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I'm really scared about this chain letter?

DON'T READ IT IF YOU'RE SCARED BY THESE THINGS. But those who aren't then please read it. Does the chain letter mean this night or any night?? O____O It doesn't specify! I reread some parts of it so I'm scared I'll have to post it more again :( I have OCD and it really doesn't help! I know I already asked this question but I'm still scared. So does it mean this night? Because then if it's this night I'll just stay up all night with like a butcher knife by my bed lol. But if it means any night then I'm really scared. Help please? The last time I asked this question someone said I had to post it more times, but he got two thumbs down. so I don't know if he was trolling or being serious so I'm really scared now :( Here's the chain letter that I found on facebook:

My name is Jenny. I am 16 years old and have dark blonde hair. NOW THAT YOU HAVE STARTED READING YOU MAY NOT STOP!! I was murdered July 14th with my fathers shotgun and butcher knife. If you do not post this on 20 other pages i will come to your house in the middle of the night and kill you with my fathers shotgun and butcher knife. You have 5 hours to complete this task. Dont believe me, *maria marshall, Pelham, Texas 1998, was showing and went to bed right after, found dead the next morning. * keisha jones, Nashville, Tennesee 1995, fell asleep while watching television and mother heard gunshot and scream, found next morning lying on the floor. omar wilkionsin, milwaukee, wisconsin 2002, reading a book to go to bed and was shot and stabbed through the book after he fell asleep. Still dont believe me? google their names....Trust me i did not want to paste this. But its kinda scary so i did it just to be sure

June 6 at 5:55pm · Like · 1


Haha it doesn't help that all of a sudden it started thunderstorming now XD Although I do enjoy thunderstorms but seriously??

43 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't listen to Tyson and anyone giving similar answers, telling you to repost it. He got thumbs down for good reason.

    The answers coming before mine here on this current question are all good, sound advice.

    don't repost the Jenny hoax or any other chain letter. It is nothing but stupid annoying trash, furthermore, this stupid hoax exploits the names of a couple of people who did exist, but never died of a chain letter. No one has. Jenny is not real. She is not going to kill you, tonight or any other night. Computers are not so dangerous. if they were, terrorists would be using chain letters instead of bombs and crashing planes to kill people, and computers would not be available to the general public.

    Chain letters are NOT real and can never get you killed.

    You will only be making a gullible nuisance and spammer of yourself if you repost any of them, so don't.

    Now, here is the smash of Jenny. See just why it is redonculous rubbish here, and I m still alive.

    Jenny 16 Telling Tales Out Of School

    For more on chain letters:

    Listen to me and the answerers who give you sound advice, and discourage belief in hoaxes. Don't repost or be scared of chain letters again. Learn from this not to keep making the same mistake. Chain letters are spam, nothing more.

  • 8 years ago

    Why be scared? A dead girl can't write a letter. And why would she still have her father's shotgun a butcher knife? Souvenirs? I don't see a link proving that this Jenny girl even died. She could at least prove her own death. People die, all someone had to do was find a death in the news to prey on people's superstition. Chain letters are all bunk, never listen to them. Only gullible people do.

    The version I found on failbook. It's not even the same version you posted.

    My name is Jenny, i am sixteen i have blonde hair, you can't stop reading you have already started!! I was murdered 7/14 with my fathers shot gun and butcher knife if you don't post this on 20 other pictures i will come and kill you on the middle of the night. You have five hours Dont believe me? Google: Maria marshal

    Why would her mother hear a gunshot, hear her daughter scream, and not check on her until the next morning? That story is either fake or she's a really heartless mother. Anyway, Mariah Marshall was killed in her car, likely by her husband, not an imaginary girl named Jenny or a chain letter. A simple google search can tell anyone that. 99% of what you see or read on the internet is falsified in some way, do your research before you blindly believe something. Especially a chain letter.

  • 7 years ago

    Chain letters are FAKE.

