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WitchTwo asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

a friend told me that Alpo Liva Snaps contained something that helps to prevent?

heart worm in dogs. Has anyone else heard of this? My thought is that if I can prevent mosquito bites in humans by taking a daily super B, I don't see why it wouldn't work for dogs........


First of all, heart worms are only transported via mosquito's. There are many natural products that human and canines can take regularly that make our blood unappetizing to mosquito'ss, flea's and tick's. Super B complex vitamins or garlic supplements work wonders. It just so happens that humans, canines and equines respond similarly to supplements and alternative therapies. I did not ask about heart worms, I asked if anyone had heard of this before. So thank you for not answering, you totally missed the question....

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Alpo products are made very poor quality. You want hear tworm prevention, see a vet. You want a healthy dog treat check out Pure Bites.

  • 9 years ago

    Dogs have to be tested for heartworm before they can be put on a preventative as the anti-heartworm meds are dangerous to a dog with heartworm. So I think your friend doesn't know what they are talking about.

  • 9 years ago

    Have never heard of such a thing- heartworms are prevented by medications, i find it hard to beleive they put that in dog treats that can be given in any amount the owner chooses- wouldn't be safe.

  • 9 years ago

    even if it slowed M bite's, do you really want to take that kind of chance with your dog? put your dog on a monthy dose of ivermectin and you will prevent HW The cure for heartworm is arsenic and 30 days in a tiny movement restricted cage. many dogs die from the "cure"

    Source(s): Chinese crested Breeder
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    hello young lady :) the first thing I want to say is you are a well respected and well liked YA user on here, we that know you (as much as we can on here at least) accept you and enjoy communicating with you. you are amongst fellow YA users (the ones that are non-trolls I mean) a lot of us users on here are loners. welcome to cyber loner land. that's what is so nice about YA when you do get in the mood to come out of your shell and communicate a little this place is really convenient. then when your ready to back doing your own thing, or sick of hearing people bullshit and them talking about "me, me, me, I, I, I," there's no uncomfortable goodbyes or arguments you can just say "Fu*k this sh*t" and close the screen down on your computer and go do your sh*t. that's what I really like about this place. when you had enough there are no uncomfortable exits you just shut the sh*t down and go do your thing. I am a loner too, I have always been a loner. but I found when being a loner it's really beneficial to believe in something. if your both a loner and have nothing to believe in you may find yourself in a state of hopelessness a lot of times, and we as human beings, well those with any value to them the ones that have a heart or a healthy conscious (for those that don't like the metaphor of "heart or soul") need some hope in our lives. most loners know themselves better than any one else, well I would hope so because if you are both lost and a loner you are in some serious sh^t, believe me I have been there and it's nothing nice. so I would hope that you know yourself pretty well, you know all about your good qualities and if you don't you need to do some introspecting as I have told you before and find those qualities. then you believe in YOURSELF! edit (for those with good state of consciousness and good hearts) We must believe in our human potential, our lives have the true meaning and value of NOW, our only HOPE today lies in our ability to life ourselves from THIS EVER RISING HELL! and when I say "ever rising hell" I am referring to this deterioration in humanity right now, all the external conflict, everybody out for themselves. I have entered my late 30s and sh*t has changed so much since I was your age, it's harder to meet people and make friends given there are just so many selfish douche bags out there now, people don't care about others and the good things they do like back in the day, there seems to be more debate and disagreement in things. I mean go spend 5 minutes in the R&S section (as I know you have) hardly EVER can anyone respect each others belief systems and spirituality, it's all about their arrogance that they are right and you are wrong. edit well this may be YA and online but it's real life on here too and what goes on in R&S is just fu*king @ss disturbing! let's suppose Darwin was right and lets spouse evolution is true REGARDLESS of how the hell we got here. okay? as we are advancing in evolutionary technology, science and discoveries in science, medicine, we are also destroying our planet simultaneously with all the waste after our advancements. humans are always going to be humans, there will always be war, conflict and disagreements. if there is anything good that I can say about myself is I have a high level of awareness that has developed nicely through my choices in spirituality and what I see is somewhat a deterioration in our evolutionary process as people and humanity, human rights and giving a fu*k about your fellow man, there is a complete lack of human compassion these days most people treat you like you are in their way. spend some time in R&S and Politics and tell me I am wrong. edit: Yes this has been going on for decades but I honestly see it progressively getting worse so let me tell you something sweet heart there isn't anything wrong with saying fu*k this I am stepping away from this and being by myself and finding my own way, there isn't nothing wrong with being a loner. I am a partial Buddhist and Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha the enlightened one) in many many ways did the same exact thing. it just so happens he found something really profound in philosophical views about humanity and discovered a way to be happier within it, he found soundness and truth in his views and later so did thousands and thousands of others. as I was going through college I had a massive psychological phobia about death and dying, so intense I almost didn't make it through school it consumed me so much it caused morbid fixations with regard of the fear of absolute nothingness and a complete annihilation of consciousness after death. the myths of hell, demons, eternal fire and brimstone none of that sh*t ever got to me none of that scared me, but nothing frightened me more than the complete annihilation of consciousness after death.

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