Erskine yes of course some are lucky and get a good redundancy package or have good savings but there are those who are not in such a position.My point is why should someone recovering from cancer be put through such grief in the first place. Many are still not getting the point i am not talking about able bodied long term unemployed who are not making a effort to find work.

12 Answers

  • DATA
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That was always going to be the result. The government does just exactly what it wants to, regardless of what anyone thinks. The bill going to the Lords for reading etc was just a formality - whatever anyone says or does, the government doesn't care or give a damn.

    They use the law to suit themselves & more often than not, break even their own rules. Curruption doesn't even begin to describe it. Yet back when Margaret Thatcher's government was in power, they used the House Of Lords to their own advantage then to force through changes which brought in charges for eye tests & dental care. So, nothing much changes really, just another corrupt Tory government, Thatcherism The Next Generation (only WORSE)...

    The Right Wing Tory press only report what is comfortable for them to report in favour of the government - ie PROPAGANDA & LIES!!!! That's why they are not interested in this issue.

    How many deaths will have to occur as a result of all this before somebody really starts to take notice?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    During my lifetime I have worked down the pit (coalmine for those not familiar with that term), endured horrific weather in the Merchant Navy, lived in a hostel between the age of twelve and fifteen and lived away from home in cold lodgings for a lot of my life. I have had to put up with an awful lot of discomfort yet I have never been without a job - I simply wanted to work and it makes my blood boil every time I read that benefit scroungers can not live on £26,000. I don't like this Tory government but they are 100% correct in trying to sort this out.

  • 9 years ago

    Hi jack lewis

    My neighbour at the allotment has terminal cancer that is in remission. He is 63 years old and was in full time employment.

    His work place was cutting staff and asked for volunteers for redundancy. My neighbour checked it out and found his income minus travelling costs would be equal to his salary. He volunteered for redundancy and had a considerable redundancy sum. Later he was delighted to discover he also qualified for a brand new car. He had never had a brand new car before.

    I've never had a brand new car despite 50 years in the work place.

    So this level of financial madness is unsustainable and really does need to be addressed.

    Best wishes.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The present day "Lords" dont have much respect or authority. Its just an advisory chamber now but the elected government will always put the people first over lords.

    You know about 1918 or so the Lords would not pass Loyld Georges old age pensions act,so he threatened to advise George 5th to create so many Liberal peers it would go through.They backed down of course/

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  • They are absolutely right in what they are doing, even the Labour party admitted that the welfare system was long overdue for reform, why should someone working for £20,000 a year have to see their taxes keeping someone who doesn't have the decency to at least try and find a job.

    The BBC held a poll and 69% of the electorate were in favour of these reforms.

    The point is not to take anything from those who genuinely need it but to catch up with all those who blatently milk the system.

    Benefits should be a safety net and not a lifestyle choice, those of us who work limit the size of our families to however many children we can afford and no more, why should someone with no intention of working or contributing just keep producing them and be paid more and more money until the size of their family is beyond their ability to support them so they are trapped!

    Government money is taxpayers money which they spent on our behalf and it is there to support those who CANT help themselves or to tide people over between jobs, not to support perfectly able bodied people in perpetual idleness at our expense!

    It's a funny thing the brainwashed Guardianista's are the only ones that lump them all together, they wilfully ignore the truth because the Left loves state dependency, some of us want the freedom to live our lives our way without the state telling us what to do all the time so we take responsibility for our own lives while paying tax to look after those who can't, someone has to bite the bullet and take on the cheats who abuse the system and time after time there has been endless hand-wringing from the left and the bleeding heart liberals who just don't realise how astonishingly illiberal they really are while nothing gets done.

    Yes there may be some mistakes initially but this should not prevent them from trying to adress the problems which have already escalated out of all proportion!

  • GOD
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Regardless of whether it was the Tories or any other party, I think that the house of lords should be disbanded, we have an elected government to run the country and the house of lords are just people that have a title mostly handed down from their ancestors and some that were given the title just because they have done well for themselves such as Alan Sugar, who now can vote as a lord without having been elected or even been involved in politics, at least the Tories were elected by the people of this country, good or bad, personally, I think that they were right to go ahead with the reforms and the likes of the Somali family living in a mansion costing the tax payer £2000 pounds per week will be stopped and perhaps the professional baby breeders that continue to have children so that they can receive more in benefits can also be curbed, by the way, I am a Labour supporter.

  • 9 years ago

    Having worked in benefits I too have been disgusted by the career spongers and If the governments in the past had listened to the front line workers the country would not be in this sorry mess.The spongers form little groups and devise scams to milk more money,I have experienced this across the country and have delighted in putting a stop to some before a penny was wasted,there are far too many native born and greedy imports who feel they are entitled to steal and lie,I would never watch Shameless as I have seen the real thing.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The government were elected & have popular support among the population who are fed up with being taxed to look after people who do not want to work & have kids that they can't afford.

    The Lords are unelected and do not have mandate from the public.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No,good on the government we have got to get rid of this entitilement nonsense,26000 a year is more than what most working people dream of.

  • 9 years ago

    I pay over 10k a year income tax, then I pay VAT & NI.

    I simply cannot afford the luxuries other people that have never worked in my neighbourhood have, and these aren't silver spoon people, these are expert sponges. Why should I work to see other spending my money and literally laughing at the idea of working.

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