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my fat hairy friend fat issue?

My fat hairy teen friend is so fat. I love it. He lets me pick him up. I also punch his jiggley stomach. He is embaresed to take off his shirt in publick. He is a hairy gorilla. I want to get him to take off his shirt and let me touch him. And how do i get him to sit his fat @$$ on my lap? He is a streight guy. I am a bisexual male. Please help. ( best answer gets 10 points).


He weighs 180 lbs. His belly hangs down about an inch

Update 2:

He is 15 i am 14

He weighs 180 lbs i weigh 130 lbs. He can lift me. I can lift him. He is fat, i am not.

Update 3:

His belly is so fuzzy that while im thinking about how fuzzy it is is giveing me a *****. His moobs are swuishey

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hug him and bribe him with happy meals to take off his shirt. tell him you love his hairy belly and you Just need to give him a full naked body massage. say you'll even suck him off.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Gremlin like dog growling

    Yes, a scary answer for a troll's question.

  • heya
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    jiggly* embarrassed* public* straight*

    Another obvious troll is obvious.

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