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Will the poor who have lost their unemployment have to pay the $650.00 because they can't Afford Obama Care?

Just wondering why Obama Gave 68,537,000 jobs away to Communist China just to make his Capitalist buddies more profits and then takes food off the poor Kids Plates of Laid off Fathers and Mothers with his falsely inflated High Gas Prices?

How? I am glad you asked...

It is either Gas to work two Part time minimum wage jobs or Billy's strained carrots for dinner... On that wage there isn't enough $$$$ for both... Does Obama or his voters care? Not in the least...

How do I know this to be so?

He has sent more and more American Jobs to Communist China... Do you have any idea how much money he has made for the rich Capitalists he works for... Obama has made the Capitalist Billions on the labor savings differentials alone... He knows American Labor is Expensive.. Especially American Union Labor and Communist Slave Labor is CHEAP... This makes his Capitalist Buddies RICH RICH and RICHER... Where do you think he gets all that money to run for President???? The POOR????? LOLOOLOLL You really did believe that didn't you??? Tisk tisk tisk...

Obama is working for the Capitalists Like Bush did...

You dolts are just too dumb to see it...


What??? You need proof.. Ok... I can prove it with Obama's own Department of labor numbers... Here they are...

Here is what you refuse to see... Weekly Lost Jobs Numbers.... These are Obama's Department of Labor Numbers released every Thursday and can be found on Fox and Friends between 8:45 and 9:00 AM. Watch for them yourself if you want to be informed with the only RAW numbers released by the DOL... You won't hear them on any other network... I wonder why?

Numbers released every Thursday is for the Job loss for the week previous.

2/19/2012… 348,000 New Signers to Unemployment

2/26/2012… 350,000 New Signers to Unemployment

3/01/2012… 351,000 New Signers to Unemployment

3/08/2012… 361,000 New Signers to Unemployment

3/15/2012… 351,000 New Signers to Unemployment

3/22/2012… 348,000 New Signers to Unemployment

3/29/2012… 359,000 New Signers to Unemployment

4/05/2012… 357,000 New Signers to Unemployment

4/12/2012… 380,000 New Signers to Unemployment

Total.......... 3,205,000 New Signers to Unemployment.

That’s “JUST” over the last 9 weeks.

How many new signers have lost their jobs sense Obama’s election?

The 169 weeks of the Obama term as POTUS, America’s New Signers to Unemployment has averaged over 400,000 jobs per week. That 3 year + averaged number of New Signers is now around…

68,537,000 Americans who have lost their jobs. Every one of those lost Jobs were replaced with $0.22 an hour wage in Communist China... Will you still back OBAMA the Capitalist Whore? You bet you Will... Why? Because you are as dumb as a rock...

I have a question for you…

Is it time to wake up yet?

Your vote on November 6th 2012 will answer this question.


Why is.... Truth Invisible to the Liberal left...

§† FNS †§



Joe... frankly ( I always am) If you can't handle the truth that's your problem... And For shrill just watch Obama come September... He will be shrieking by then...

I don't really care if Liberals read my truth... It is the Conservatives who will Put Obama out on his @$$ in November... Then you can whine for 4 years... LOLOL


Update 2:

Fried Brains...

My solution is to re write the trade laws to only trade with Countries who have an equal Minimum wage... Of course that would mean you would no longer hav Slave labor Wage to maximize your Profits... Tisk tisk... Obama as was the last 3 POTUS are Traitors to the American Workers and their Families by backing Communist Capitalism...

****** The Communist Minded Capitalists are the ones who would choose Slave Labor over their own Countries Labor JUST to Maximize their own Personal Profit Margins… Those Capitalists who remained in America using American Labor are the unsung Heroes of America****

Grow up Brain fried and see that America is falling into the Abyss at the hands of BOTH PARTIES...

I know you can't see truth but I would expect no less from an uneducated fool...

