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Lv 7

Should people receiving any form of entitlement from the government be required to pass a drug test?

If they can afford to buy drugs; why am I paying for their milk?

I had to endure thirty years of unannounced drug tests in order to keep my job..... Shouldn't they at least meet the same standards I had to maintain?.....Are we helping them to be healthy productive citizens by indirectly paying for their drug habit?


INSOC1.....Sorry it is not a violation of the 4th Amendment..... The fourth amendment prevents illegal are not forcing anyone to submit to a are requiring they volunteer if they want benefits.... just like weight and height standards to join the military.... you must be drug free tojoin the ranks of entitlement recipients .......

Update 2:

CW.... Cite your source..... I know of no survey that supports that conclusion

Update 3:

SCOOTER POWER First Social Security is not an entitlement program.... We paid our money and it is our money we are getting back.. same with unemployment.... should we have these forced programs is another issue.....but they are not in the strictest definition "entitlements" ....

Is the extra cost worth it....?? Will it reduce entitlement fraud????

Update 4:

WRITER'S BLOCK....Testing anyone getting "entitlements" (a free ride) I can agree with....but unemployment is something we pay is our money not the governments

Update 5:

PAT..... For the record.....I never used drugs.....never smoked nor do I consume alcohol.... so I will take a drug test anytime and anywhere..... not a problem.....

You failed to see the difference between people who support themselves using drugs.......and people who want MY MONEY to live on while they use their money to buy drugs and STAY dependent on me

From your hostile reaction one might think you use drugs???? Personally I think drugs should be legal.....I just do not want you using MY MONEY so you can buy them.......just like I do not want to be forced to eat beans and rice so you can use my money to buy stamps should only be for basic necessities.... i.e. rice, beans, flour, milk, etc......NOT LUXURIES.... like cigarettes, beer, high cost prepared foods.....and want those get a job

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, they should. It's disgusting to think that we (the government, the taxpayers) would fund people's drug habits.

    Drug testing should be mandatory. That would pare down the welfare roles. Maybe the same should go for unemployment insurance, too.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Not a good idea in practice. Increasing the number of government employees and coming up with new regulations to run another phase of ineffective government thinking will not really solve anything. How about we drug test all employees that do any kind of government job? Sounds reasonable as an idea but as a practice it fails. How about cigarette smokers on entitlement? If they can afford to smoke or let's say drink then no more anything for them-Right? Well what about social security folks? Seems to me that if they have money enough to drive four hours to visit family then there is too much extra going on there-Right? You can start with the drug tests for welfare but trust me it will grow into bigger and more intrusive government as these programs begin to justify their own existence. Just like the programs we have now. Don't we have too much of that already.In theory it sounds reasonable in practice just more government out of control.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Interesting question and debateable.Probably should be required just to rule out the usage of non perscription drugs.If they are taking illegal drugs our tax payer money goes to the millions of people who are using illegal drugs just making the drugs problem a bigger problem by funding their habit.

    Source(s): Me-Just my comment and also common sense to me.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I'll go for that.

    As long as ALL welfare recipients are required to do it.

    That means ALL bank, oil company, car company, and pro sports execs.

    Mario Lemieux and Dan Rooney first.

    And then YOU.

    Yes, dear.


    We Are All Welfare Recipients

    Welfare in America: Myths and Facts

    Let's Criminalize Poverty

    By the way, they tried that in Florida.

    They quit because it cost the state more to do the testing than the money they saved because they didn't find any welfare recipients on drugs.


  • 9 years ago

    Like in Florida where they spent over 20 million to catch 2 percent of people at a savings of 20, grand?

    Great plan, never mind its a 4 th amendment violation

  • 9 years ago

    I think so .

    I have a friend who's getting government help & if you go to the building they are all driving bmw's & Mercedes ! NO FAIR

  • 9 years ago

    I want to see Congressman pass drug tests first.

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