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Ramadan: What is a Jinn?

This comes up often, and I don't know what they are.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just one of the many creations of Allah, but given 'freewill' and reasoning faculties just like humans. They were created from 'smokeless' fire, not like Adam who was created from earth. They posses different characteristics than human, like transfiguring themselves into the like of other creations, sometimes even like humans and animals specially that of a snake or a dog. They are capable of flying into and through space and also to do heavy tasks. Like during the time of Nabi Sulaiman (Solomon), they worked in building the Masjid al Aksa, and also capable of deep water diving. Apart from those they do also posses abilities to influence human thoughts and to become invisible.

    The jinn species were in existence before Adam was created and ruled the earth before humans were here. Once Allah made Adam and put him on earth, they discarded their normal dwelling place upon earth and went to live along grave yards, dark spots, river banks, sea shores etc.

    Among the jinn's were also 'believers' and 'disbelievers. Those that followed the Iblis, their leader, became the 'disbelievers' among the jinn species.Those who submitted to the will of Allah, became the 'believing' jinn's.

    (Note: Iblis, who was expelled from the heaven belong to the jinn species).

    Want to know how Iblis got up there into heaven?

    Well. He was on earth. But due to his piety was elevated in ranks to be among the angels, leading them in the worship of Allah. It is when Allah created Adam and told him to bow down to Adam, that he became rebellious and was finally expelled to earth after deceiving Adam and Eve into eating from the 'forbidden tree'.

    It is then he made a vow to misguide mankind from the path of Allah till the day of 'Resurrection'.

    He recruited his own army of rebellious jinn's from fellow jinn's on earth, and they work 24/7 to misguiding mankind.

    Though the jinn species as a whole enjoy similar fate like humans, such as birth, death and procreation but the Iblis alone had been given respite from death till the Day of Resurrection.

    Hope that helped.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Ramadhan is the month in which Muslims fast for 30 days. They begin the fast before sunrise and open it after the sun sets. As for Jinn, is a being that is not human. Just like a ghost you could say. Jinn is created from fire, unlike humans. There are good jinns and bad jinns.

  • 9 years ago

    Assalamu alaykum Really based on the Qur'an there are many jinns in this world Allah created angel from light,,jinn from hot fire and human from soil Jinns can be divided into (1)good or Muslim jinns who worship and obey to Allah so they do not disturb humans and (2)bad jinns or iblises or shaytans or kafir jinns who always disturb humans and try to bring them into bad doings Good jinns will live in a clean places while bad jinns will live in dirty places.. All jinns have desires so they get married and have children. They have very long age based on the hadith,they will die when this universe broken on qiyyamah There are many good jinns and bad jinns around us bu we in general could not see them We would not be disturbed by bad jimns if we have strong eeman or faith.

  • 9 years ago

    Jinns are part of the unseen world to humans. Many things, such as 'ghosts' are part of the jinns mischief.So, satan was not an angel, or a human, he was the other category, 'jinn', Its a pretty lengthy topic.

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  • 9 years ago

    The Jinns are a group of creations like human beings whom man can not see with his eyes as they are created from fire just as Angels who are created from light.. There are instances that prophet took classes for them.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    In the Al-Quran , Allah mentioned several times said the genie. There is even a letter that specifically discusses about the genie and called the letter Al-Jin. When summed up briefly, then there are things that can be known from the Al-Quran Al-Jinn figure who about it.

    a. Jin was created by Allah from fire.

    Allah SWT says that jinn were created from a very hot fire, as well as mention is made of flame.

    And the jinn We created before from a very hot fire. (QS.Al-Hijr: 27)

    And He created the jinn from smokeless fire. (QS.Ar-Rahman: 15)

    b. Jin there is a Muslim and kuffar

    As Allah SWT following

    'Amongst us there are righteous people among us and there is not the case. Our path is different. (Surah Al-Jinn: 11)

    Jins is an example of a Muslim prophet Sulayman's army. As described in the Quran:

    And the jinn We created before from a very hot fire. (Surat an-Naml: 17)

    And we wind for Sulaiman, who travels in the morning with a trip a month and travels on the same evening by traveling a month and we circulate the liquid copper for him. And the party of the jinn who worked before him there with the permission of their Lord. And who among them deviated from Our command, We feel her torment of hell fire burning. (Surah Saba: 12)

    The genie was made to Solomon what he wanted from high buildings and statues and plates such as ponds and pots are fixed. Work O house of David to be grateful. And few of My servants are grateful. (Surah Saba ': 13)


    While Satan, according to Al-Quran Al-quran is a creature who works invite the evil and wicked deeds and lying.

    Notice the word of Allah SWT following:

    Verily Satan just told you to do evil and cruel, and said to Allah what ye know not. (Surah Al-Baqarah: 169)

    b. Satan is the enemy of Allah SWT Man has confirmed that the devil is a real enemy to man.

    O ye who believe, come ye to the whole of Islam, and do not share the steps devil. Satan was the real enemy to you. (Surah Al-Baqarah: 208)

    c. Give promise and imagination Empty

    Satan was his promise and empty dreams to humans

    Satan gave the promises to them and evoke an empty delusion on them, but Satan does not promise to them other than a sham. (Surah An-Nisa: 120)

    d. Satan was there a human being is also

    But Satan is not limited to the type of ghost / genie course, but humans can be categorized as a devil. And Al-Quran was also mention of the man who became the devil.

    And thus have We made for every prophet an enemy, the devil-devil men and jinn, they whisper to a part other sayings of the beautiful to deceive. If thy Lord willed, they do not do it, then leave them and what they invent. (Surat al-Anam: 112)

    Say: "I cover man to God. King of mankind. Human gods. From the evil prince of darkness that would hide, who whispers into the hearts of men, from the jinn and mankind. (Surah An-Naas: 1-6)


    While Satan is a rebellious creature from jin, not the kind of man. Al-Quran expressly states that it is of a kind devil jin.

    read (Surat al-Kahf: 50)

    So it can be stated that the devil is a person of the opposite jin. He was the first genie that is closer to Allah SWT, then turned into a dissenter because not commanded to prostrate to Adam, the first man.

    And when We said to the angels, 'Prostrate yourselves before Adam, "then they prostrate except Iblis: he refused and was arrogant and he was included among those who disbelieve. (Surah Al-Baqarah: 34)

    The motivation was to hinder the devil bow down to Adam is nothing but the sense of pride and haughty. He felt himself much better than Adam. Allah says:

    "Does that stop you to bow when I tell you?" Satan replied, "I am better of it: You created me from fire were her You created from clay." (Surah Al-Araf: 12)

    The main characteristic of the devil is dead, he did not die until doomsday. And the suspension of his age had indeed been given by Allah SWT

    He said, "Give me respite until the day they are raised." God said, "Surely you include those who have respite." (Surah Al-Araf: 14-15)

    Satan said, "My Lord, give me then respite till the Day they are raised." God said, "Surely you include those who have respite, until the days of the time." (Surah Sad: 79-81)

    So the devil is the name of a genie who lives in the creation of Adam. and not dead-dead to this day. The devil is the devil forefathers who also had descendants, but his descendants did not get a guarantee to live till doomsday. And as the jinn, some of his descendants were dead. Although he was perhaps different from the average man. But it will die too. Unless their forefathers is the devil.

    Source(s): sorry,not good this english translate
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