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Do you think states in america will ever lower the drinking age to 18?

I'm not looking for an argument,I just want opinions on this matter.

To me,the only reason why the drinking age is 21 in all states is , because each state in america does not want to lose federal highway funds.I don't think it has too do with age because if it does,realistically then..the age to drink should be 25.That is when most or all your brain is develop and you can make "better decisions".It really just shows that the goverment simply does not care about the age too drink,all they care about is not losing there funds.It really wouldn't make a difference if they lowered the drinking age to 18,because right now alot (Not all)21year olds are  not responsible when they drink,drunk driving,killing people,basically there they majority why america is the most country too still have alcohol related problems.My opinion is that they should lower the drinking age in most states or all,for other numerous reasons that I did not list.

 So do you think they ever will,or wont? Explain,And you're opinions.


@Jason 21 as the drinking age makes no sense,why not just lower the drinking age to 18 when you can go to war,vote,smoke,marriage,etc etc., I know america will never set the drinking age to 25 ..god forbid,it would cause too much of a fuuckiing uproar.

And too the other person with the "Europe argument",there are many other countries than europe where there drinking age is 18, and they have lower alcohol related problems then america.

14 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    For a very open view of your question to be properly answered, see wikipedia: Legal drinking Age

    Every place in the world is listed as well as the USA and a rational as to how enforced and not enforced.

    The legal age as stated by federal law is 21 in the USA, but also look at the particular enforcement and diversions to the law(s) by states.

    It can also be noted, not shown in the report, that the content of beer, per se BRAGA in Russia is 1.5%, most are 4% and some as high as 8% by volume. (See wikipedia Alcohol percent by volume)

  • 9 years ago

    I sure as hell hope not. I remember being 18, and I wasn't all THAT mature, much less the other animals I went to school with....

    So let me get this straight. You admit that the drinking age should be higher(25) because that is when statistically, people make better decisions... You then go on to say that the majority of 21 year olds are not responsible, and cause accidents, and kill people. So why in the world would you then say they should lower it to 18? That doesn't make any sense does it...

  • 9 years ago

    First off I dont drink, but some of my friends do and according to them once they turn 21 drinking isn't fun anymore. So maybe they should lower the age to 18. On the other hand I work with a bunch of stupid high school kids and all they do is drink, smoke, and f*ck so it really doesn't matter what the age is , people will always want to drink before it is legal for them to.

  • 9 years ago

    Have you ever seen the way 18 year old drive without being intoxicated?

    The only organizations that might agree with you are the funeral homes, they could use the extra business that lowering the drinking age would give them. The new employees they would have to hire to keep up with the funerals

    The casket makers, the headstone makers, the cemetary, the actual grave diggers, the clothing stores (for the final resting clothing), can't forget the flower shops.

    So for the economy they should pass it but then that economy will only benefit one certain field related area

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    It's unlikely to happen any time soon. There is no positive evidence or reason to lower the drinking age. A common argument is it's lower in Europe and they have fewer drunk driving related incidents because people can hold their alcohol better or know when they shouldn't drive. They fail to mention that the legal limit in Europe is .04 or even lower in several areas, where as it is .08 here for adults and .02 for juveniles.

    That being said, I could care less if the drinking age was lowered.

    Source(s): Police Officer, Washington State B.A. Law and Justice
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Its hard to make a good case for lowering the drinking age to 18.. consider the problems the police have with Alchol. The drink age in Australia is 18 and the police waste the vast majority of there time and resources dealing with drunk idiots

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No i do not think that the will ever lower the drinking age nor smokeing age. I think we will have a better chance making pot legal than alcohol age lowered

  • 9 years ago

    No, of course not. The age was raised to 21, and it won't be lowered.

  • 9 years ago

    Lower the Drinking age to 18? Only if you want Drunk Driving car accidents to sky rocket! Next you are going to want it to be legal to smoke weed while driving and downing a 40! Sorry, if your 18 and happen to have a beer in your hand you should only be driving a pillow on your bed while you sober up.

    Source(s): Life.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Iowa did it in the seventies and because of the high insistence of drunkenness including DWI in less than one year the age was raised back to 21.

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