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Lv 5
suze asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 9 years ago

Has anyone tried CoreLean diet tablets ?

20 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only thing that reduces fat cells is the amount of stored energy in the form of lipids stored in them.

    We do not reduce the number of fat cells in the body once they are developed. Only their size.

    Sorry. This product is just another marketing angle to the same old "magic" diet pill.

    Not approved by any medical or dietary organization.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


    Source(s): BREAKTHROUGH in Weight Loss Research
  • 5 years ago

    Adios to your £s, but not of course to your lbs! Absolutely useless! Look around you if ANY of these things worked would we be getting so overweight? We are what we eat, but we are at least as much what we don't do. Calorie intakes in 1900 and 1950 were higher than they are now, we just don't use them up! Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg. Take a healthy amount of exercise 30-40 minutes of vigorous exercise per day 4-5 days a week. I hate to think what percentage of the UK population does that 2%? 5%? I have seen hundreds of questions with this same pattern :- I am fat, tell me where on line I can get this super diet or herbal/dangerous/illegal drug that I hear will fix it for me in 10 minutes without the need for me to get off the couch! No fixes pal , less in more out, its the only way.

  • 6 years ago

    I ve just finished a course of 180 CoreLean tablets (4 per day) over 45 days and I can honestly say I didn t lose any weight WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Hi. Yes, I've tried them.

    Thinking of the other two answers, before mine, they repeat the old wisdom that you should exercise, eat more healthily, etcetera.

    For myself, I am ill unfortunately,with conditions that included Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and chronic migraine. The latter especially means I have cravings for foods which give me any kind of sensation relief, and that means cakes and biscuits etc. It's almost like a diabetic, medical biological kind of craving, in that I have not been able to help it at all usually (though I'm not diabetic).

    So, naturally, people like myself, or others who find they just cannot do much significant exercise or are unable to change their diet, look for sources of help.

    I think that this kind of supplement MIGHT just help you to change your diet and maybe eventually get into a position where you can begin and hopefully keep up exercise.

    It's wise to try to focus on getting 5 portions of fresh fruit or veg per day, whatever else you're eating. This is the way to at least some health, and eventually trying to get the things from your diet which make you fatter.

    I am tall, with a quite thin frame by form, typically. However, in the last decade, my stomach and chest have become really obese. It's an odd site - the legs and arms and head are not so different (neck droops though), while in my torso there is huge obesity.

    I'm trying Corelean plus quite a few other things at the same time. L-Carnitine, Holland and Barret Fat Metaboliser, Reduline (diet fat extinguisher), and T3 by San.

    These are what I will take in the times when I'm not eating, all together (also trying the Reduline before eating).

    This, plus 3 other approaches may seem to be helping more. The thing is you don't realise just how big you are until a method like this brings out the size of your body - it rolls out what had been kept in more. If you are losing weight by exercising you don't notice this much, or it lasts shorter, but it's funny when you can't exercise.

    So, at least this says to me that I am might be limiting my weight at least - before losing it. Because when you're putting on and can't help your diet, it can go on forever, and it's a feat just to stop. Losing weight is something else then.

    The other three elements of moving towards losing weight are -

    1. Take a good Amino Acid complex after a meal. I take Holland & Barrett Amino 1500 x 3 or 4. If you've had a meal, and then have either a desert or tea / coffeee and biscuits afterwards, you should be taking the Amino Acids. They help your metabolism and are essential nutrients, also. (These aren't too dear if you buy in the H&B Penny Sale or 2 for the price of 1 sales which come around. It means you get a huge amount of Amino Acid tabs which last a long time - great value for money).

    2. Take CLA before a good sized meal. (Cheap in Ebay, a few pounds, again.)

    3. Take Senna or Dulcolax or both at least once a week, preferably twice. I take more than the Senna Max Strength prescribed dose, because it does work. You need to clear out the system of what builds up, after the nutrients have been absorbed. (So not the same day as the good meal you've had, or at least a long time after on that same day.) I also can take Senna tea (Slimatea) at times - it does help, also, keeps bowel movements from seizing up, rather than being a systemic clear out.

    Also, drink green tea first thing when you get up to clear out toxins. If you drink tea, drink more water as tea dehydrates the cells.

    Drink more water generally. Drink a lot more, but not when you're eating, or taking the slimming / metabolism tablets.

    Try not to rely on dairy products so much. They can make your body ready for weight gain and against metabolising what you eat. But at the same time, once you've started a fat burning diet including supplements, you'll probably need some dairy - milk, cream, yoghurt, low fat custard for the relief from the sharpness of how your body can go.

    I think these things I've been taking, including Corelean do help.

    Corelean is the most expensive of them - the L-Carnitine, CLA etc. you can get in Ebay for a few pounds for a month.

    I've tried laser lipo and I think I put on weight rather than lost it. Ultrasound lipo, though I've also tried, which seemed better. Either of these should only be used with a good lot of exercise at the same time.

    Ideally the same is true for the supplements, but when you can't - it's better than nothing, I'm fairly sure. And they get you towards a better diet, concentrating on fruit and veg and lean protein and exercise (for me I hope eventually).

    If you haven't been having enough vitamin D, supplement. It's an important vitamin.

    LAST THING - very important - increase SALT. If you increase salt in your diet, also increase water intake proportionately. Increasing salt can make you more hungry or have more cravings in the short term, but really should stabilise those in the longer terms - it nearly always happens for everyone. If you already take 5-6g of salt or more (NaCl, not sodium) per day, then you should be OK - if you're not drinking enough for that amount of diet salt, increase water.

    A brilliant way of increasing salt and electrolytes - which, if you keep it up, WILL aid you towards speeding up metabolism, losing weight, gaining more nutrition and hydration from your diet, is pills like these:

  • 4 years ago

    in the event you must have a new nice, take in the fruits. or a cookie

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Gain Muscle Quickly
  • milton
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    advisable make gradual to eat food items such as hot soups full fruites

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Help to Solve GERD
  • 9 years ago


    all you are doing by buying these things is making very expensive urine.

    If you want to loose weight just eat better (you dont have to eat less just better food)

    its really not rocket science fresh fruit & veg.

    lay off the macs and the fish n chips ( its not called JUNK food for nothing)

    you dont have to starve yourself just eat right.

    you can still have some junk just not everyday.

    do a bit of excersize, start off easy, dont expect to run a marathon in a day.

    Source(s): Me Coz i am perfect
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