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Would you still use Yahoo! Answers if there was no way of voting answers down?

Personally I am highly disturbed by the fact that the 'thumbs down' option has been removed. If this remains to be the case I will simply stop answering questions because the is just no point in doing it if the right answer can no longer be distinguished from total bullshit.

Would you still use Y! A if there continue to be only positive votes, so also no "trolling" or "incorrect" or stuff like that?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wouldn't say that I would stop but I certainly wouldn't find answers as useful because I think it is important to have a rating system that users can identify offensive, bad, and incorrect answers. With out that ability the whole system is a lot less useful, but I don’t feel like I have a voice and yahoo who will do whatever it wants.

    Oh well, if they ditch a rating system that allows users to mark bad answers, its just one more excuse to stop using yahoo altogether as answers is one of the main reasons I have kept my account.

  • Chad
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Totally agree. I was really pis*ed when I saw the thumbs down was gone. How can you disagree with answers been given if thats gone? So dumb.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i assume this ingredient gadget is doing greater harm than stable. It does not extra people's self-accountability. Getting factors creates an identical attitude while making money. maximum folk attempt to get it with the least attempt achieveable and in the event that they might then they use tricks. the proportion of folk in our society who do their artwork with accountability, they like what they do and the money they get is secondary, are probable no longer intense. an identical right here at 'solutions'. Questions would desire to be asked with the aid of fact those are substantial and mandatory for the asker and to no longer earn factors. solutions would desire to get carry of, with the aid of fact it somewhat is a project to respond to and doing on the type to study or one needs to help and proportion ones wisdom, yet to no longer make factors. it may well be interesting to study the solutions with the aid of fact those propose some thing substantial to get the best out of it and then one votes with the aid of fact one appreciates the best answer, yet no longer with the aid of fact one earns factors. it somewhat is ridicules that an answerer gets an identical factors for ones attempt of giving the best and spending fairly a while with the respond, than person who solutions with one be conscious or one line and it somewhat is glaring that it somewhat is performed to earn factors. That’s the clarification the area is crammed up with mindless solutions. For somewhat stable solutions there would desire to get carry of a reward that would desire to be stated by employing the guy who had published the question and additionally from people who study the solutions. ‘appropriate contributor’ would desire to be referred to as this person who had a definite form of rewards and not with the aid of fact has published a brilliant form of solutions. Why so few people vote for the best answer? with the aid of fact it somewhat is way less complicated to write a one line question than to study quite a few solutions. Why solutions receiving votes that are patently undesirable solutions? with the aid of fact people do no longer study solutions, they only click on something to get carry of the criteria. related with the gadget of receiving factors is the point gadget, that makes that folk intend to make factors as rapid as achieveable, then reaching a place that makes them experience ‘somebody’, being shown of their character. different boards provide the identify ‘professional’ while it exhibits that they've somewhat earned it, probable a stable thank you to extra high quality solutions and to shrink nonsense posts. BeiYin

  • 9 years ago

    Gosh, that's really feeding the trolls..

    But I would still use it..

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 9 years ago

    I'll probably come on here less and less when that becomes standard for everybody.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm going to stop after graduation lol so i guess sort of ?

  • 9 years ago

    um you can thumbs answers down...and yeah I would. Been there done that.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I just answer questions, thats about it

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    yes because i don't take it that seriously - i'm here for a laugh with my contacts :D

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