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A question to christians?

You do realise that you have just as much proof for your god as i have prove for that wizards and elves are real, right?


@Matthew No i'm not joking. Both books are bestsellers, and both books belongs under the category "Fiction".

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    @Moving On!: "WTF would an atheist like you care?"

    Because we don't want weirdos such as you teaching creation in schools, encouraging humans to be dumb, and spreading the virus of religion, and oppressing people using sexist, homophobic and downright oppressive laws invented by typical goatherder men.

    Wouldn't YOU care if someone was spreading a false religion?

    Even YOU are 'atheist' to EVERY OTHER religion apart from the one you believe in.

    I'm sorry that you're so simple minded you can't see the obvious here.


    "You don't believe that there IS a God, you stinking hypocrite!"

    Where's the hypocrisy?


    "WTF are you so obsessed with a being that you don't even believe exists?"

    Because the 'beings that don't exist' are exerting control over people who THEN exert control over those that DON'T WANT TO BE CONTROLLED BY YOUR STUPID SKY FAIRY.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Let's see. We know God is who He claims to be because He’s done what He said He would do. That’s the whole point of prophecy and why studying it is so important to us. It’s God authenticating Himself.

    For 6000 years He’s been describing things before they happened, so when they did His people would know that He was telling us the truth. Everything He said would happen in the past has happened, so it makes sense to believe that everything He said would happen in the future will happen.

    There are over 300 Old Testament prophecies, all of them a matter of public record hundreds of years before the fact, predicting the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. The abundance and specificity of these prophecies demolish any notion of chance, exceed the requirements of statistical analysis, and prove more conclusively than any other fact of history that Jesus is the Son of God. In fact there is more hard evidence to prove that He is Who He claims to be, than there is that you are who you claim to be.

    This is the unique and truly beautiful thing about the Bible. It stands alone among the so-called Holy Writings of the world, in its self-validating ability. Only the Bible tells the future with 100% accuracy. God knew we would be skeptical, unbelieving children. So early on, He began telling us things in advance of their occurrence so when what He said came true, we would be willing to believe Him. In this way we can be assured that our faith is justified.

    In fact in Isaiah 44:6-8 God challenged anyone who claimed to be like Him to a two part test.  Part 1 is to accurately recount the past and part two is to accurately proclaim the future. Only God, who knows the end from the beginning  can do this.

    Anyone who will put aside their pre-conceived notions and undertake an unbiased study of Old Testament prophecy can prove God’s existence beyond a shadow of doubt within a few hours. As God had Isaiah write, “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.   I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.” (Isaiah 46:9-10)  No other so-called deity can make that claim.

    When you study Bible Prophecy and World History side by side it doesn’t require much faith at all to believe the Bible. The evidence in fulfilled prophecy is just too overwhelming. But don’t take my word for this, try it for yourself. The truth converts emotion to logic, adds knowledge to zeal, and makes your faith unshakable. Someday soon that kind of faith might well come in handy.

    Check this out for more:

    Did mere man really write the Bible? If you say "yes" then explain this:

    A rational look at God and science:

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No. I cannot prove to you God exists, but I sure have a ton of proof for myself.

    By the way, God can prove Himself to anyone who wants to know Him.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The holy spirit is true, and so is the bible. Oh and you forgot to add atheism into the joke section of the library.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I have no problem admitting that my 'logic' for believing will not register with someone who does not believe (ie, according to atheists I have no logical reason for believing).

    My expressing what I believe should not be a threat to you unless of course, you suspect it is true.

    Source(s): Christian
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    we have our faith and as long as a christian carries faith they will not be upset at ignorant comments from people like you. You dont know if you are wrong which is why you should keep your unessesarry comments about religion in that empty skull of yours.

  • 9 years ago

    Then you should change your name to Mr. Minimal Knowledge

  • 9 years ago

    You are clearly joking buddy.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    WTF would an atheist like you care?

    You don't believe that there IS a God, you stinking hypocrite!

    WTF are you so obsessed with a being that you don't even believe exists?

    Seems like you atheists are the ones with the mental problems!

    Obsession with a being that doesn't exist.


    TSK! TSK!

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