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They will if Obama care passes the Supreme Court. We always have to pay everything. It is the way of a State that is fast becoming fascist. Of course most of the Libs on here are projecting their ignorance on your factual question. Nothing unusual.

  • 9 years ago


    You sound like a 20-year-old who just got his feet wet with politics two years ago.


    Those of us who have been around much longer than you, know a bit more.

    Jobs have been exported to factories overseas in cheaper labor markets for at

    least 50 years now. US Presidents can do little to stop it.

    I’ll bet if you actually sit there and think you will have a hard time coming up with

    any solutions to the problem of exporting jobs.

    Oh I know your solution; impose tariffs on imports to discourage shifting those

    jobs overseas. Right?

    Wrong. If we impose high tariffs on goods imported from other countries then

    other countries shall impose high tariffs on our exports. Nobody wins this battle.

    So what’s your solution big guy?

    How are you going to keep those jobs in the US?

    (You can be America’s dictator for the next ten years.

    Whatever you say goes. What are you going to do?

    Tell us with Additional Comments. I’ll bet you have

    no solution. You’ve been called out Pewter.)


    Your Job Report is ridiculous.

    National Unemployment remained flat over the last two months.

    It actually dropped 0.1%

    Don’t take my word for it; check any source of your liking.

    Jobs are constantly lost and created. Company ‘A’ lays off and

    company ‘B’, who took away business from ‘A’, hires those workers.

    That’s why the unemployment rate remained flat.


    Your concept of doing business only with countries

    who have an equal minimum wage is noble.

    You shall run into an unexpected problem however.

    It is that with less of a pool of suppliers to serve you

    the now limited pool of suppliers shall cease the

    opportunity to squeeze you, the buyer, for a higher

    profit margin.

    It’s not just that prices would increase slightly because

    of the higher minimum wage but prices would also rise

    because of greed by suppliers and sellers.

    How noble is it therefore to bring about the increase of

    commodity pricing in America as a direct result of pushing

    more money into foreign business owners’ pockets?

    It wouldn’t go to the workers; it would go to the owners.

    And business people, in such countries that enforce respectable

    minimum wages, shall find ways to move product from

    Slave Labor nations to the US. Where there is a profit there

    is motive and crooked people shall find ways to pull this off.

    I recognize this; I don’t know if you can grasp it.

    I suppose you don't have enough real-world experience to get it.


    As I expected, you didn’t challenge my position about the

    unemployment rate; hopefully you learned something and

    you got past the anger high of the moment.


    And at least you have sense enough to stop pushing this

    idiotic idea that Obama is exporting jobs. A phenomenon

    that commenced long before Obama.


    Calling me an uneducated fool doesn’t make you look smart.

    I can leave you quite dumbfounded with the knowledge that

    I have gained in my years on Wall Street. I certainly know

    much more than you do about how markets work.


    Oh BTW, America is not falling into any Abyss. It is running

    the way it always has. Corporations pulling the strings of

    gov’t with lobbyists and bribes. It has always been that way.

    You’re not impressing anybody (except yourself perhaps).

  • 9 years ago

    First, jobs that were lost did not all go overseas. Obviously, losses in retail and personal services weren't shipped out.

    Second, the jobs that where sent out of the country were owned by Republican controlled companies.

    There are other companies that close down every week also, some do to the struggling economy, others to competition.

    Other companies closed when bought out by Republicans.

  • 9 years ago

    Just a note:your wild talk creates the impression that you might be mentally ill.

    If there is any chance that you want others to read past the first line of your questions, you'd be well-advised to tone down your shrill, extremist rhetoric.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 9 years ago

    No one's going to read your entire screed.

    However, I will point out that if someone cannot afford health insurance, they will receive a subsidy from the government to aid in that purchase.

  • 9 years ago

    Obama has given more money to the rich than any President ever...Fact !

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    "just to make his Capitalist buddies more profits"

    Are you kidding?! EVERYONE in the US is a capitalist!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


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