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Is God in control of his universe (For Christian-Judeo Believers)?

Is He in control? Or are objects and events beyond His control?

Is everything going according to a plan? Or do people and things veer from His plan?

Do prophets see God's plan for the future? Or are they predicting the future of man?

Lastly, does God have a plan for your life?

If yes, that means EVERYTHING in the past has gone according to His plan, to allow for your existence. Otherwise you wouldn't have been planned, and God doesn't have a plan for you.

Which begs me to ask, did God plan every one of His own and Man's failures, and consequences?

Leading me to ask, why were people punished for following a plan?

(i.e. God planned to personify himself, and live as Jesus Christ, so that he may die for all of man's sins. So when Judas hands Jesus over to the Romans to be killed, is he not following a plan? In fact, of all the disciples, it was Judas that Jesus entrusted to turn him over to fulfill his destiny. So why then, is Judas "punished"?)

(i.e. God makes Adam in his image - void of knowledge. Then he makes Eve. Then he makes a tree of knowledge, not to be eaten from. Then a Serpent of his making (with an unexplained personality - his creation wasn't addressed,), convinces Eve - void of knowledge - to eat the fruit of knowledge. Damning mankind to a future of knowledge. The reason for the tree is so that man does get tempted, as a test. If God didn't plan for man to be tempted, he would have put it in something inedible. So the plan was for the reason for the tree of knowledge's existence to be justified. So why then, are men and women "punished"?)

In every passage, not only does God speak as if He is part of a narrative comprised at the time, but he sets up everything that he does to fail, so that there would be a lesson to be learned in every story (narrative). So that we may learn that wrong behaviour would be punished, and good rewarded. Yet, we weren't supposed to be knowledgeable, (or were we,) hence the tree. So then why are we supposed to be learning, and at the same time avoid being knowledgeable?



Try thinking before answering, instead of using templated cop-outs.

- If one can veer from God's plan, that one would alter the plans of every one around them by doing so, causing a domino effect resulting in every one's plan being changed. If you were planned, everyone in the past HAD to follow their plan accordingly - are you getting this part at all?

- Didn't have anything to say about Judas and Jesus? Odd. Stumped?

- And the only thing you could pick apart was "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil", by splitting hairs on knowledge. Consider this: Without that tree, man would not know right from wrong, or good from evil. So when a serpent tempted them, did they have a choice not to do the wrong thing, if they did not already have the knowledge of good and evil. (Obviously not.) So it was set up to fail, don't you think? To end your answer with "You speak a lot of knowledge but you do not speak with knowledge", the least I would have e

Update 2:

xpected was for you to think before answering the question.

Update 3:


Just like the Bible, your answer explains everything and nothing.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    God is in control!

    Everything is going according to His plan but man can veer out of that plan. God's plan still continues on tract.

    Prophets do see God's plan for the future which is the future of mankind.

    Yes God does have a plan for each and every person who lives. It is up to us to search out God and find that particular plan. God's plan for every man is to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and spend eternity with Him, our Heavenly Father.

    Since man has free will and can veer from God's plan and choose not to participate in God's ultimate plan any punishment they have brought on them self.

    God did not make Adam void of knowledge. Where did you get that? And the tree was the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" Not just of knowledge. And if it were not there man would not of had a choice. He would be forced to be. But God gave him a choice.

    You speak a lot of knowledge but you do not speak with knowledge.

    God's ultimate plan is laid out in the bible and it will not be veered off from. Each individual though has a choice of which way to go and yes our actions do affect everyone around us. But, I have chosen to follow the plan God has for me, my brother on the other hand has not. This does not change the fact that I am or how God deals and blesses me. But his actions do hurt me, emotionally. And at times can cause me some difficulty but it does not deter me from the plan God has for my life. Only I can do that.

