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How can we stop unwanted mail to my ID?

I am getting unwanted mails from different advertisers. We could not unsubscribe the same and no provision for the same . Pl any one can send me the way how to prevent this mail to my ID

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Youre never going to totally stop spam

    80% of all email sent is spam

    The way to help keep it under control is

    Never open, unsubscribe, or reply to spam

    It often has tracking to let them know youve opened the mail

    This puts you on their gullible list.

    There is no reason to even go in your spam folder, but once a week, to see if anything good went there in error. Then just delete all till next week.

    If you have mail going to your inbox.

    On the inbox page go to Options> Mail Option>Spam

    and set the controls to only accept mail from your contact.

    Stay out of the spam folder.. its a trash bin of sorts

    Also keep your email address very secure

    Dont let people put it on those bulk fwd fwd fwd emails, with 20 other names on it, and names from the person that fwd fwd-ed the email to them. Those emails eventually fall into the wrong hands.

    Never post your email online

    OR if you put it on a the terms of service

    Many will say they sell your address to marketing firm

    Guard your email address like a credit card

  • 9 years ago

    Never reveal your personal ID to anybody online and never sign up on any site with your ID. Or they are gonna SPAM you. TO solve this problem just make a new personal ID for actual use and make another ID for giving to spammers and for signing up :-D

  • 9 years ago

    its called spam you can not fix it!!

    i have also tried to restrict such sites in gmail but did not work!!

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