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? asked in TravelIrelandOther - Ireland · 9 years ago

does northern ireland belong to ireland?


are they the same races?

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a separate country that is part of the United Kingdom which means it is aligned with the England, like the Welsh and Scots. There are plenty of people in Northern Ireland who would like to join with the Republic of Ireland to the south.

  • 9 years ago

    Northern Ireland shares the island of Ireland with the Republic of Ireland but while the Republic is an independent country & Northern Ireland is part of the UK

    On the issue of whether or not we are the same people I would advise you to go Wikipedia & read up on the history of Northern Ireland

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Thats like asking does America belong to Canada as they are on the same land mass. ?Does North Korea belong to South Korea. ?Of course N. Ireland does not belong to another country. Thats why in 1998 the Dublin government took out of its constitution its rediculous claim, to N. Ireland.which merely fuelled the IRA killing machine. Two totally different countries one totally British one completely Irish. Hence the border.

    Source(s): Very simple question a child could answer.
  • Orla C
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The same races? WTF?

    Like everywhere in Europe, you get people from ALL backgrounds in both places. I can't actually believe someone is ask this ... duh. It's the 21st century, what races did you think were there?

    Northern Ireland is officially part of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland is a separate country. (Hint: Republic, Kingdom - get it?)

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