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Madhukar asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 9 years ago

May I request your opinion on the following suggestions?

1) Making network private should be disallowed.

2) Same Yahoo i.d. by different members should be disallowed.

3) YA intramail of all users should be open for ease of communication.

4) Comments posted after the answer is closed should open with the question so that they are read.

5) Comments on answers of the answerers by other answerers should be posted in the same window as that of the original answerer so that they are noticed early and responded.

6) Additional details should be allowed only to clarify the question and not ask new questions and should be allowed to be used only twice so that it is not misused for chatting.

7) To encourage new entrants, top 10 ranks should be given yearwise. Instead of weekly statistics, current year running statistics starting from January 1 of the current year should be given so that answerers compete for top ranks to be reported at the end of the year. Present top 10 rankers who have been participating since several years cannot be competed by new entrants.

8) Yahoo Answers can appoint subject experts who can select truly good answers and publish a compedium of good answers yearwise. This too will encourage a large number of good answerers who may not be in top ranks. In math category where I largely participate, I find many good participants do not go for scores and answer challenging questions and their contribution is indeed praiseworthy.



We have hardly any ideological differences. It is only the way of expressing our views in which I differ with you. I had written to you earlier also that theists are hurt by your writings and the way you present your question. But instead of accepting it, you are always arguing as to why they should be hurt. You use derogatory words for God and try to explain that He does not exist and hence it makes no difference. When a person dies, what remains is a dead body which scientifically is no longer that person, but all people take out the funeral procession respectfully. Do we cut the body into pieces and carry in a suitcase and destroy in any way? We salute the national flag which is just a piece of cloth. There have been controversies about some celebrities having insulted the national flag. Sania Mirza was shown placing hers legs towards national flag and Sachin Tendulkar was shown cutting a cake with national flag drawn on it which created a lot of uproar. Why? I and you ma

Update 2:

may think that making an issue out of it is unjustified, but the main thing is that the national flag is a symbol of our independence and it hurts the feelings of the people if not handled properly. These are some traditions which are related to people's faith in some way of respecting different things. Even the President salutes a national parade on republic day. Scientifically, it may seem meaningless, but in life there is place for many other things besides science. As far as some harmful superstitions is concerned, I am fully agreeable with you that they should be curbed by the government with a heavy hand and the people should be awakened against such practices. Recently, there is a controversy of how Nirmalbaba cheating people in the name of "Kripa" and the "Third eye". It is necessary to tacke such people who make money cheating people in the name of God. There is no need to insist on theists to give up believing in God as long as it is not harmful to the

Update 3:

harmful to them or to others. The words "vague, sentimental and devoid of facts" were used by your friend in response to your question in which you had posted what I had stated. Pity is that whatever I had stated was exactly the same as what you friend stated. He had misunderstood your question and criticized me.

You had made a series of mistakes in posting question after question about me. Your question about bringing up children in non-religious atmosphere was answered by me stating that my son and cousin were brought up in such an atmosphere and still they believed in God and religion. Next day only, you posted a question quoting your friend stating that my answer is vague, sentimental and not based on facts without giving link of your question where he had stated so. I was disturbed thing as if my statements about my son and cousin were considered lacking facts which amounted to saying that I am telling a lie. I even drew your attention to that. It was only after that yo

Update 4:

It was only after that you gave the link of the question. Then again, on opening that link, I did not find any comments of your friend about me in that. Then you floated a new question in which I found the comments he had stated and that too he had misunderstood your question. What is the authenticity of such persons who either don't know language or hurriedly read, misinterpret and make statements. My views about temple construction matched exactly with his and he considered my views as vague. In fact, my statement that there are thousands of temples in India and millions are homeless was to support your view and your friend's view. But he misunderstood as if I am trying to say that when there are thousands of temples, what is the harm in one more. That was not what I had stated.

You stated that you never like to hurt anyone's feelings. But float a question if you have done so or not. That will clarify if you are right or not. If I float such a question and even if there

Update 5:

Making the network private does not help anyone from others creating fake ids in his name. For that, only solution is for YA to disallow same ids by different persons. I also get confused bu that resulting in misunderstanding. In cricket section, there is one Indian who is unpopular especially amongst Australians. He was friendly with me. But one Australian created a fake id in his name and wrote something that was objectionable and I expressed my displeasure at that. Then, I got an email from the real person explaining that something was stated in his name and how I can identify him and not misunderstand.

Update 6:

(contd. from previous para)

You stated that you never like to hurt anyone's feelings. But float a question if you have done so or not. That will clarify if you are right or not. If I float such a question and even if there was one person telling me that I had hurt him, I shall apologize without arguing. I might say that I had no such intention, but even If he felt hurt unintentionally, I apologize.

4 Answers

  • `
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah sure you are always welcome to know my opinion...

    1) Disagree with this statement.. Privacy is must for a safeguard purpose from Trolls.. As this site is being running with the support of people.. Rules & Regulations are common to everyone.. Violations are being reported by people.. How many of a genuine members were being here ?? Staff members are less in number & lack time to check the reports whether its correct or not.. A member is becoming an influenced reporter once they reached a level 3.. Anyone can misuse this feature to defame a genuine member.. One can appeal against the violation notice, but i personally feel its a waste of time.. Prevention is better than cure..

    2) Hmm.. I appreciate your thought.. Yahoo! Answers team leaders must come forward and do something about it..

    3) You mean Private messaging service ??

    No sir.. Trolls specifically targets a genuine members, & ladies to troll them & irritate by sending an UN-Parliamentary messages continuously.. So that feature should be user defined..

    4) Very good suggestion..

    5) Agreed !

    6) Additional detail command is only meant for additional clarification and not for chatting or posting any other questions.. But people misusing this feature.. Yahoo is taking actions against it without fail when they come to know about it via reports..

    7) Very good suggestion

    8) Already its there.. "Best of Answers" section in main page.. So that new entrants also being encouraged a lot..

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    These two scriptures are two of the best I know that describe how one is to have eternal life with God in heaven. God bless John 3:16 New King Bible 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Romans 10:9 New King James Bible 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

  • 9 years ago

    I agree with your suggestions to a certain extent except the first one. Till yesterday, I was having the same opinion as yours. But now I have learned a lesson. Around 20 fake profiles have been created to abuse me and my family. Now I have moved legally. I thank Yahoo for suspending all such profiles. We might have ideological differences. But personally, for what reason we should fight each other? There would be a day I won't be in this world and others also will left from here. We must remember it always.

    Source(s): @@ What Madhukarji explained is right. Coming to the question, I agree with the suggestion of "N" to have separate numbers to each member. Please take initiative to post it in the suggestion board. I shall vote and comment.
  • 9 years ago

    2. No, we should all have a unique number that is visible to everyone,

    ie. yours could be 5383208, and someone could copy your id, but not your number

    7. I highly agree

    8. I highly agree

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