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Ever personally felt you could kill another human being without hesitating?

This is technically an ethical question but I'm asking it in the martial arts section to see if people are going to give the generic wtf is wrong with you or no martial arts aren't about killing answers

or if there are some unique and different responses

I suppose people would have to detach themselves from the way society is structured and act and feel purely on instinct ,and it's not if you had too just that you know you could without a seconds hesitation or thought, it's not about how quickly or efficiently you think you can do it , but could you actually do it , have you ever felt you could take away another persons life?

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You never really know if you could do it or not if you never were in such a specific situation.

    I guess I could and probably would kill some individuals in special situations if I think about it and imagine some scenarios.

    I once (a few years ago) got attacked by a few armed guys on the street when I went out with a good friend and one of these idiots was trying to rape a girl at night in the city, we went in there to stop him. But his pals already stopped him and then bullied us for nothing. We were afraid because they had knifes and steel sticks, so we ran away. But my hate was so incredibly big that in a 1 on 1 situation without any weapons I most likely would have knocked one of those pieces of **** out instantly and punched him to death or rip his throat out and yes, without hesitating. But that was a very unusual situation where I would have had no control of myself at all if it would have come to a fight.

    Excuse my english, I´m german

    Source(s): I train combat sports, traditional martial arts and self defense
  • 9 years ago

    I know I can and have up close and personal. At one time I was charged with the protection of others and carried a concealed weapon for that purpose and held a federal permit for that reason for carrying that weapon. When you have responsibilities like that you train and drill on your actions and reactions so that they are really automatic and it is the situation and the factors of it that throw you into that mode.

    When you are in that mode you are detached from everything else and are only relying on and using your training. Things might strike you afterwords about it and how you reacted and some people have more problems dealing with that than others is what I have found to be the case. Otherwise the situation and the factors surrounding it hits them and its like throwing on a light switch. This is why certain protocols, processes, and procedures are generally in place and followed first so that a situation can be mitigated or avoided and often times those can be effective in doing that.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago


    Of course, it is because of my philosophy. I don't believe in heaven, hell, etc., I simply believe we have some sort of soul, spirit, or whatever you want to call it, names don't matter to me. Once our physical bodies stop working and decay away our 'essence' will be released and whatnot.

    In short, I don't care if I had to kill someone. I wouldn't want to, but everyone will die eventually. Hell, the human race will go extinct over time. People are corrupt. I believe death is perfection. Call me crazy, but I'm actually excited to die. I want to see what is after life. I might actually go to heaven or hell, or maybe i'll be reborn and not even remember a thing. It's a mystery and the only way to solve it is to let it happen.

    Therefore by killing someone, I will be solving this mystery for them and will release their essence. If you ever observe nature (nature as in not destroyed by man-kind yet) there is death EVERYWHERE. A large beetle kills a cricket, a small rodent eats the beetle, a bird kills the rodent and gives it to its babies, and so on. The food chain continues. Everywhere is death. If death is so common in the world, then it can't be too bad.

    And for the record, martial arts ARE about killing...well at least they used to be. Now they are about scoring points and whatnot. They were originally designed for killing enemies when we didn't have guns or any weapons that we have today.

    I might sound heartless, but I actually love life. But I grew up, and still live in, a place where i'm surrounded by moronic people that will end up in jail sooner or later. I wish I could just take their life away and give to someone worthy of it. Someone who has respect and will actually benefit man-kind, not do drugs all day. So this is mainly the source of my feelings.

    Obviously a lot of people will disagree with me, saying that killing is bad and whatnot. That's what the law has told them. It is in our instinct to kill. We are, after all, animals. Greed will take over our minds and we will do whatever it takes to survive. People that let their emotions consume them, such as love and worry, will be the first to die. Just saying.

    It's not like i'll go around killing people. I'm a very peaceful person, but that's not what the question is about.

  • 9 years ago

    In my usual state of mind? No.

    I enjoy fighting for the adrenaline rush of knowing I could get my butt handed to me in a bad way, I don't particularly enjoy hurting people. I would hesitate.

    When the aggression and adrenaline have kicked into overdrive I actually think I would lack the humanity to give a damn.

    I think most humans are the same if pushed hard or far enough.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Yeah. But it's the responsibility of a martial artist to realize that with learning the power, the ability to take life with one's own bare hands must come with a cultivation of one's own peace of mind. In short, if you instigate violence for the sake of violence, you are not a martial artist. But if you understand and appreciate the ability, you'll gain the sense of judgment. You know it's possible, but you won't do it unless the circumstances declare it absolutely necessary.

    Source(s): 14 years TKD, JKD
  • 9 years ago

    If someone I love is in serious danger, I would not hesitate to do anything required of me to take them out of that danger. If that meant I had to kill someone so be it. I honestly don't think I could take a life outside of that situation.

  • 9 years ago

    I would only be able to in the heat of the moment or in self defense, never in a premeditated way

    and even still if i killed someone in self defense i would feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and disgust

    so i guess i cant be an assassin :D

  • 9 years ago

    Survival instincts. Anyone in this world can take anyone's life, depends what kind of life threatening situation they're in!!! If I lived in the quiet woods, I would have no problem!!

  • Scott
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Yes, its quite easy to kill someone, we are only human, flesh and bones.

    Even in a calm state i could do it. I could torture someone too.

    Actually, law is the only thing holding me back from doing such things, if i done it, i know for a fact i would get caught eventually, locked up and my life would be ruined.

  • 9 years ago

    I would have MAJOR REGRETS so no. IF one of my family members or myself were in a life threatening situation then yes I could kill and I wouldn't have regrets if I knew i had to if me or my family were in serious danger, but doing it for the thrill no.

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