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In trouble for curfew in your own vehicle?

My town has a curfew from 10 PM to 6 AM, i was out at 3:30 AM in my own vehicle. Can i still get in trouble in my OWN vehicle? I am 16. I also have a Driver's License that says i am allowed to drive anytime i please? So my question is can the cops seriously nail me for being out after curfew in my OWN vehicle? It wasn't like i was walking down a street or something....


I'm a night owl during the summer time haha. I was just chilling, actually waiting for my girlfriend to get off work (she works graveyards) at the local gas station

6 Answers

  • Vulken
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes they can get you for that.

    Was it an emergency, or were you coming home from work?

    Then you shouldn't have been out.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Yes even though you were in your own vehicle you were still breaking curfew. Your vehicle may belong to you but you were still breaking curfew by being in it where you were not supposed to be sorry but that's the reality of the law. If you were returning to home from a job that's is a different thing besides what the hell were you doing out 3:30 am. That alone makes you suspicious and subject to stop and identity request by an officer of the law.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes he can certainly nail you and i would've too. My motto is anybody out after 2am is either lookin' for trouble or have an emergency.

    They most likely pulled you over because someone being out at 3:30 am they assumed you were up to no good or you were a DUI and besides @ 16 you had no good reason to be out after 10pm even if you were waiting for your girlfriend which i'm assuming is over 18 because anybody under 16 isn't allowed to work graveyard but even if she had been with you. You still would have gotten busted and she possibly could have gotten in trouble too for knowingly being with you after curfew. Where were your parents? Do they know your out this late? Bet they do now don't they? First time they just call your mom & dad.

    & at 16 that car is not Legally yours even though it's your personal car it is in somebody elses name. & Unlike a home a car is not off limits without a warrant. If we have Probable cause to search your car we can...& at 16 you aren't basically afforded the same rights as an 18 year old would be afforded...There are some laws such a Curfew & Phone laws that adults are afforded certain rights such as we can't pull them over because of that but with a person under 18 we can pull them over JUST for a curfew or a phone violation...Just remember that we go more easy on teenagers but we also are harder on them when it comes to Traffic & Curfew

    Juvenile Curfew Laws and Exempted Activities

    Almost all juvenile curfew laws identify exempted activities or exceptions under which juveniles may lawfully be out after curfew. These exceptions will vary by jurisdiction, but typically include:

    •Minors accompanied by a parent or guardian, Minors traveling to or from work, Minors attending official school or religious events, Minors running errands under an adults instruction, Emergencies...& You weren't doing any of those at 3:30am.

    If we had stopped you at 3:30 am you would have been Searched, Car Searched & DUI Tested and it all would have been probable cause because of your age and time of night.

    But in all seriousness buddy you need to stay home because the punishments if you keep getting caught isn't a joke.

    But don't keep doing it because if you keep getting caught for Curfew Violation these are the punishments that would be handed down...

    1st Offense...Fines

    2nd Offense. Fines & Imposition of Community Service or Required Enrollment in After-School Programs.

    3rd Offense. Restriction Of Drivers License Privileges (Which Means If Caught We Can Take You To Jail) & Warning To Your Parents If Your Caught Again They Will Also Be Charged With a Crime Not Just You

    4th Offense. Detention In Jail or Juvenile Hall & Your Parents Will Also Be Charged With a Crime Depends On The State Depends On The Time

    See no Joke...

    I know it's summer & it sucks to be held inside but go and cruise during the day when you won't get in trouble not at night....I know you meant no harm and we were just but liked i said nobody out after the bars closed aren't up to any good....Alot of crimes are committed between 3-6am and if you were at a stoplight all by yourself you can become the victim of a robbery or carjacking. We have seen it happen so just stay home, stay on the computer and chat up the babes & call your girlfriend while she's at work i'm sure she's bored and would enjoy talking to you.

    I work nights also and it gets lonely for both My Wife & Myself so i enjoy it when she calls and talks to me at 3 in the morning. Do that next time because next time it might not be a police officer who gets you stopped...

    Some states & Cities even have Curfew for Adults

    Source(s): I am a Police Officer My Main Job On My Shift is Curfew & DUI Enforcement
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    yes, of course.

    it doesn't matter if you were in your vehicle, your girlfriend's vehicle, or your mommy's vehicle - it only matters that you were not home in the house.

    they can pull your drivers license for this BS, dumb ***.

    are you by chance mentally handicapped, and did your mother have any children that did not suffer from any sort of mental defects? as there's something wrong with you.

  • 9 years ago

    Curfew and automobile ownership are completely unrelated. The only factor is age.

  • HJW
    Lv 7
    9 years ago


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