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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetComputer Networking · 9 years ago

bad wifi connection in another room?

I use charter internet and every so often my internet sucks. Like lately it's been lag spiking, random dc for 10 seconds. And whats worst is my laptops that are in another room from the router that i have has like terrible wifi. I have charter's newest modem. When ever i call they just send a tech guy over, replace the damn thing, and the lag starts up again in a few days. Is there a way to increase my wifi signal or whats going on my internet. All my computers are virus free, just had them scanned.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    if you go to another room the the wireless signal has to go through curves, through corridors and into new room thus the signal is severely weakened and you will get poor internet

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Bad Wifi Connection

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    bad wifi connection in another room?

    I use charter internet and every so often my internet sucks. Like lately it's been lag spiking, random dc for 10 seconds. And whats worst is my laptops that are in another room from the router that i have has like terrible wifi. I have charter's newest modem. When ever i call they just send...

    Source(s): bad wifi connection room:
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    First off, it's not uncommon for networks to get laggy after a week or so, depending on the amount of traffic the LAN is getting. Having a lot of devices on my own LAN, I need to reboot my network at least once or twice a week. If you're doing a lot of downloading/gaming/media streaming, you should reboot at least once a week..

    There are also several settings you should tweak to get the best performance out of your LAN and your laptop connection:

    Most people don't realize that their laptop adapters have their own wireless/power settings. If they're not set for optimal performance with the Router, you'll get exactly what you're experiencing - a connection that sucks.

    There are 3 places you need to change your settings:

    1. Go to your Control Panel, click on Device Manager>Network Adapters, then Rt-Click on your wifi adapter.

    2. Click on Properties, then the Power Management tab.

    3. Uncheck the option to let the computer turn off the adapter to save power.

    4. Click on the Advanced Tab.

    5. Set Transmit Power to Highest, Roaming to Aggressive. Match the adapter's wireless band/channel width settings to match your Router's. Save and exit.

    Router Settings

    Some Routers also have Transmit Power settings as well (usually in the Advanced Wireless Settings area) - make sure the same settings are applied there if they do.

    If you're not getting decent connections with the current channel you're using, try changing it to a different channel (e.g., 11 for G / Mixed devices). For N networks, use 40mhz channel width; Mixed or G, use 20mhz.

    On your Windows Power Options:

    1. Go to Control Panel>Power Options.

    2. Click on Change Settings for your current Power Plan, the click on Change Advanced Power Settings.

    3. Find Wireless Adapter Settings on the list, then change both menu selections (Battery and Plugged in) to Maximum Performance, then save and exit.

    Don't forget to check your local environment either; never discount the possibility of RF interference from other electronics, e.g., cordless phones, microwaves, etc. Phones are especially bad if they're poorly shielded, and have been known to terminate wifi connections with an incoming call. Make sure your system isn't located in a place that near metal or anything else that can interfere with a radio transmission. Since your problem started within the last several months, try to remember if you introduced any new electronics near your desktop that might be interfering with your adapter transmission.

    Source(s): See Profile.
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  • shadi
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    for best performance your laptop should be in the same room with the wireless router. that way the signal is powerful on your laptop

    if you go to another room the the wireless signal has to go through curves, through corridors and into new room thus the signal is severely weakened and you will get poor internet

    buy a signal booster which is like an antenna and connect it to your laptop. there are asus signal enhancers. now u should get better net in that other room

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    yes absolutely which room modem is placed or router is placed only there wifi is work efficiently.other wise it effect on speed on internet speed.

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