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Anonymous asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 9 years ago

Messianic Jewish abuse on Yahoo Answers. About Yeshua (Jesus - Messiah) Correct?

I am a Messianic Jew. I know that my traditional Jewish people do not like any Jewish person believing in Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew). I understand that.

(and Yes - I really am Jewish) BOTH Parents Jewish, (Father was in the Israeli Army) I was raised in NYC, Bar-Mitzvah in a Conservative Shul, 2 sets of silverware, the whole 9 yards... etc.... I can to faith in Yeshua in 1986. 1,000% sure He is the Messiah.

So apparently - it is now OK to simply get my answers removed from any question by repeatedly "falsely" reporting it to Yahoo as a violation of community standards.

And they are only questions that deal with Yeshua.

So is the standard - "we do not want others to hear about Yeshua - so let's try something else?"

This is my suspicion.

What do you think of this?


42 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    here are two kinds of Jews. Jews that believe that Jesus is the Messiah and Jews that don't believe Jesus is the Messiah. The non Messianic Jews do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Messianic ones do. The non Messianic Jews include Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, Beta Israel, Karaites and Donmeh. There are also Jews called Jewiches (Wiccan Jews) and Jewbus (Buddhist Jews).

    Strangely, some Non Messianic Jews insist in defining Messianic Judaism as a form of Christianity. This way they can claim that they are following another religion. They also tell you that only Jews get to decide who Jews are. In the same breath they tell you who Christians are. In this way they get to define Christianity yet and at the same time Christians don't have a right to decide who Christians are.

    Some have said that that Judaism is a Messianic religion and that all Jews are Messianic but this has only come about since the incredible popularity of the Messianic movement. So some non Messianic Jews appear to be trying to steal the Messianic name.

    Non Jews don't believe that Messianic Jews are Christians. The problem is people calling themselves Messianic Jews are as diverse in beliefs and practices as Non Messianic Jews, so it’s hard to pin down universal beliefs that some here insist that they have.

    A person becomes a Jew by being born of a Jewish mother or converting to Judaism. Once a person is a Jew they are always a Jew.

    There is one exception for is belief that Jesus is the Messiah. Jews will tell you that Messianic Jews have joined another religion the moment they start believing he is the Messiah.

    At the same time you have Jews practicing Paganism (Jewitch), becoming Buddhists (Jewbu) and joining the Unitarian Church and they will say that they are still Jews. Yet you will never see any complaints about that. (please google these terms and see for yourself.) You will never see a group forming for the sole purpose of stopping Jews from becoming Jewitches!

    All of these religions have a very different understanding of who God is but they will tell you that belief in Jesus invalidate a persons Jewishness because they have a different understanding of who God is.

    They will accept the Pagan Buddhist and Unitarian influences on Jewish practice but not from Jesus. Some will even admit that Jesus just taught traditional Judaism but wasn't anything special even though he taught others that he was the Messiah.

    Jews can join other religions and still be considered Jews Examples of this are Jewbus (Jewish Buddhists), Jewitches (Pagan or Wiccan Jews) and Donmeh (Muslim Jews. Here is a link on information on Donmeh

    The Donmeh and the followers of Rabbi Schneerson also believe that the Messiah has already come although they don't believe in the same Messiah as the Messianic Jews they are still considered Jews. The Jewish websites refer to both of these groups as Jews. Since you can practice other religions and still be a Jew you should still be a Jew if you believe that Jesus is the Messiah.

    Jews will admit that Christianity started out as a sect of Judaism and that Jesus and all the apostles were Jews. They will also tell you that Jews that are trying to live that life are not Jews. So you know that all the rules are being bent for this one group. It’s just a matter of prejudice.

    Someone asked a question about worshiping the Fire God Ferris here on Yahoo. The focus of the question was" ...would you PERSONALLY feel comfortable welcoming me not just as a fellow congregant at your Synagogue, but as a member of the Tribe?" (so he was clearly asking about converting to Judaism).

    The response was "Reform Judaism covers a wide swath of beliefs and practices and I am sure you will be wholly accepted. ... I personally would accept you whole heartily as a fellow Jew.";_ylt=AkytT...

    Messianic Jews are just other members of the tribe.

    Everyone has heard of:




    Donmeh (Muslim Jews)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Jewish is a religion. Christianity is a religion. I still can't figure out what Messianic Jews are in terms of religion. Since Jesus doesn't fit the job description of messiah, I an forever confused by Messianic Jews (who if they believe that Jesus is the Messiah, by definition, are not Jews).

