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commish asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Where did the liberal postings go after the Walker victory?

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Walker is a walking disaster for Wisconsin and for the United States. To pull off his "win" in the Recall election, he had to go begging out of state for the more than $29 MILLION he needed just to flood the airwaves with propaganda and lies (see "The Ed Show" of MSNBC from election night), and his opponent had only around $3.6 million from in-state donors mostly---yet the opponent came within five points of ousting Walker. Had the Democrat opponent run unopposed throughout the primary, he (or she) would have had more time to counter the propaganda spews and lies, and if the Democrat opponent had sought outside-of-state funding to the extent that the extortionist Walker did...well, I doubt that Walker could have remained anywhere near power.

  • MGN
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    What are you talking about?

    President Obama was the biggest winner of the night...Wisconsinites favored Obama (54%) to Romney(42%) by 12 points...a sign of things to come.

    The Walker victory is now being used a a rallying cry by the Obama campaign to raise even more money...they got another $200 from me.

    Also, the Democrats took control of the Senate.

    Overall, it was a great night for Obama and the Democrats.

  • 9 years ago

    walker gave 60 billion in tax breaks to corporations in wisconsin , then 4 months later said the state budget was short by 60 billion and he would have to lay off teachers and police and state workers . it just didn't make sense to me to do that . wall street analysts are saying that in 2011 , publicly traded corporations ( those that issue stocks ) made the MOST profit , ever , in history * . they are sitting on over 2 Trillion of cash ' reserves ' . why do they need even MORE tax breaks ?

    Source(s): wsj , ny daily new , ny post , the economist , readers digest
  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Mom made them turn off the computer, and go play outside. "It's such a nice day. Go get some sun."

    Just a coincidence that happens every June...

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There's still liberals here, just like there are still cons after a con loses. This is kind of a stupid question.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Mom put them to bed early as they were crying so much.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    We liberals just accepted that the American people are dumb as hell.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Home to lick their wounds

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    They haven't gone anywhere.

  • 9 years ago

    they're still here, don't you worry none

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