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How do I sever a sub-account from a master account on PS3?

I was having difficulty setting up an account on PS3, so I asked my friend to set it up from his house. I'm not very adept with electronics, so I didn't know that once he had set it up at his house, that it would be a sub - account to the master that they had set up at their house. So, with this, he has access to all of my information. Even though he is my friend, I don't want anyone to have access to the information besides my family and I. So, I want to separate from their master, and to have a master account through my own house, not a sub under his, and I want to be independent. Is there any way I can delete it without him having to do it, and if I do that, what are the consequences? Will we lose any information? I couldn't find the related post, but in the e-mail I received from the PlayStation Network had something useful, it was:

If you did not intend to register a Sony Entertainment Network Sub Account, someone may have registered with your information by mistake. Contact Consumer Services for further assistance.

If someone could simplify a way for me

1. to sever my account from his so it runs through my house and my information

2. to make that sub - account the master of my own playstation

3. to delete the account entirely myself

4. or, if I have missed something, could anyone please help me.

He said he did it so we could download things that they bought through the store for free, and while that is awesome, I don't want to be attached to their network AT ALL.

ANY advice would be fantastic.

Please and thank - you for reading this, although it was long! :)

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    you need a master account to pay money while sub let you have demos and video things that are free sub want add ons master

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