    And you mistake good and evil from right and wrong. They are different.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    do not be so skeptical, try a little faith, and nurture it, and let it grow into a tree.

    there is a God, whether He literally controls everything is debateable. i bet he has automated devices to help keep things running smoothly, like the heart and brain, which keeps blood pumping and lungs breathing even in subconsciencness

    i know God has decreed that the free agency of man shall not be transgressed, otherwise those that do, will suffer judgment.

    this is why murder and blasphemy of hte holy ghost are unforgiveable sins. or sins unto death exist

  • Pamela
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes, God is in control

    you ask a lot of very normal questions-

    very natural human questions- and from a limited human perspective

    no one- Christian or otherwise understands how God works:)

    He is beyond our comprehension

    He even says in the bible-

    'My ways are above your ways- my thoughts beyond your thoughts'

    but just because we can't wrap our brains around why God does things-

    is not a good enough reason to discount Him and reject everything about Him

    because I know God is a good God

    and because I have experienced His unconditional love for me-

    I can trust Him to do the right thing

    even when I veer from His perfect plan for me-

    He is able to use everything that happens for good

    when I trust, love and obey Him-

    He redeems my circumstances and heals my pain

    because I have a relationship with my Heavenly Father-

    I can freely place my life securely in His hands

    and trust that His will accomplishes all His wonderful plans for me:)


    you say my answer explains everything and nothing-

    I think that's because you understand that trust is formed in relationships-

    you know you don't have a relationship with God-

    so you don't trust Him- that's natural- why would you?

    but the answers to your questions are all wrapped up in trust

    and the assurance that grows out of a well nurtured relationship-

    and since you have no relationship- no trust- no assurance

    you have no answers- and that too is natural

    you can't have assurance without trust

    I think you want the security of answers

    before you seek to know the One you would question

    sorry, but that's not the way God works

    defiant pride builds walls between us and God-

    we will find no answers until we decide to come to Him in humility-

    confessing our sin and with gratitude for His mercy and grace-

    for His blessings and His ultimate offer of salvation

    if this sounds rediculous to you-

    that should only confirm what little you about God:(

    but He wants you to get to know the real Him

    because whether you believe it or not-

    He loves you and He wants to have a relationship with you

    and teach you all about Himself

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    would you discredit your Creators justice ,would you condemn God to justify yourself Were you their when God spoke the universe and all it contains into existence , who are you and what have you done since the beginning of time to stand and question our Holy Creator who has shown His Love Grace and mercy while you live in your Disney Land for just a blink of time and than judgment

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  • 9 years ago

    The Universe exists for it's own reasons.

    There is no god.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    this may shock you but pagan gods/goddesses are not willing to die for you because they don't love you (not considering the fact that pagan gods and goddesses are either demons or just men who are now currently burning in hell). the real God, the Creator of heavens and the earth, died for you on the cross because He loves you. of course, He is Living and whosoever believes in Him will live themselves. whosoever doesn't will burn with pagan deities in hell (yes, demons will burn there soon as well...right after God kills the antichrist and send the antichrist's soul to hell). there is more on this. check my youtube page...if you need more info...just read the book (i.e., the bible). to summarize the bible in brief: you cannot kill God; but if God turns His face away from us, we'll all perish. so, why do people (like muslims) anger God by destroying christian holy places? it's beyond reason. oh can it be forgotten that jews want circumcised antichrist to rule from jerusalem. yes, this antichrist has to be a jew. he's a wicked superman. if anyone worships this superman, they'll burn. so, don't. God Himself will kill this superman when He comes back with 10 thousand of His Holy-ones. buddhists and hindus worship mountain kailas, inside which there is a ufo base. demons take good care of this base. there is a lot to be said, but the main message is: suicide, blasphemy, worship of antichrist (pale jew with red eyes, who moves like superman and makes fire come down from the sky), receiving mark of the beast (rfid chip-small grey world passport-electronic tattoo-666 tattoo by lasers), and going into ufo ship (aliens=ghosts=demons) lead to hell. so, avoid hell by becoming a nice christian and spread the info that you've just been given. it's a lot to take, but, one more thing to say is in order. 80 foot dinosaurs will come out through lakes and sinkholes to eat people. this will put scientists into place. remember: God is not mocked, and everyone will receive according to what they've done and haven't done (but should have done).

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The Reapers are in control of the universe. I am doing my part to fight them, and unite the other species. WHO WILL JOIN ME!!!

  • 9 years ago

    God is in control. He is omnipotent. He has created all things and they were created for His pleasure.

  • 9 years ago

    People can make an answer but there is no a reason. (This is your so-called free will.)

    God can make a reason but there is no an answer. (This is your so-called destiny & chance.)


  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Your question is far too massive, you need to be more concise, I don't have the time nor the energy to read through it all, sorry.

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