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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

how do you live up to your 'fate'........?

....if you have a 'fate/destiny' something you know you are supposed to do, how do you do it without letting fear (or anything else) stop you?

you know, when you doubt yourself and dont think you can do it cos its too big and its important to you

those of you who know what im talking about go for it, give me any advice you got :-D


kyle yes it does, every word makes sense to me, thank you :-)

Update 2:

arquera, thats cool, not offending in the slightest your entitled to your own views on it all and i appreciate your answer and how polite you were and your practical advice is as helpful to me as any spiritual related stuff is

so thanks :-)

Update 3:

jehen you make a good point too about not sweating changing them,

i can say the opposite tho, i think my grand plan led me to exactly where i am now , cos its the same place i wanted to be when i was younger, im just more able to be there now, which is a great thing :-D

Update 4:

more good answers thank you :-D

15 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hello Frou, I think its about that gut feeling and instinct. When I stop to think about some thing thats when the doubt sets in and then the fear takes hold. It kinda works botyh ways too, You just know when something ain't right. The trouble with faith, thinking and doubt is we start to skew the picture of what we believe our fate ought to be......I think!!!

  • 9 years ago

    Well my dear frou, I would say that if it's really 'fate', it will happen. You will find a way to make it happen. To me, that kind of thing is something that becomes one's primary focus, and pushes everything else out of the way. If that's not the way it is, then it may just be an idea you're very fond of.

    Practical steps that might be taken to get there / experiences along the way:

    - Lots of research.

    - Phone calls. Talking to everyone you come into contact with about it. Getting ideas from those conversations that lead you further along toward it, and toward more research and new conversations.

    - Classes. Active work on initial attempts.

    - Breakthroughs that bring a huge energy boost when they happen.

    - Periods of lulls in activity that don't diminish the desire.

  • jehen
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Well, I never thought I was destined for anything - other than to grow up, grow old and then die. Be that as it may I have been very good at making the right choices most of my life where I find myself happier, wealthier, and more at ease in my own skin than I ever thought possible at one point. Not that I don't have regrets, or that I can't imagine myself in better circumstances, I can say that no grand plan I could have conceived of at 18 would have led me to where I am at 55. So my advice is to make your plans, but don't sweat about changing them.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm not really sure because I feel like your fate only lives up to the expectations you have for yourself, and how much you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal, or if you believe your "predestined fate." I'm not sure where my destiny lies, but I know what the end goals are, and you can only take small steps to get there. If you feel strongly enough about something and believe it is your fate (and it's something you destine to have) nothing should stop you in achieving it. The whole point is to break your personal boundaries and discover yourself.. I feel like I might've confused you, so I hope this makes sense

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't mean to offend you, but I'm not sure we have a fate. However, if you feel you have one -I have secretly thought I have one sometimes-- I'd say to reflect on it, develop a plan or strategy on the best way to go about it, and find the nerve to follow it through to the end, with all its possible negative consequences. Try to be as objective and as practical as you can be in developing your plan. This is just a tip:-) .

  • 9 years ago

    Fate is not lived up to fate is suffered. Fate includes the uncontrollable element of chance. Thereby it must be suffered, due to an insufficient lack of control. (Environmental conditioning helps). Knowledge of self, knowledge of environment,helps. An ever-evolvomg ability to learn helps. Preparation for the future helps. A healthy view of your own role in your own past helps, A great sense of self love helps, etc.

    But still the element of chance, brought on by the mass environment, as well as self certainty (DESTINY), in combinations not in your control, forces you to suffer the effect (FATE)

    The human death is a sexually transmitted disease resulting in death. This is destiny,and environmental chance(s) added to this certainty, produce a chain of effect(s) which govern the (FATE) of the human's life. This therefore, is the snow-flake principle of individual FATE(S), upheld.


    In the snow-flake principle of individuality snow is the common (DESTINY OF THAT TO WHICH YOU ARE COMMON), and flake is the individual certainty (of self a single flake, responsible only to your own chance(s), and thereby the bearer (sufferer), of your own individual FATE. This is the destiny of each and every object ,every spark etc, which makes up the universe. it is a must and therefore happens as it should.

    My mother and father made for me a certainty of death, when i was created. This is certain (DESTINY), my environment into which i was born, provides my CHANCE(S), and i can influence these chances to manipulate the combinative effect(s) (FATE(S) but i will suffer both the combination and the recombination of DESTINY AND CHANCE, TO FORM AND REFORM THE ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY OF "FATE" AS AN EFFECT TO BE SUFFERED. I will therefore definitely suffer "some" fate as an effect of CHANCE and DESTINY.( certainty).

    Therefore recreating the certainty of the trilogy as a doctrine. IT IS FOR THIS REASON I HAVE STARTED MY THIRD FAMILY. I started a family at the age of 20, one at forty, and now one at 60. My children (the first just born, are younger than my grandchildren, and a couple of my great grand children, are older than my own child, now.

    They will all die eventually, even as i will also,as i was destined from the beginning,to do. But the trail through environment has been an awesome trail of events, which has made an adventure of the entire worthwhile jourrney, (Thanx mom and dad).

    A generation is only 20 years. Therefore the generational beginning has to be refreshed on the average of 20 years.

    My mom just passed away, and if i am lucky i will live about another 20 years. This proves only one thing. The last 20 years of a child's life is going to be spent without parents, at he very best a person can achieve.

    I embraced this concept, and now, me, all my children, my grandchildren, and my great grandchildren, will die from the same disease, (DESTINY) It is the chance(s) provided by environment, and how we train ourselves to react, which will govern the fate(s) along the road to our final DESTINY).

    BUEN AVENTURA! (good advewnture) i say!

    Source(s): Life experience
  • 9 years ago

    Hmmm.... Interesting question. I guess when I doubt myself of get discourage I think about what it would be like to fulfill what I'm suppose to do and what would happen to me after it's done. I guess curiosity will keep me pushing forward. Also it would be a pretty awesome feeling to know that I accomplished something that gave my life purpose. Even if I doubt my abilities I hope for the best.

    Source(s): Good question!
  • 9 years ago

    As a determinist, I say that your fate will happen no matter what you do, because the decision you make in the end is the on you were fated to choose.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You want to know the truth?

    What really matters is Lady Luck.

    All successful people will tell their story, and all those stories will have one thing in common.

    They got lucky.

    May you live long and be lucky.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    "Fate" implies a future that is set, that is predetermined. Predestination. Doesn't exist. For if it did, then the path that "God" is on is set, and can't be changed. How can that be?

    Just wu wei it, dude, and don't sweat the small stuff.

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