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sid asked in TravelUnited KingdomBirmingham · 9 years ago

Visiting Birmingham for business any suggestions?

I am traveling to the UK(for a week) for the first time and will be spending 3 days in Birmingham. I will mostly be free in the evenings and will be there from Wednesday to Friday next week. Any suggestions on places to visit so that I can make the best of my time? I am 25 yrs old btw.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends a lot on what your interests are, and where you are staying.

    There are lots of places that put on free live music, there are lots of cinemas and we have some theatres.

    I'm not sure of the closing time of museums, but there may be some still open in the early evenings.

    Like I said, it's difficult to give you ideas without knowing what you like, but I've attached a few links that have other links to things to do in the city, so you should be able to find something that you'd like to do.

    Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your stay.

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