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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 9 years ago

How many christians are aware that Moses didn't actually exist?

no evidence for him outside of the bible myths.

no archaeological, empirical, historical, verbal tradition or written proof of any sort in any culture for his existence. none. zilch, nada, zero, nothing. except a bible story.

some of you will continue to believe the bible myth because I suspect you are now incapable of questioning any bible story. but the facts remain.

23 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Moses existed. It is you I question.

    How do you explain Infrared Satellite photography of the route of the exodus?

    It's 1:30 a.m., February 12, 1991. Twenty-five thousand feet below the A10 Warthog lies the Iraqi desert, chilled to a temperature of 25° F. The A10 rolls out from its lofty perch, silently dropping to an attack altitude of less than 250 feet off the desert floor. The pilot flicks on the infrared gun-site and arms the awesome 30mm Gattling gun. He mutters to himself, "Yep, there they are, lined up like a shopping mall parking lot."

    Six months prior to this encounter, Saddam Hussein parks 1,500 heavy tanks on the border between Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Hussein has crushed the tiny oil-producing country of Kuwait and now appears ready to invade the oil-producing giant with which it shares a common border.

    Alarmed by ominous signs of another invasion by the Iraqi strongman, the United States responds by deploying its elite 32nd Airborne Division to Saudi Arabia. Saddam Hussein continues to threaten the Allies with "the mother of all wars" as he steadfastly builds and reinforces his huge military machine along the Saudi border.

    By mid October it is discovered that Iraq has been burying these heavy tanks in the sand, leaving only the gun turrets sticking out. It is Saddam's intention to use these tanks, spread out along the Saudi border, as a line of artillery. By camouflaging the guns and turrets sticking above the ground, Iraq effectively made these units invisible from the air and any ground surveillance units.

    November 1990, America shifts its Keyhole-satellite into position over the Iraqi desert. The 55-feet-long, 12-ton spy satellite takes pictures of the cold desert floor during the twilight hours. "Big Bird," as the ground crews call it, has infrared scanners capable of detecting a temperature difference of only 1/2 degree from its lofty perch of 155 miles.

    However, Big Bird photographed more than buried tanks. To everyone's amazement, a thin red line (heated areas show up as red on infrared photos) coming from the ancient site of Rameses in the Land of Goshen (Egypt), ran eastward, skirting the East Side of the Red Sea. "So God led the people around the desert road toward the Red Sea" (Exodus 13:18).

    The line went first to Succoth, lying just northeast of Rameses. It was Here the children of Israel, as they left Egypt, first stopped and Collected the bones of Joseph (Exodus 13:19, 20). The line then extended onward to Etham, and then over the high plateau of the Sinai Peninsula, finally dropping down onto what is today called The Gulf of Aqaba, the easternmost finger of the Red Sea.

    One need only look at map of this area to realize that the children of Israel were now trapped. In front of them was the Red Sea Coming from behind them to the northwest was Pharaoh's army. They had been led by God Himself into what appeared to be a trap.

    But, the thin red line emerged from the east side of the Red Sea and continued onward, eventually ending up in present day Saudi Arabia at the foot of a 3,465 foot mountain known as "Jabal al Lawz" (Mountain of God)-the real Mount Sinai!

    The satellite photo team stared incredulously at the photo! A red line, as if drawn by God's own finger, traced the exact route of the exodus. When the Gulf war finally ended, archeologists went back into the region to discover how it was possible for a 3,500-year-old trail to exist well enough to show up on satellite photos.

    They found that a million plus people, with all their livestock, pulverized the desert sand into a fine, flour-like powder. During the desert nights, the humidity rises to levels of near 100%, thus wetting the powdery sand, making a concrete-like substance. Through the years, this highway was buried by shifting sands, protecting the trail from the elements. During the day it would heat up like the tanks, and being more dense than the surrounding sand, continue holding the heat longer into the cold nights! A coincidence? Not even!

    Remember what God told Moses to say to Pharaoh 3,500 years ago, "But Indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth" (Exodus 9:15, 16)

    Moses existed. It is you I question.

    The Voice

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I'm incapable of excepting the fact that all of the infinite matter ever known or created, was confined to a single sub-protonic size compacted not as a single hanging dot in a vacuum, but as everything in existence with nothing "around" it. A subatomic container of everything that has always existed previously and will always exist in the future. In a dimension that couldn't exist upon it itself due to it's paradox nature.

    And that randomly this singularity decided to expand to all of known existence in a matter of trillionths of a second 1X10^-33. And this misshapen explosion produced by something no one quite knows how to explain managed to produce extreme order in a system where all elements are on a single plane flowing in the same order in definable shapes. This goes against all definable laws of physics.

    The surface of the sun is twice as hot as its core. this disobeys the second law of thermodynamics. I can't except that all of modern science is a lie. On the atomic level gravity ceases to exist along with all the laws of motion and the 1rst and 3rd thermodynamic laws.

    I can't have faith in a belief that contradicts itself so much. I doubt the presence of complete random chance that creates such perfection.

    I lack the faith to accept your science.

    We also Know that Jesus of Nazareth was real. Documented. I wonder how a belief based solely off of rumor and lie has fooled so many billion for thousand of years. If it were that easy we would all have a following.

