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Madhukar asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 9 years ago

Why can't Yahoo Answers find some solution to this problem?

I make errors in answering despite utmost care. Some of my contacts help me correct my mistakes by drawing my attention. But sometimes my incorrect answer gets selected as BA even by the asker even before I come to know about the error and correct the same. See the following links:;_ylt=Am...;_ylt=Ao...;_ylt=Ai...

It also so happens that an incorrect answer gets selected ignoring my correct answer. This affects the credibility of the answers selected as BA in this forum. Why can't Yahoo Answers team consider

1) allowing the answerer whose answer is selected as BA incorrectly to delete the same once he becomes aware of it?

2) allow participants to report the same so that it can be deleted by Yahoo Answers team?

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Y! should make the comments visible rather than requiring a

    button click to see them. BA's comments should automatically go to

    the top so that (s)he can post any corrections therein.

  • 9 years ago

    Let me start off by saying that getting BAs aren't about being correct. It's about giving the asker the answer he/she wants to hear. It may be the right answer or it might not be. Questions asking stuff like who is the better baseball player does not have a right answer. It's all a matter of opinion and the asker of that question will give BA to the answer he likes best. In some things like math, there is a right answer, but then they would have to use this policy on the whole site and it would be impractical in other sections.

    1. The problem with this is if the BA winning answer gets reported/deleted, the question will also get deleted.

    2. You can report an answer already. But you shouldn't do it because it is wrong. You should do it because it violates the community guidelines.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Exactly what problem are you talking about? The problem that so many people seem to have in understanding that Yahoo employees DO NOT READ OR MODERATE THE YA BOARDS because YA is moderated by the ENTIRE YA community, or the people who, The REAL problem is the troll teams who misuse YA as a playground to intentionally select wrong inaccurate answers as best answers. The Report abuse button is abused just as much the thumb down button because trolls will ABUSE AYTHING that can be abused in ANY WAY. Your report "problem" DOES NOT EXIST because Yahoo is NOT LEGALLY LIABLE for wrong or inaccurate answers posted on YA because the following statement is on the bottom of YA web-pages:

    "...Yahoo! does not evaluate or guarantee the accuracy of any Yahoo! Answers content. Click here for the Full Disclaimer. ..."


    USE THE SEND FEEDBACK hyperlink, NOT YA to complain and lose five points.

  • 9 years ago

    Y!A is lowest common denominator.

    giving answers here is love of labour.

    bouquets and brickbats shouldn't matter.

    the other thing which is worse than - selecting a BA -

    is electing the president.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Gone
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Best answer is what is guarantee it is correct. They can't fix what isn't broken..a bbest answer was chosen. Period.

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