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Do you wish the occupy wall street people would go home and shower?

And look for a job instead of waiting for a handout?

16 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here's a cute story you can read about in the New York Post:

    An off-shoot of OWS after being evicted from Zoo-cooti Park in NYC went to Brooklyn

    under the pretext of helping home-owners in foreclosure.

    A poor chump took then at their word and allowed them to camp in his foreclosed


    They said they would repair his home in the process of them squating there as free-loaders.

    Can you guess what happened??...:-)

    Yup, they f**ked up his house all to hell, trashing the place from roof to basement.

    The poor quy was hoping to work something out with the bank,

    but now the house is slatted for demolition as not worth the price of repair.

    OWS, a bigger bunch of low-life losers and misfits is hard to find..;-)

  • 9 years ago

    Thanks for contributing to the dialog on this site. Nobody has ever asked this question before. I'm sure you didn't get the idea to ask this original and creative question by watching Fox News.

    Look, the rich now take home 24% of the nation's income, and many of them pay less in taxes than the middle class. Romney for example pays about an 11% tax rate thanks to the capital gains loophole. Our jobs are being shipped overseas. Our government only cares about finding ways to make the rich get richer. Somebody has got to bring these issues to public attention, and if Occupying public spaces for months on end is what it takes then so be it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Actually I would like to take the time and thank them for their efforts in spite of police brutality . They started a movement that has now produced at least 2 proposed Constitutional amendments to remove money from elections . " OCCUPIED " and " Get The Money Out " both are common sense programs designed to counter the Citizens United ruling from the less than supreme court . I for one am fed up with lobbyists on behalf of a handful of ultra wealthy BUYING our government and giving away half of revenues in tax loopholes .

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't think they are there just for handouts You should take care not to talk.. Its not a class Reunion. They are hurting and you talk them down to the Ground.America sucks right now.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    ...But then if they got a job, they would complain about being part of the corporate machine. They would have to cash that check at a bank, and pay taxes on their wages.

    What can ya do?

  • 9 years ago

    No, they are so adorable! The way they throw their herion needles all over the parks! The way they have all those Rats as their pets!

    They are like the NEW ZOO- and its FREE To watch them- But from a distance because they might hurt you, like if you close to LION- they might Bite! Think of a Lion being Stoned ! How scary would they be?

  • 9 years ago

    Yes and I bet they do to. If they were any jobs, If they had a shower or even a home to go to.

    How do you get to live in this bubble, I want to know, life is so rosy there, except for those pesky Democrats and their dam# facts.

  • Yes, and stop the other objectionable and illegal acts some of them have committed in public, like indecent exposure and public defecation.

  • 9 years ago

    Ok baby boomer ... Don't you wish baby boomers ( uneducated) actually had global competition when growing up....( wonder where u would be today .... ( Laughing ) The worst generation ever baby boomers, their greed will destroy this country, AARP is a socialist communist organization!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No, I agree with a lot of what they stand for. I don't like bought politicians or the government bailing out private businesses.

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