    I think I understand the basic theology of most of Christianity. I think I understand the basic theology of Judaism. But, I don't think that from a logical point of view, you can just slap the two together and claim to be Jewish. It makes more sense to say your a Hinjew (because Hinduism is all inclusive and I love Ram Dass). But, I digress.

    Since Christianity is exclusive in its belief of Jesus, I just can't wrap my brain around something called Messianic Judaism. It's kind of like an "excuse" to not be Jewish and be Jewish at the same time when it's not Jewish at all.

    On to community standards: I have no idea why answers were removed because I can't see what they were. Perhaps, someone inadvertently (or not) posted anti-Semitic remarks or something.

    I think that probably the best thing you could do is, if you believe in Christianity, to stand up for what you believe and call yourself a Christian. To somehow try to envelope it in Judaism seems to be more than just a little misleading. It's just my opinion, but the term Messianic Jew just makes me shake my head in utter disbelief.

  • 9 years ago

    Paranoid or not understand the Guidelines, Terms.

    You're not the only one that gets deleted.

    Perhaps it's the way you ask the. We can't see your questions to make any judgement so who knows.

    You've got the work Yeshua in this post and yet it's still here. Hummmm

  • 9 years ago

    Every group of people has, at one time or another, claimed that THEY were being targeted -- if all were right, there's never be any questions at all.

    Read the Guidelines. For instance, if you haven't been asking questions, but preaching, that's a violation.

    If you are sure you haven't violated ANY of them, use the appeal process in the notification email.

    LOL 100% is completely, so 1000% in this context makes no sense -- but then, thinking a long dead guy is magical doesn't make any sense, either.

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  • 9 years ago


    Reporting to shut people up is common here. You need to appeal & take up your concerns with Yahoo if you feel you are being targeted by internet bullies.

    The rest? How lovely for you. No, I'm not being sarcastic. I'm an atheist & have mixed feelings about the religious turning on one another. Relief I'm not the target, but sympathy for what you're going through.

    PS: OH BROTHER @ the dude who says we atheists hate untrue...I've got Jewish friends in real life & as contacts on here and my son, the apple of my eyes is partialy Jewish himself...Jewish grandparent on his father's side...crap on a cracker that was not right to say we hate Jews....

  • 9 years ago

    I think you could of phrase your statement and defined your Messianic Jew to make your point a little more. Saying you got saved in 86 does not state your age, but you tell you had a Bar-Mitzvah. Here is my point after you got saved what you were is not what you are in the spiritual sense only in the political sense. Defining it by a birthday tradition is not the way to go.

    To be what you are answer question has nothing to do with each other. In other words if you answer in truth even if you do not always agree you be fine.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    if there is a reason to violate someone, it is usually true.

    one must not violate Terms of service.

    ive had questions that were removed and i didnt see any violation. in all the years ive been on, ive only had about 2 or 3 (half dozen at most) that were appealed. now i dont think they do appeals.

    read the rules and avoid the snares and traps.

  • 9 years ago

    Some people make a hobby of reporting questions. For awhile there you could hardly ask any question without it being reported.

    I don't think there is a way of finding out who is reporting your questions so it could be anyone, not necessarily Jewish people upset with you.

    FWIW. I'm glad you found Yeshua. : )

    WIshing you well.

  • 9 years ago

    ive given a thousand violations

    and ive only been wrong about a dozen times.

    i think it starts with unrighteous dominion. first there was false customer service that didnt know religion or spirituality and then there were those that just hated hearing the truth.

    atheists and a few christian types love to give violations if it disagrees with their misleading teachings.

    everyone believes something (that is a lie) and everyone is misled on different levels. so its been said.

  • 9 years ago

    A *LOT* of questions and answers get removed from R&S. Some deserve it. Most, probably, do not. A few people here see it as their mission to quash ideas they don't approve of. Myself, I think different opinions should be free to compete in the marketplace of ideas.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The last time this sort of thing was going on, people on one side of the Christians/atheists debate attacked the other side until their accounts were suspended. (To my embarrassment, it was my fellow Christians that pulled that crap.)

    The two best defenses I know of are:

    (a) either create, or be prepared to create, new accounts; and

    (b) by all means, change your profile to make your Q&A private, so they can't simply target everything you post by tracking your profile.

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