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Lv 7
D asked in PetsReptiles · 9 years ago

Tortoise suddenly doesn't like the UVB bulb?

I have a Russian tortoise female, approx 15 yrs. The bulb is a reptisun 10.0 CFL. She also has two heat bulbs, all on 14 hr daylight timers.

The CFL is about 5 months old.

Three weeks ago, she started hiding under things and not eating whenever the CFL bulb was on (did not eat for a week originally). If I turn it off, she starts eating the next day, and eats extremely well. I tested the theory 3-4 times with different time intervals, and always the same results.

Now, any clue on why this is? The bulb is getting close to the magical 6 months expiration, but that means it should decrease the UVB, correct? No signs of eyelid swelling, etc, she looks normal.

Temps are gradient and kept at ~65 at the colder end, 90 directly under the lamps. When she hides, it will be at the warm or cold end, no preference, as long as she can get under something. No recent changes in diet, temps, substrates, etc.

Any suggestions would be helpful! I don't want to spend the money to buy a new bulb if will just hide from it, and it is too cold up here to be adding natural daylight for a few more months.

Thanks in advance!

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's the bulb, that's the wrong type for a tortoise. Those are for small lizards ect not for one who needs the highest UV. Invest in a MVB they are the best for tortoises. Or if you want get a reptisun 10.0 tube light. That has to be changed every 6 months. A mercury vapor bulb lasts up to a year, and is better in my opinion. Good luck :)

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    No, the common lighting which you detect at aim, Walmart, and so on. do no longer contain UVB. jointly as your tortoise would be ok for some weeks (at maximum) it incredibly is critical get a UVB bulb on it as quickly as a danger. additionally undergo in techniques that jointly as the UVB bulbs do no longer burn out that frequently, they'd desire to get replaced each nine months (approximately) because of the fact the quantity of UVB they produce will lessen, and it is not truthfully observed.

  • Nomadd
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It's not the UV. It's the flicker from beiong a CFL. It drives a lot of animals and people crazy.

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