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is it weird I dont want friends?

I dont like anyone at my school.

Theres some girls who hate me and pretend to by my friends.

All the girls at my school are ridiculous little sluts.

Is this normal I rather have no social life, but have good grades.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    nah don't worry about them. there's nothing wrong with being a loner. it's quite peaceful actually. no stressful BS from people, no having to tend to their needs or desires. nobody to waste your time.

  • 9 years ago

    I suppose you could be anti-social. That's not an insult, just a possibility.

    You do seem to be concerned about this, though. I'm not really sure someone who is anti-social would be.

    Maybe you just don't have anything in common with the other people you are meeting? Is that a possibility? Or you haven't given them enough of a chance?

    Do you not want friends at all or just not want friends that lower your iq and are false? Maybe you should see if there are any common interest groups in your area for young people who like the same kind of things you do.

    At least you aren't feeling sad about it. That shows some self-esteem.

  • 9 years ago

    Personally, I think you're on the right track. Everyone nowadays wants to be the BEST out of their friends, but it honestly isn't worth it in the long run. You should strive for good grades and get into ur top pick university while everyone else is living the low life. You will be VERY successful, and remember, AFTER SCHOOL IS DONE AND FOREVER, NO ONE WILL CARE ABOUT THEIR OLD FRIENDS. Live your life the way you want to live it, because 7 billion other people don't care how popular one is.

    Source(s): Reality
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It is normal in the sense that many, many people feel the same way. Because the people in our world are being forced closer and closer together, it makes us feel irritable inside. The only relief we can find from our unhappiness comes when we can be away from others. The problem is that isolation will not work because the pressure from the world will just get stronger and stronger. Even though it seems to be opposite to our desire to be away from others, the only solution is to change the way we relate to others.

    Try playing this game and watch your world change: Whenever you are with another person, pretend that you are them. Imagine to yourself how it feels to be in their skin. Now, look at yourself from their eyes. How would they like you to treat them? Jump back into your regular self and treat them the way that you imagined they would like to be treated. It might be hard at first because we are used to only seeing other people from our point of view, but practice this as much as you can. It also helps to think about your interactions with others at the end of the day while you lie in bed and see how you did that day. I promise you that what you will discover if you keep going with this practice is LOVE. Your world will become brighter and brighter with love, support, and security. Love is of more lasting importance than good grades. Good luck. I have felt the same feelings that you describe.

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  • 9 years ago

    It might be weird if you made a point to not make friends and shun those who attempt to be friends, but not that weird if you just don't like them. Be who you are, as long as you are happy, are not hurting anyone including yourself...don't worry about what others see as being weird. You are who you are.

  • 9 years ago

    Nope,I have one friend in school then have friends out of school.

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