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Chula Lula asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

My dog has been diagnosed with Cushings disease. My choices are prescription drugs or nothing.?

Anyone out there ever been in this exact predicament? Tests have been done and confirmed. What I haven't been told was if she is in pain with this disease.

Any intelligent response is welcome. She is a 5 year old yorkie and is otherwise a pretty healthy and devoted companion.

Please no trolls, this is devastating enough without trolls.


I did quite a bit of research before taking her to the vet a few times. At first I thought it was weird because she was having "accidents" in the house. She was potty trained as a puppy and had never had an accident in the house before this so I knew there was something wrong. Hoping it was incontinence I was prepared for the diapers but after a few tests it was confirmed to be Cushings.

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I lost my Boxer Mix to Cushings 4 years ago. We medicated for a while and we found that surgery was an option, but the risk that it would fail to help and the cost, was prohibitive. The Cushings its self wasn't painful but the infections that she contracted due to her immune systems being compromised was horrible. She had three different skin problems and the treatment made her uncomfortable (medicine baths everyday, creams, not being able to scratch). Then she started getting bladder infections, we treated her and cleared them up 4-5 times, the last time she had a Kidney infection. She urinated blood and puss, we put her down that afternoon. I can only imagine how horrible she felt. I regret not putting her down sooner. From the first signs if Cushings to her death was about 9 months.

  • We had a dog that was diagnosed with Cushings as a young dog, and the vet only gave her a few years to live, but she lived almost a full life. She was about 13 years old when she died, but our vet told us that she was the first dog he had ever seen that lived so long with Cushings.

    I think the disease itself isn't very painful, but the complications that tend to come with it often cause some pain. I would talk to your vet about the pros and cons of both giving the medication and not giving it to your dog. Personally, I would probably go with buying the medication, but this dog is yours and you know her a lot better than we do, which means you would know what is best.

    Source(s): Had a dog with Cushings
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    That's so unhappy. If the vet can not do whatever that probably that. Prognosis: Left untreated, Cushing's ailment will growth. As extra cortisol is immunosuppressive, Cushingoid puppies are susceptible to quite a lot of infections. They also are predisposed to constructing hypothyroidism, pancreatitis, diabetes, seizures, high blood pressure, congestive middle failure, blood clots (thromboembolism), and liver and kidney failure. It must now not move with out noting that many of those puppies are at hazard of early euthanasia as a result of incontinence as a result of expanded water intake. Cushing's ailment isn't whatever from which a puppy recovers. Cushing's ailment is controlled, now not cured. Whether handled or now not, such a lot puppies will die inside a couple of years of analysis, despite the fact that now not always as a result of Cushing's iteself. Again, that's for the reason that such a lot Cushing's sufferers are aged and feature concurrent wellness problems. Nonetheless, hyperadrenocorticism is a major situation, and keeping a puppy with Cushing's ailment calls for vigilance and dedication at the side of the landlord.

  • 9 years ago

    Cushings disease does cause other problems them the dog to constantly gain weight. but for the most part the medicine will keep your dog alive and keep your dog from gaining weight but it will be hard to lose weight. But the main point is to give your dog the medicine but only the amount your vet prescribes or and can cause almost an immediate death. I know this cause my dog has had it for almost three years.

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