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rate my life on a 1-10 scale (ten is best and one is worst)?

until i was three, my life was ok. i lived in a small house in a lower middle class suburb of long island. my parents were still married, but my dad was neglecting me and my sister and mom. Then he started pushing and hitting me my mom and my sister. he was on an over-the-counter drug, and that made him even worse. This was when i learned almost all the cuss words i know today. my mom moved out with me and my sister, and we lived in locust valley, a relatively wealthy neighborhood also in long island. My mom is a veterinarian, and at the time she made around 100,000 a year. i went to the local public school, and my sister was in preschool. then, when i was six, my dad tried to get involved again. he demanded visitation rites, but we then moved to a small town in upstate new york. i then began going to a small private school. i did not have many friends because of how poor i was, and people made fun of me for "not having a dad". then, i started going to my grandmothers house where my dad was living every other weekend. She hated me and my sister and my dad (who was still on drugs), and she always told us how we were stupid and how we should all die. my dad sometimes hit us when he was mad, and so my mom did not want us to go there. but she could not stop him because he threatened to report some illegal behavior of hers (i'll explain later). In school, i was a good student, but i was often bullied for being poor and for not having a dad. so i began pretending that my dad was really rich. i said so much bull **** that i dont know how anyone believed me, but they did. i started dressing fancy, and talking about how rich i was. funny thing was, they never asked me to prove it. at the same time, i got fat. this made me even more picked on. i reached the peak of this in fifth grade. one day, i was talking about how "big" my house was, and my teacher said, "you aren't rich, your almost on WIC support!" this made me cry, and made me even more picked on. But i was a little white-*** *****, so who can blame them? At this time, my mom lost her job. she had spent her savings on my school, so she was broke. we almost left the school, but my grandparents (on my moms side) gave us a little money. but we still had to move out of our house into a 2 bedroom, 4 room, 600 square foot house in a ghetto area of our town. when sixth grade began, i stopped pretending to be rich in school, but i still was unpopular. Meanwhile with my dad: hes on drugs still, he doesn't tell us whats going on in his life (he moved out of his moms house 4 years ago), and he still makes us come to his moms house to visit him. his mom now has severe Alzheimer, and his sister takes care of her. But she is extremely depressed, and always yells and tries to kill herself. And at my mom's house, things are getting worse. She re-started her ilIegal habit, a pot addiction. when she was in her twenties, she almost got shot by her dealer, and she stopped, but all the stress got her hooked. I got beat up by a gang while walking around my hood, and i broke a rib. She could barley afford to have it fixed, as she was only making $29,000 a year, paying $9,000 anual rent, and $ 10,000 taxes. Her parents paid for my school, but nothing else. Then, the summer came. I decided that i was gonna make it in the hood. I stared working out 3 hours a day and running 8 miles a day. I became ripped and fast, and i was no longer afraid of my hood. I started a Crip set there, and i threw my C's up with pride. When school started again, i got cred there two. i freestyle rapped against rich white kids and beat they asses. I got respect as the strongest and fastest person in the school by far. (my school went up to 8th grade, i was in seventh). i was finally living well, even without money. The last time i saw my dad was on Christmas. me adn my sister went to his house, and on Christmas his sister cut herself with a kitchen knife (on purpose, but not fatally) before trying to stab him. My sister was crying so i called my mom and she drove there to pick us up at a nearby supermarket. I then called a taxi, and when i heard it get there went downstairs with my sister, punched my father as hard as i could in his face, and left without looking back. right now, im doing fine. im trying to make it as a rapper, and my debut album comes out this summer. dont hate, im not trolling. and if your wondering how i got this computer, my school lets us borrow macbooks from them.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    Wow. That took me ages to read xD

    From what I read, I can see that you've been through a lot already. As having a kind've (he's all good now) abusive father, I kinda know where you're coming from. I know what you mean when you can feel the fear seeping in you when he's on that angry rampage, or that hurt emtion when he hurts you or your mum. I know what it feels like to be teased regarding the way you dress or how rich you are. But I do know that you will make it through this. Your doing great now, keep it up! Do you still go school? If so, try your best, look around for others looking for a friend. Give some info about yourself, but leave a little out - you wanna intrigue them, to make them ask questions about you. Ignore the jerks and ridiculous teachers who mock you, one day your gonna be a great rapper who will outdo them all. Remember you are not your father or sister. it is also crucial to believe that you are your own person and you can take complete control of your life.

    If you ever need anyone to talk to - I'm here :)

  • 9 years ago

    2 or a 3.

    Source(s): And yes, I read it all.
  • 9 years ago

    I didn't read all this and I'm not giving any self pity points to you.

    Come at me,bro?

  • 9 years ago

    Woah.. that's a lot of reading.. hope this helps

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If you're trolling: Damn, bro.

    If your truthful: Aww, my god im so sorry! You'll maie it as a rapper :)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You wasted your time typing this.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    It's too long. You should summarize it or something.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't have the attention span to read all of this.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Too annoying/didn't read.

  • 9 years ago

    until you were three...

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