    We do also know that the Jews were slaves in Egypt until, one day, Egypt experienced a series of misfortunes and disease at the time of Ramses the 2nd which prompted them to let the jews go, if you think about it that's a weird reaction. The timing is perfect for Moses. And no, Egyptians rarely documented the names of enemies. If you were humiliated and destroyed by a single individual, how public would you make it. No myth has lived as long as Moses' has. It shows no sign of dying out.

    So, Christianity arguably has more proof and evidence than the leading counterpart. It has more records and facts to back up its name. It logically make almost as much sense, the only thing science has over it, is not all (most) scientists don't accept the childish big bang theory.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    @John and David Rea

    Jesus without doubt, existed. Don't be stupid. he's in roman records, mentioned thousand of time in hundred of records. No one could put on a hoax that big, the guy existed. Check out the source pages on the wiki I sent you. The only question is his holiness/ spiritual power. That's up to you, theres almost no evidence for that. But a jewish man named Jesus was hanging around in Roman territory 2000 years ago. Case Closed on that one.

    Now John, Just becuase Juseo-X has been around longest, doesn't mean it's right. Okay? Sorry, that's bad logic. The big bang definitely has holes in it. I'll grant you that, and there are flaws in most of the reasoning behind science, but no more flaws than any religion has made. They're about even.

    And David-Rea? Are you daft? What the heck? Of cuorse we have evidence of Jesus, I don't think the guy has the son of god. Anymore than I think there was aGod, but a pretty good con artist was definietly roaming the ancient streets of Isreal. Get your Google cap on mate.

    And no, the Big Bang is not really 100% verifiable as you claim. It has more holes than swiss cheese. It's what is called a "MAthmatical Pluasibility" It is accepted only becuase it hasn't been disproven yet by a better alternative (like these storybook beleivers). I'd expect better research from both of you. And by the way J, there are more paradoxes with God than in science. What do we have, maybe 10? You got loads more to deal with, sorry.

    And just becuase we haven't got it figured out now doesn't mean we won't come up with an answer eventually. I'm quoting John here:

    "We have to take things one step at a time.

    The human chart for advancement versus time is like a flat line dipping towards a gradual curving slope.

    If you shrank all of life down to one year single celled organisms dominated until mid October, and your first primitive animals came about in late November. The dinosaurs hadn't evolved until Dec. 26th and mammals only started taking hold on December 31st, mid afternoon. Hominids have been here only for the last hour and modern humans only 5 minutes before midnight. Our first civilizations spring up 45 seconds before the new year and modern society is less than a hundredth of a second old.

    As a species we've been here 120,000 years (biologically speaking don't hate). The last time a country had engaged in slavery based on race was America in 1864. A few seconds. Gay equality still hasn't panned out. We have hardly been here at all, give it a little bit of time."

    Don't hate. Niether side has come close to exlaining anything yet. Peace.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I was born and raised a Christen but during my studies of other Religions / or ways of life i would have to take up Zen Buddhist as a way of life since it is Not a religion but if you look closely you will find that they are both very much the same but now are you saying what they are now or what way they were at first -remember that Christan's / Islam /Moslem's all came from Abraham the Faith of all Tibetan first were no more then a Barbarians until they figure there was something more to life

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  • 9 years ago

    @ Voice in the Wilderness.

    Incredibly there is no mention of that on any website apart from Christian propaganda sites.

    Nothing from NASA or any other reputable site.

    I call BS.

    Nope, literally nothing except that copy and paste nonsense you are spewing.

    @ John

    Jesus is not 100% fact as you are claiming, but the evidence that points to the big bang is.

    It's very strange that you dismiss something with verifiable, real-world evidence as childish but then claim that something written about in a story book that has so many interpretations it's own followers can't even agree on it, and that has been changed so often throughout history, is completely true.

  • 9 years ago

    Why confine your question to what Christians think about the existence of Moses? Apart from the fact that nearly 2 billion Christians believe he was a historic person, there are nearly another 2 billion Muslims and Jewish people who believe he was a historic person.

    Renowned Egyptologist David Rohl has written two books on the subject of how biblical claims relating to Egypt, Joseph and Moses are astonishingly accurate. He believes Joseph and Moses were historic characters, but he doesn't claim to be a Christian. You should read his books and then you could post factually based questions.

    Source(s): A Test of Time - The Bible, from myth to history & The Lost Testament - From Eden to Exile 1995 & 2002 respectively, Century Press
  • 9 years ago

    your wrong moses did exist you are a liar

    did you know you had no great grandparents 1500 years ago

    no archaeological, empirical, historical, verbal tradition or written proof of any sort in any culture for their existence. none. zilch, nada, zero, nothing.

    so you can not claim you ever had any

  • 5 years ago

    Considering that we've found the dwellings of the Hebrews in Canaan, and the physical evidence contradicts the Biblical assertions, (and the fact that "moses" [or "mesis" or "mises"] was a title, not a name), you're probably correct. (But I'm not Christian, so does it count?)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i really dont care, just because there is no evidence of god or god like men like him anywhere doesnt hide the fact that they remain the main focal point of our everyday life. the good morals and advices found in the bible is what its all about. teaching of love and not hate thats good its up to u to believe it or not. so f*k u

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You gave the negatives, but you neglected the positives. Archeologists found the origins of Judaism in the land of Canaan, and it predates the Exodus.

  • 9 years ago

    How do you belive that your great-great-great-grand ma existed. There is no archeological evidence. There is no one talking about her including your own family people. Its all myth that you had that person in your family. You cant proove it.


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