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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

what is it that in your past you cant forget......................?

you can answer that any way you want

i dedicate this q to mine which is a victim of a murder from when i was young who inspired my q and the rest of the victims involved


ahh david, your still very early on in your life, thats too early to have THAT much regret, i think you maybe need to assert your confidence in yourself more , you will change all those things by doing that


Update 2:

no no paradox, i didnt see it :-O

id probably be way more messed up (maybe) no, its a murder i learned of when i was young, and it stayed with me because it was a wee girl the same age

tho i live in glasgow so seeing murders isnt that rare :-P

Update 3:

big cherry i love that you end that on a positive note, that you are happy that tho these things happened they helped make you who you are so you dont see them 'all bad'

and great patchwork analogy :-)

Update 4:

such good quality answers,

i love that you dont need a lot of answers or huge ones to do that, you all speak your mind without stretching it out too much (i tend to streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch mine out i think )

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i can never entirely forget what i have experienced in this life because all of it some way colors my future. my heart is like a very ornate patchwork quilt with pieces from every second of my life embroidered with the emotions that go with them. there are many mistakes, attempts to fix them, and spots were holes got punched through then covered once again. but for every spot such as those there are more that were created out of love. and for all of that i cannot imagine not being who i am, not having such a wonderful heart.

  • 9 years ago

    So many things Frou.

    That feeling I had the first time I saw my hubby.

    That inner knowing when I met my Mentor.

    The joy I felt when I held my daughters for the very first time.

    The excitement I felt when I first learned to swim.

    The overwhelming peace I felt when para-sailing over the ocean.

    That awe inspiring feeling that comes with a tremendous ah-ha.

    The freedom experienced in forgiving one I believed had harmed me.

    The wonder of pondering what my intellect could not seem to grasp.

    The sweetest surrender & pure humility when touched by the Spirit.

    And so very much more.

    Thank you for this question!

    Many Blessings!

  • 9 years ago

    When I was in second grade there were these girls. We'd been friends since kindergarten, and though I didn't realize it at the time, they were pretty awful to me. You see, when I came into kindergarten, I had no friends, everyone I'd known in preschool had gone to other schools. So, naturally, I was desperate for a friend. I made friends with a group of girls, and did whatever they said so they'd accept me. I'd even try to act like them so they'd like me, but they didn't seem to like that very much. I did some pretty mean things so they would like me, and for some reason I really looked up to them, but in second grade things changed. A new girl came to school, and I started making friends with her. Now, my old friends did NOT like that. We had this big fight and in the end I became friends with the new girl, but to this day I always wonder why in the world I didn't realize how awful they were being to me.

    Source(s): My own life experiences.
  • 9 years ago

    Honestly.. I think we all forget. And we keep some stuff in our memory as we want it to see it and not exactly how it all went, because it would be impossible to store that kind of information. To respond to ur question, the most things popping out from the memory archive is my childhood. And that's not a bad thing, because they're a reminder that if I was once happy, I can be happy again.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    My particular shyness and fear when I was in grade school, but during school and in social situations. It felt overwhelming and I realized that no adult could really do anything about it. It did get much much better over time. I forget about it, then remember, especially now that I have kids.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i guess my good life..i really regret it you know..i always wish i could turn the time backk...its really hard for me now..buT i guess even though you cant turn back to mend your mistakes you can change your future so i'm really content even though i kept on minding my past..i'm a person that is still stuck in the past but i wish someday i can break through it (-v-)

  • 9 years ago

    Losing someone close to me and a few other things I rather not say. /: But holy cow! You've actually seen a murder! That's insane!

  • 9 years ago

    Mistakes, bad choices, lack of self discipline, failure to speak my mind, and much more. I'm 17 years old and I'm already full of regret.

  • 9 years ago

    Flower..I can't tell you on here

    but I do have one great regret.. I'm very human and weak

    ps..nice to hear from you x

  • 9 years ago

    HAGGLES. Hate,Anger,Greed,Gluttony,Lust,Envy,Sloth. But mostly the past is memory and so therefore the answer would be , everything. Unless you have Alzheimer's disease.

    Source(s): Life experience
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