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Ramadan: Why the anti american sentiment?

I've noticed some users saying that the real terrorists are the members of the military and government. Why the anti american sentiment?


Islam-I've seen it on the board.

Update 2:

Jaweria- I do, and that is sad, but I also think of the people killed by the terrorists that we (the US) are fighting in Afghanistan. We had no business in Iraq.

That said, Bush and Cheney should be tried for war crimes.

Update 3:

Amin-I would agree with you, except that I don't hate the USA. I love this nation, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Sadly, we have made mistakes. We have went overboard on things. While this is horrible, I don't think that a nation of people should be graded on the mistakes of two.

Update 4:

Tony- Don't you think it would be a VERY bad idea for an American to walk around in a nation where there is a very real chance he/she would get abducted and held for ransom?

Update 5:

Tom- I'm sure you had a good point, but I cant get past the grammar to notice, sorry to sound rude, but that's the truth.

Tommarrow-True, the atomic bombing of Japan was horrible, but it was that or extend the war until the 1950s, and have more deaths. Could you provide links for the rest of your accusations?

Update 6:

Imran- we are a republic. Saying that I am to blame for my governments wrongdoing is the equivalent of saying that all Muslims are to be blamed for Islamic terrorism. I don't agree with what the government does in foreign affairs, but as one individual, I can't stop them.

Update 7:

Imran- The president doesn't declare war, congress votes to declare war.

Update 8:

Sub-I agree about our religion being hijacked. Sadly, there is no money in peace.

Update 9:

Sub-I know to look at the religion, the reason I asked is because I have two older brothers who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I know they would never rape or kill an innocent person.

Update 10:

Kolath- from the numbers I've seen, the amount of people killed by the US isn't that high.

17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Samira it's a double edged sword. Americans are often fed propaganda to hate Muslims and the Middle East in general, and likewise Middle Easterners are fed propaganda from their side to hate Americans.

    Who's at fault? Both sides. America has done quite a few bad things, that's for sure, but the Muslims would be ridiculous to say that their side is innocent. I mean come on, our religion has taken a huge hit over the last decade because of the actions of the radical Muslims. I blame them the most, because I myself am a Muslim and it hurts me that my religion is held responsible for the actions of these idiots.

    Our job should be to bring the 2 sides to a harmony. It's difficult, but it must be done. Educate Americans more about Muslims, and educate Muslims more about the west - both sides want peace but the war mongrels won't let it happen.

    I just noticed by looking at your profile that you're a convert. So let me give you one advice, one thing I've learned is that you shouldn't look for inspiration from other Muslims. They often set a bad and discouraging, and hateful example. Look at the religion, not its followers.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    America is a young nation, and thinks it can solve all the problems of the world. It could learn a lot from China. China... if there's one thing I can say about China, is that it knows when NOT to get involved.

    America will get its hands burned a few more times, I'm sure. We're like a young child. We're slowly maturing. The problem with America is that we haven't had a major war like World War I or World War 2 on our soil in a very long time. We don't know what the horrors of war are. We are young and naive. And so we are reckless and stupid.

    Maybe I'm being a little harsh; but I've lived both here in America and abroad, so I can see my own country from a different perspective. My people are unintentionally isolated. They surround themselves with their own people. They think the rest of the world is like them.

  • 9 years ago

    Assalamu alaykum Many uslim people hate American government starting from Bush because (1)they made scape goat that Muslim terrorists who destroyed the twin buildings wile in fact Jewish persons (2)

    their soldiers assisted by soldiers of other countries attacked Iraq and Afghanistan without strong reason and they killed millions of innocent people there (3) they give permit to their friend countries to develop nuclear plant such as Israel,Pakistan,India while they oppose/reject the nuclear plant which are developed by their enemy's countries such as North Korea and Iran We do not hate Americans as a whole.

  • 9 years ago

    Because it is true that Americans so far killed more than 1100 Millions of people in the world and most of them are innocent. This is revealed by an American only.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Lets see, they don't mind there own business. They consume much of the world's resources. They killed so many innocents in Japan with nuclear bombs. They cause alot of Global warming. The "war on terrorism" is actually the stupidest excuse ever. Idiotic and pointless. It will only fuel, rage against America. They just want oil.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Quran 2:165 translation

    And [yet], among the people are those who take other than God as equals [to Him]. They love them as they [should] love God. But those who believe are stronger in love for God. And if only they who have wronged would consider [that] when they see the punishment, [they will be certain] that all power belongs to God and that God is severe in punishment.

    America today is controlled by the bankers. Here's a cartoon to explain:

    America is dead, you are anti-american if you do not submit to the government... they're trying to terrorize the people, only God has the right to cause terror.

    Here's a video of the one trying to take over the world, the one behind the bankers:

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because American foreign policy is responsible for the death of millions of Iraq/Afghan civilians...but that still does not justify the hate.. I dont hate America, i only hate Bush , Cheney, Rumsfeld and Condi

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If I live in, USA. How can I be, Anti American.

  • 9 years ago

    Well the US military and their foreign policy engages in acts of terrorism all over the world Now they may try to cover up their acts with wonderful terms however the fact remains their acts are still acts of terrorism and they support other countries that engage in terrorism Israel

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Sister you are blinded by CNN and Fox News propaganda. United States of America

    has attacked no less than 12 Muslim nations, from Algeria to Yemen and have killed

    millions of Muslim children, women and men. Their "crime" was they wanted to obey

    Shariah law. And USA and her NATO allies have undertaken not to allow nations to

    follow Shariah law as it deprives them to dictate their secular Godless policies on real

    Muslim states.They are afraid, if one country succeeds in implementing Shariat law,

    others will follow suit and USA will be unable to control 1.57 Billion humans and exploit

    their countries.

    They are killing and maiming us and you ask why we hate them? Ask a sister whose

    young brother was killed by US drone or missile.

    Muhammad Javed Iqbal

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