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Is there a moisture barrier to put on concrete floor when installing vinyl tile ?

I have a lot of experience in laying laminate hardwood flooring and ceramic tile. This is my first experience with the self stick vinyl tile. and I was wondering if I should put felt or anything down first

for a moisture barrier.

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wouldn't recommend using peel and stick vinyl tiles on a bare concrete floor. Any moisture from the concrete can cause the glue to come loos and the tiles will start to peel up. And no, there isn't any underlayment to use with peel and stick tiles, except maybe sheets of thin wood. Then you could put a moisture barrier sheet under the wood. But, even then I would suggest rolled vinyl instead of peel and stick.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Laminated flooring are often unfastened lay. you do no longer glue or nail. use the fewer than lament that it comes with and you will do wonderful. additionally laminate unfastened layed flooring you will possibly desire to eliminate the mop board then positioned it back on as a fashion to get it under . The padding under-lament might only convey you up one extra a million/8 of an inch. Plus the flooring itself is a few million/4 you're ok. you are able to only use an adapter molding . in case you purchased to have even i might only upload to the residing room.

  • XTX
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    === no barrier exists for this application == just stick it to the concrete ....

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