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Why would a spider spend days in the same place on the ceiling?

She's in 'open ground' as it were, not a corner where she could spin a good web to catch things. As she's been there for at least four days, I had begun to think she was dead, but a gentle nudge proved me wrong. Her body is about half an inch long. I'm in the north of England, if that helps identify what sort this might be. I'd love to know what she's doing. She's directly above the bath and I really don't want her to drown. I am very fond of the spiders that live in my house, but ignorant. I don't think I've ever seen one behave like this before.


Oh, come on, people! I've said she's not in a corner (do try reading the question before answering, eh?). There is no obvious web. And what exactly do I google? I'm asking on here precisely because I can't see what to google. Give me a break.

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is not unusual,and if she is simply staying dormant, she is just fine. It may be possible she is getting ready to molt, or if she has been around a long time,she could be on the verge of dying.

    Sadly, they don't live forever, but there will always be more.

    I am a bit surprised your nudge didn't provoke a more active response like running or dropping to the ground.

    Your description is too vague to ID your little friend but may likely be a common house spider:

    If you feel you must relocate her, you can get her in a cup with a piece of paper, or even provoke her to drop into your hand. She may play dead or just try to web off your hand, and place her where you like.(she wont bite)

    Being a little familiar with spiders, if we can identify your pet,I can give you some information about it.

    Source(s): UC Irvine, entomology
  • 9 years ago

    It actually very legitimately could be that she's pregnant. I have lots of spiders in my house and even though I'm not a fan, I usually leave them alone unless they're poisonous or encroaching on my belongings, so I've seen a couple like this. It seems that they just try and find a comfortable warm spot where they can reside and then wait for the eggs to hatch. You might want to move her, as there are a LOT of babies which are born. For me, the pregnant one was just on the inside of the door frame, so I don't think there's a real pattern to where they stay.

  • 5 years ago

    How about a tiny spider that has been on top of a napkin for over a week in the office? If I blow at her to check she's fine she just runs and disappears for a little bit, just to go back to the same place a few minutes after. No web around either. Thanks!

  • 9 years ago

    ive seen spiders spin their webs inside and out. corners of ceilings seem to be their favorite. well when you think about it, insects fly around and land in that general area all the time. if you have windows near where the spider is it may believe that it's outside. ive seen flys stay near windows all the time trying for hours to escape. the spider is programmed to do what it does. it spins a web to catch prey and feed. nothing different about the spider in your house and the ones outside.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You just have a really lazy spider.

    It is the arachnid equivalent of a couch potato.

    On the other hand, it may be doing lots of moving when you are not in the room, but returns to the same spot when it hears you coming because it knows it annoys you. It is playing mind games with you.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Iv always thought the same thing. Maybe its a female spider and she's carrying babies.? Your best bet may be too google it :) x

    Source(s): Personal experience :) xx
  • 9 years ago

    Mayb she's pregnant or something! Take her to the hospital and find her husband!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    My guess is that she's just patient.

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