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Do you have a preferred television news network?

Which is the most objective?

Which is the most biased? Which is the most right-wing, which is the most left-wing? Which is pushing an agenda?

Which do you find the most entertaining?

Do you have any favorite Commentators/pundits?

Do you prefer any particular network for specific reasons or different kinds of news stories?

Are there any that you outright hate?

Thanks in advance for your complete answers

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    With the understanding that all of them exist to make the most profit, I prefer MSNBC. I used to watch CNN, but they've gotten so gimmicky it's a waste of time. All are biased in one way or the other, although some allow that bias to color the way they report the news. I wish I could say that Fox was only biased in their commentary shows, but I've watched their news report often enough to know that they are not. And I don't know of any other channel that reported on Obama's "$200 million a day Southeast Asia" trip or has been given direct permission by the courts to lie.

    I have learned more about things none of the other channels report from Rachel Maddow than anyone else. My husband, who is a retired Navy nuke, said her explanation of the Japanese reactor situation was better than any other civilian he had ever heard. From her I learn about things like the Pennsylvania school teachers operating without a salary, and the anti-choice efforts in other states than those reported by regular news. I have seen her interview people from both sides of the spectrum, and when she does, she lets them finish their sentences, unlike those on Fox.

    She is not my only source of news, however, as I don't care for Chris Matthews or Al Sharpton, so I switch to CNN at those times. And I frequently check out stories I hear about on the news on the internet, as well as any story I heard conflicting reports on. I have BBC America favorite placed.

    The only other news commentator I trust is John Stewart, for pretty much the same reasons. He pulls the tail of both conservatives and liberals and has interviewed respectfully people from both sides of the aisle. I don't think people realize how he changed news reporting ten years ago when he first started showing previous clips of people stating the opposite from what they are saying today. I also found his comparison of George Bush's town hall meetings with Tony Blair's during the 2004 campaign hilarious.

    I don't think hatred solves anything, but I do find Fox the most distasteful as far as news goes, since I have watched their so-called newscasters report things with a sneer on their lips far too often.

  • 5 years ago

    One America News

  • 9 years ago

    Television news is inherently flawed. It wil NEVER be able to give you quality information for several reasons. The first is that it is able to exist solely because of advertising. This means that time must be taken out of the 30 minute show for the advertisements. This cuts down the average 30 minute show to 22 minutes. The host will always have an opening and closing statement at the beginning and end of the show so that subtracts two minutes. We are left with 20 minutes.

    News show generally have five segments per 30 minute show. That means four minutes per segment. The host will open with the intro to the segment and also a closing statement. That subtracts one minute. We are left with three minutes for "quality" news on the topic. That is much less if there are multiple panelists. If there are three panelists, as most news shows have, they each get only one minute to tell you their information. This is just not enough time to properly educate people one the issue. This is why television media is broken. You should only get your information from news sources such as the New York Times. Besides everything covered in television media is JUST taken from the leading news papers such as the New York Times. The only television news media I would trust are Sunday morning news shows. These tend to be "quality" if you must get your news from television.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Do you have a preferred television news network? "The 'off" switch.

    Which is the most objective? "reading books"

    Which is the most biased? "All of them as they are corporate socialists with the ethics of an avalanche and have only one ethic: Profit at all costs!!!

    Which is the most right-wing, which is the most left-wing? All of them as they will switch to satisfy "Profit at all costs!!!"

    Which is pushing an agenda? All of them: PROFIT AT ALL COSTS!!!

    Which do you find the most entertaining? The ones that are on when the 'off' switch is engaged.

    Do you have any favorite Commentators/pundits? My family

    Do you prefer any particular network for specific reasons or different kinds of news stories? As the news has been dummy-down to cater to our dummy-downed education: no.

    (Also, the networks are punished by the gov't for broadcasting their dirty laundry, so the agenda of the first admendment is: Whatever the gov't likes or when no one is listening.

    Are there any that you outright hate? Profit-at-all-costs...even to the ethics of children (lighting up cigarettes, puffing dope, injecting heroin in PG-13 rated shows--or any shows for that matter. Or pushing Government agenda's such as legalizing pot by showing puffers on almost all movies. Or by pushing cigarette smoking by dedicating an entire scene (in every movie) to strictly lighting up a cigarette).

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 9 years ago

    I don't watch any of the 24 hour news networks. I get my news from a variety of sources online. I'm strange in that I like to actually be informed.

    I do find it hilarious though when liberals on Yahoo Answers insist on telling me what was on Fox News every day, and what Rush, or Beck, or any of the other talking heads say. Hell, even if I could or wanted to listen to them I wouldn't have to because the liberals here update me every day.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
  • 5 years ago

    Fox news most honest

  • 9 years ago

    CNN,fox news.....

    you can see internet news here

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