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Lv 5
? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 9 years ago

Isn't it funny, how Christians attack Islam?

when their concept of God i.e, Trinity itself falls.

Trinity refutes itself:

If God died for 3 days then who was controlling universe for 3 days?

If you say part of Trinity died that means Jesus(pbuh) wasn't complete God and God cannot be incomplete.

Why God needs sacrifice?Can't he just forgive our sins?

Is there a greater authority than God whom he has to answer?

If you say it is for the justice then what sort of justice is this that you kill someone for someone else fault.

How can God Pray?

Even he prayed as the muslims do.

"Going a little farther, he [Jesus] fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.' (From the NIV Bible, Matthew 26:39)"

How can gentiles be saved when he was only sent for the jews?

(Matthew 15:24) He (Jesus) replied, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

That's why Jesus(pbuh) will say when he will come:

Matthew 7:22-23

New International Version (NIV)

22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Muslims do not prophesyze in the name of Jesus(pbuh) nor do jews but christians do


@Roxie:That means you believe that Jesus (pbuh) isn't God?

@Kristy:I was expecting this as your kind people don't have any argument.You follow your religion Blindly.

@Justin:That means God did not die.Then you are not saved.

Update 2:

@Katterina:No.I put these type of questions in R&S section many times.

The reason why I put this question here is that Christians in this section attack Islam than in R&S section.

In fact they some of them are really Good.

I think you have read the Quran but not the Bible.

The Bible is many times more violent than Quran.

It is being instructed to even kill women and smash children against wall.

I challenge you to bring such a verse from the Quran.

Most of verses in Quran are during the time of war.

But never it has been instructed to kill women in Children.

If you are forcefully removed from your home, would you not fight?

That's what Muhammad (pbuh) did.

If heis wrong then most of the Prophets of old testament are wrong who wage war.

Apostasy is Punishable in Bible and not Quran:

Deuteronomy Chapter 13-6 KJV

Update 3:

@Homer:Your answer, I've already given above.

Character of Muhammad (pbuh):;_ylt=Ak...

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Christians are the biggest victims of satan led astray by him.

    They also go as far as twisting and lying about islam. Christian missionaries the soldiers of satan.

    "Yes, Ahmed. The problem is that Christians don't read their own Bible.

    Muslims know more about Christianity than Christians themselves."

    TRUE we Muslims follow in the footsteps of prophets to guide us to worship god properly... look at how Jesus never ate pork and we don't look at how women around Jesus always covered up and Muslim women cover up... we are more pure and more like Jesus than christian themselves.

    " I have found your religion to be of violence, and radical, rape, murder and that was in the stone age of time, but now in 2012, it is still like that."

    @Keterinna I think you have been reading the holy book totally wrong... out of context verses does not mean you read the Quran misguided one, if you truly did read the quran with good understanding you would see that what you claim is nonsense. Also in the R&S section i think the atheists are too busy embarrassing you guys last thing you need is us trust me.

    "Mother Mary has been appearing in Guadalupe for years"

    So mother Mary is a god now is she? Or a prophet? I mean you do realize why atheists pick on you guys right?

  • 9 years ago

    True Christians never attack Islam. Those under the influence of mind messing professionals do.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    And many only show themselve up.

    @Keterinna Have you read the Bible ? the Qur'an says virtually the same as is in there and actually has less strict ruling for some things especially homosexuality which the bibles says homosexuals must be killed [stoned actually]

    Do not say the old testament is no longer relevant because Jesus [pbuh] told everybody that he was not here to take away the old laws.

    Mathew 5: 17 , king James Version

    [ Jesus [pbuh] says ] Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

    Referring to the laws of the old testament

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You do as Muslims do paint everyone (Christian with the same brush)

    I am Christian, I do know there is only One God, I do not believe in the Trinity

    Trouble is you Muslims do not understand the plan of God running rom Genesis to Revelation.

    I do , and it does NOT include Islam as the true religion.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes because small little you know alll of what the billions of Christians do on this earth, right? dude you are nothing but a hypocrite, sitting in your own pile of ****, because that is what you are full of. thats all i hear from you nonbelievers is bash Christians left and right. you pull things from the bible and then you claim to know the answers to it. let me tell you something I have no problem answering any muslims questions. matter of fact I have helped convert muslims and atheists onto the right path. go to your local church and ask away. you will not be turned away. and fyi google contradictions in the quran. your book is got so many errors, your religion is that of nothing but false stories and lies. have a nice life:) and HAPPY EASTER, JESUS THE KING HAS RISEN!

  • 9 years ago

    True Christians love muslims because God loves Muslims

    To believe that Abrahams sacrifice was a foretelling of Jesus dyeing for the world may be a key.

    Source(s): Bible
  • 9 years ago

    Ahmed, I think you posted this here, to feel secure and safe as to not be attacked by Christians. Ask this in the R&S section instead of hiding here. You are of the flesh, which means you do not have any answers to Christianity, because you are a mere human. You say we attack Islam, but what are you doing in your question? Attacking us, I have read the quran, and studied Islam. I have found your religion to be of violence, and radical, rape, murder and that was in the stone age of time, but now in 2012, it is still like that. Your people have not changed, your answer to everything is to beat or murder others in the name of allah. if a person converts to Christianity your peoples answer to that, is to murder then in the name of allah. Mohammed wanted all nonbelievers murdered and killed. He never practiced love, and spread of peace. Just hate and more hate. As where Jesus practiced peace and love. I do not take offense to your thoughts. I have great love for my brothers and sisters that are muslim even though I am Christian. Jesus taught to love all of each other. Mother Mary has been appearing in Guadalupe for years. She has mentioned you muslims, she said you are all blinded and think you are on the path to paradise, when in fact you all are not. Google it for yourself of her predictions that have come to pass. she tells all of us, to continue to pray for all of you, in turn you will know her Son. It has nothing to do with who is right and who is wrong. The fact of the matter is, at the end of the day you bleed blood just as I do. You are a sinner just like the rest of us on some level. So do not put your self above anybody as you are not perfect in any way as I am not. The only one who can judge anyone is God himself(Jesus) Enjoy your day and go in peace.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    good qn but the problem is how can God expect us to believe an evil corn like muhammed?he raped a 6 yr old girl plus having a many wives & slave concubines ,killed & totured his opponents ie beheading 900 jews ,he lied(satanic verses) raped a young woman on the same day after killing her entire family the list is endless,one could go on forever google''CRIMES OF PROPHET MUHAMMED" or read authentic hadith like sahih muslim or bukhari.

    Then tell us how to ignore all that & still belive in islam?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I had to visit a Church in Austria, damn, it was scary. They even had the nerve to tell me I am going to hell if I don't follow Christ. But I asked questions on how God supposedly dies and who was controlling the Earth. He didn't come up with logical answers. Speaking of utter rubbish.


    Kristy: People like you make me laugh, you're the one showing extremist behavior. Now run away and read the Bible, also learn how to speak English.


    Just to add to Justin and lot; I WILL NEVER convert to what you believe in. I'd rather die. :)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes, Ahmed. The problem is that Christians don't read their own Bible.

    Muslims know more about Christianity than Christians themselves.

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