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My girlfriend broke up with me, but I still care about her?

My girlfriend and I were together for about seven weeks. We did everything together, i went with her when she had her taxes done, to doctor appointments. Both of use enjoyed being around each other. We got along great, she was happy to see me and i was happy to see her. We really clicked with each other, and we were so close. But one week she seemed distracted, I didn't let it bother me. I figured that something was going on that wasn't any of my business. We talked about everything, and she never said anything to me about whats going on with her. At the end of the week after I left her house and she texted me asking if I was upset with her. I told her i wasn't upset, just confused. She asked why, and i said that i wasn't sure how to act and i didn't want to mess up this relationship, because of my lack of relationship experience. She then called me and said that maybe we rushed into this relationship, and we should go back to being friends. I told her that I didn't think we rushed into anything, and i explained to her that i didn't know what to do sometimes because of my lack of relationship experience. She knew of my lack of experience from the start of the relationship.

We got together the next day to talk, and I asked if we were ok. She said she wasn't sure. I asked why and she said that she didn't know what she wanted. She hoped she would have more feelings for me by now, but didn't. And she saw me as more of a friend. But I know she cared about me more than just a friend, I could just tell that she did. I just couldn't understand what changed so sudden with her.

We took a week off from each other hoping that it would give us time to see if we wanted to be together still. when we met she said that her feelings for me hasn't changed, but i still cared a lot about her. I told her that i still cared for her. She said we could still be friends, but i wanted to be together with her.

Its been two weeks since we broke up, and i still think about her each day. I want to show her that i still care about her but I'm not sure how? Maybe sending her some of her favorite flowers and a card saying that I miss her. It maybe to late for us, I don't know. I need help.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This happens a lot with women...She seems to b the type that does not know what she wants yet..she has thought this over a lot. dont contact her. Give it some time. It will b very hard to do this. Some people cannot shut off feelings as quickly as she did. if in time she comes back its meant to be. Meanwhile dont b a pest and send her things and text and call ..GIVE IT TIME! TIME will reveal.

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