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Do you believe in ghost ? tell a short story about that ^_^?

there was another world live nearby our world, believe or not this is true,.

I was saw the yellow light when I go to the Cementary, that like aflying, into one tree to another, so creepy, and I concentrate and stay focus , then I saw a man face,.that was shocking,..what about u guys,..can u tell me what stories u have??

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes i believe but i think of the yellow light is he oil or something of the dead body. i am not sure of the man's face. i believe in them i believe that to make the dead souls happy we have to do some pooja and do the things which they couldn't do when they were alive

  • 9 years ago

    Do I believe in GHOSTS? No. Why? I have investigated several hauntings and each time that it was proven that a natural occurence was not to blame for the various activity it was discovered that a DEMONIC entity was behind it instead. A few times those demons had fooled folks into believing that they were harmless spirits of children or what have you but once challenged by those that can sense evil they showed their true colors. I have dealt with the issue of demonic entities for more than 20 years and in all of the places that were "Haunted" I have never encountered a SINGLE true ghost.

    Source(s): Experience and God given ability to discern the spirits.
  • 9 years ago

    sometimes I do, sometimes i don't.... here is a story i just read.



    My sister isn't one to believe in things that go bump in the night. But that changed when she attended an out-of-town seminar and came face-to-face with an otherworldly presence.

    My sister said it was more like a retreat than seminar, really. It was held at one of the vacation houses owned by the company she worked for. It was far from the main road and could only be reached by private vehicles. No public transportation passed by. But you can take a tricycle from the main road and just direct the driver to the house.

    It was far from the maddening noise of the city and was nestled amidst mountain ridges that accounted for the breezy afternoons and chilly nights.

    However, she found it creepy that the trees had all these crosses on them. One of her officemates said it's because the trees were used for the Station of the Cross during the Lenten season.

    It was a week- long seminar. The days were spent with the usual team- building exercises and activities. At night, they would have bonfires and tell encouraging or inspirational stories.

    It was during one of these bonfires that she heard about "resident".

    Some of her officemates, especially those who had with the company for years and had previously attended these seminars, recounted their encounter with the lodge's apparition. How it would suddenly pass them by on the stairs; how it would appear at the door of the dining area as if checking on them.

    But the manager, who had been with the company for almost 10 years, would quickly debunk the stories and call them "nonsense." And my sister, as I've said earlier, was not one to easily believe such talk. So, she and the manager had a good time laughing the stories off.

    The third night of the seminar, as they were all preparing to go to bed, one off her officemates came rushing to her room. The officemate told her she heard something moving, rustling, inside her closet and asked my sister to accompany her to check it out.

    It was my sister who opened the closet door and there, lying top of a bunch of clothes was a salamander. Her office mate freaked out. Nothing like a reptile to scare the wits out of somebody. Anyway, since both of them were afraid of the reptile, they decided to leave it alone. My sister then asked her office mate to just sleep in her bedroom. The salamander might attack her, they thought.

    My sister and her officemate went back to her room and got ready for bed. After a few hours of chit- chat, they went to sleep.

    My sister is a light sleeper. A movement on the bed would easily wake her up. She woke up in the middle of the night with a sense of unease. She wasn't exactly sure what woke her up. But she felt chill even before she opened her eyes. Her mind registered that maybe she had forgotten to close the windows. And so even though her lids were heavy with sleep, she willed them open.

    And there, hovering above her was a face!

    She felt a scream rise to her throat. She wanted to kick her officemate, who was happily snoring beside her, into wakefulness. She wanted to raise her hands in alarm, wanted to fail her arms at the specter. But fear paralyzed her.

    The face was that of a woman. She had wide sunken eyes, gaunt cheeks and an empty hollow mouth. It screamed at her, a high piercing sound that could've come from the very pits of hell.

    Then her officemate turned and in an instant, the apparition was gone and my sister, trembling, woke her officemate up. She told her what happened and though scared as my sister, they went to the next room to crash another officemate's room. My sister huddled close to her officemate, fearful that the wraith would come back. They didn't sleep a wink that night.

    The company stopped having it's seminars at that house shortly after that. A few months after the incident, my sister resigned. Though she would not admit that it was probably the experience that pushed her to do it.

  • 9 years ago

    I believe in them!

    My mums grandad all of a sudden wanted to have this really big family get together with like everyone from the family, it was really good and everyone took heaps of pictures. The next day he died and when everyone got their pictures developed every picture he was in was ruined, like there was a flash of light where he was meant to be.

    It's sort of creepy but everyone reckons he was already meant to be dead and he asked for one more day , that's why he wanted to have the get together and died the next day.

    weird haha

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  • 9 years ago

    astral projection is the best way to see hear and speak to ghosts

  • 9 years ago

    ghost's , aliens , demons. their all real

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