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Does IDS have a decent advisor after sick comments on those without limbs?

IDS and his Tory toff mates seem to not have got the message and are continuing there vile attacks on the disabled. We have the moron saying having lost a limb does not mean you qualified for DLA ok some can get around reasonably ok but the comment i believe is sick and ill judged many soldiers loose limbs serving there country. Also its the continuing focus on stripping the disabled using ATOS still which has shown time again to be unqualified making many genuine lives miserable while the fat cat bankers are of the hook. Please lets kick them out in 2015 and start to repair the damage.


Guiri i am not saying that some can work DLA is available to those who work the issue is the fact that this shower are focusing on the disabled and sick penny pinching putting stress on people whose lives might be strained as it is. The point is that IDS made a ill judged comment many will find offensive many who loose limbs are soldiers who served there country. Yes New Labour had its rich element sadly it was them who brought in ATOS i am old labour and wish they would apologise and declare a different way of dealing with assessments if they came back in 2015.

Update 2:

that's denying that some could work.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    And ATOS are sponsoring the Olympics and the Paralympics?!?

    In case anyone don't know, they're the people who employ "health care professionals" (y'know, like "Employment Advisors" at your local Jobecentre) to overrule brain surgeons and cancer consultants to declare the terminally ill "fit for work" after a 20 minute computer questionnaire.

    The DWP is running disability-denial factories that were banned in the US. Non-medical sham assessments.


    "News has emerged that Serco have been asked by the DWP to conduct an investigation into how more ways to cut benefit claimants' funding can be found. One recipient of a cold contact email from Serco was so incensed at Serco's efforts to rope him into the process that @AlexSmithNP got in touch to show me this letter (here). It clearly shows an increased role for Serco in finding more ways to cut welfare spending. Recently Serco have been scandalised throughout the developed world for their ill treatment of child detainees and their involvement in Nuclear proliferation. They are on a banned list in Norway from applying to the Norwegian Fund that invests in long term infrastructural projects. This is because the Norwegian government has declared them 'unethical'. The news that this company will be increasing its £4.5bn profiteering operation in the area of disability assessments will cause serious alarm among the sick and disabled."

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't think you will need to vote the tories out in the next election I think the way they are going they are gonna get kicked out before their term is up,what a lot of the ar*ehole tory supporters do not realise is that their precious useless government is unable to catch out the real benefit cheats,all they are doing is taking from the real needy,the genuine disabled are the ones losing their disability living allowance.They should also remember that many of the genuine disabled have also paid into the system for a number of years before they became disabled.

    I have ben to a couple of ATOS assessments with genuine disabled people and I can not see how been able open a packet of biscuits or get money out of a wallet can determine the state of an illness.

    There is a heck of a lot of stick to come for this government over the next 12 months

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    IDS are making money.

    We should look after our own People,not everyone Else's

    Tory par for the course though.

    Many more cuts to come.

  • guiri
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I have worked with a one - legged guy. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him that you would notice other than a slight limp. Such people must not be consigned to the scrapheap.

    In fact, we should try to employ such people where possible. And especially ex-servicemen.

    - All this toff stuff is silly. Labour is stacked full of toffs and upper middle class people who went to Oxford and Cambridge Universities. It is so long ago that one has to go to the history books to find real working class labour MPs. Even the Red hot mama MP Dianne Abbott (MA OXON?) sent her son to a private school. All MPs are posh, toffs nowadays.

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  • 9 years ago

    They treat our soldiers like ....t sorry about that....they send them to wars that shouldnt be.....then when they come home without limbs they again treat them like ....t we need to get them out before 2015 ....I dread to think what else they will do in the next 3 years....

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The money should be given to inhabitants of England, not all the spongers who flock here for free this, free that. Its a disgrace saying what they did, when they get cars, expenses on top of their huge salaries.

  • 9 years ago

    Somebody should throw Identical Data Systems onto a landmine and see how he likes it.


    Loss of Limbs

  • 9 years ago

    Absolutely the most appalling piece of bull cr*p I have heard in a long time.

    The man is a moron!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Jack they are only targeting the malingerers and spongers. in the end if you are genuine you will get more money.

  • Watch the paralympics and then run that by me again, I know somebody who is virtually quadraplegic, he cannot walk at all and has little movement in his arms or hands, he has never stopped working because his brain is intact.

    He is my hero!

    It is not kind to write people off as useless when they are still capable of contributing and wish to do so!

    On the other hand people like the one in my link are cheating scum and need to be dealt with, I know a few of those too and I won't grass them up but I don't give them the time of day either!!!

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