    I've read a lot of chain letters.. and to be honest, I'm scared. I'm a cry baby and stupidly forwarded the messages. I love HORROR. I'm a fan, but didn't want to experience seeing GHOSTS or entities or what so called NOT LIKE OURS.

    And so I did.

    But then, one of my friends told me not to be afraid of those chain letters. At first, I didn't believe. She then told me to try not to forward chain letters and see just to prove that she was right.

    And so I did. Nothing happened :))

    Think positive, believe in God, and be brave. Take care then :)

  • 5 years ago

    I got that chain later on December 12th, 2015 at 1105 pm. I did not resend. I remember the exact date and time because i was murdered that following morning at 405 am... exactly 5 hours after i got the message. Now I'm sick in the eyeball afterlife where I'm in an all white room with nobody and nothing but a phone that still has internet access and im forced to send the message everynight to all my friends and family and a bunch of random people. This is hell knowing all these people are going to die if they don't believe it and im the one who sent it to them. ...

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  • 5 years ago

    I was always scared of these chains aswell up untill one night. A few years back I was at a party when someone pulled out a wiji board. Me believing in ghost and spirits refused to take part. So they decided not to do it. Later that night we were all drunk and they somehow got me to do it. Ever senice that night I have seen ghosts and spirits as the spirit they summoned tried to take me as a vessel. With the last few years of seeing ghosts I no longer believe in the stupid *** things. Don't believe them, your fine. I just read the same one 3 nights ago and laughed my *** off when I saw how many people had reposted it. So again these are fake.

  • 5 years ago

    sweetie, don't worry... chain letters aren't real

    honestly? i'm terrified by them too and kinda paranoid.. but I've read a bunch of them . mostly on youtube videos... and nothing has ever happened to me or anyone I know

    I understand why you're scared..but be assured,,, chain letters cannot hurt you.. <3

  • 7 years ago

    i read some comments, i find it funny that some people talk about ghost like the know them...

    First of all, there is no proof the exist, but, there is no proof they don't exist.

    Somebody wrote that a dead girl/ghost can't write, but what If a ghost can control people, or temporary take over a body?

    Somebody wrote something about the shotgun and the butcher knife, well.. i must admit this, if somebody passes to the other world (if it exist) how would she even bring it there? how ever, it's true that a chain letter is just to annoy ppl.. and make them scared.. even i doubt if they could be real or not..

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Please for the love of god just repost it once. Don't have to spam it, and don't have to believe it but when you let yourself get paranoid and show that you're scared you will be surprised on the **** that happens. So either ignore it and tell yourself it's fake, or repost it if you're that scared. When you start getting paranoid weird **** will start happening. My friend committed suicide after one of these ******* evil chain letters. This one seems innocent, but click on the person posting it and if they don't have any friends and no information on their account ******* repost it atleast once. Good luck and just don't ******* read them. Friend was not killed I know this, but the following nights weird things starting happening and he slit his throat with broken glass. His face was also burnt which confused the **** out of me and his family.

  • 7 years ago

    Sweetheart it's fake. And alot of people do stuff to scare people because they know there gonna believe it! :P there are so many people in this world that murder but a murderer wouldn't post a dumb letter on Facebook or twitter and stuff like that. So if you just go watch T.V. and RELAX you'll be just fine! :) just forget about it if ya think about it you'll think it's alive and then you'll start seeing things that aren't there. i got an fear of bloody Mary i think i see her at night but i don't. and i'm scared of the dark just because of that! you don't wanna end up like me sweetie! :[

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It's Fake I did this long time ago. But just then I stopped doing and typed in It fake. The 1 night ago no one came to kill me not even bloody mary or anyone like that. :) Your Safe.


    Alex Farcas

  • 8 years ago

    These people just want attention, they seriously just want to make you scared, every time I see these I ignore them wake up the next morning and I'm fine everything's fine nothing happened to me any of the time, so don't believe any of these chain letters their so stupid. Yeah these deaths really happened but they just looked up un solved murders and pretended to be the killer. Sorry but if you believe these your just wasting your time!

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