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another tragic story of an autistic boy 'bullied to death'......?

or a prank, either way, do you think there is something wrong in how society seems autistics and other disabilites?

my thoughts go out to his family


fodaddy, i, not sure why you assume it doesnt factor into it, its a common problem with autistics they are severely bullied, it has led to a lot of problems in the life of an autistic

roughousing and bullying are 2 very different things, and when it comes to autism, its a sad fact is usually bullying

Update 2:

i completely agree breezey

Update 3:

taryn, exactly

i thought myself whether someone is 'roughousing' or not, surely when a person decides they wanna set another human on fire its past that and its onto sociopathy

Update 4:

But I already explained why fodaddy, because severe bullying is common in autism, and because the story mentioned hes autistic and had been bullied, id have thought it was obvious to mention that as its kinda important

Whether he was autistic or not I dontknow, but if he was then id say it’s a reason to mention it

Drunk people may make “poor decisions” but im pretty sure most don’t lean towards setting someone on fire

Im getting the impression from the way you think about these things that you know a hell of a lot of 'hard' people who are sociopathic/psychopathic bullies,

I can guarantee people that treat you that way aren’t your friends

Update 5:

thanks georgie for mentioning the man who tried to save him, heros always deserve to be given their due

even if we take out autism as a factor inthis story as we dontknow if its true or not, theres the issue that those people are clearly 'anti social' whether its fulled by alcohol or not, people who have 'normal' functoning brains DONT set people on fire, sober or drunk

and it is a known fact that autistics face a lot of discrimination and bullying because of their condition, this is an issue that needs dealt with, because if you research you find this isnt the only story of this kind

Update 6:

brill answer finn, and no, your not misguided in my view

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Seems to a be prank gone wrong, could've happened to any group of teenagers, the fact that he was autistic doesn't factor into it, as this could've just as easily happened had he been neurotypical, I don't think it was bullying either, just some roughhousing that got carried away. Teenagers do stupid things. Unfortunately this time there were serious consequences. Certainly those involved should face charges, but unless there's some key information that the dailymail is leaving out or doesn't know (a very real possibility) then I don't think this was a case of murder.

    Edit: I'm not sure why you assume it does factor into it. The reason I'm leaning toward it being more of an accident is that these teens presumably knew the autistic person, otherwise they probably would not have been invited to his birthday party and they had all been drinking and were likely drunk. Drunk people tend to make poor decisions, given this I again reiterate that I don't think this was case of bullying.

  • 9 years ago

    Firstly, any incident like this is a tragedy. If I could say that roughhousing as its been called is something different altogether. People fear what they do not understand and from that fear comes the bully. We were raised in a tough community and have seen a lot of life. There were things that we were taught and these were given within the community we lived in.

    Respect and protect those that are vulnerable (in what ever way that presents its self).This is a basic thing, I believe, that society should do, though it appears I may be misguided on that one. We were taught that we all have a social and moral responsibility for those that are vulnerable and any abuse of that is intolerable.

    Those who have to live with a burden of any condition cope with not only life but all their condition brings with it and that should be protected.

    I'm not sure if there is the suggestion that because no one has heard of this before then its ok? or because the source is not of their choosing then it does not matter? While some may say they can't be responsible for the act of another, what they can take responsibility for is the wider View of society which needs challenged were ever appropriate.

  • 9 years ago

    Oh how horrible and sad!

    Reading this story, the police are investigating if bullying was a factor into this tragic story. Regardless of the reason that lead up to this, someone has lost their life, for a moment of stupidity, certainly alcohol does impair a persons ability to think clearly, and make rational decisions, but 'they' the people did this needs to have the full force of the law bought down on them, if they did set Steven alight maliciously.

    My heart goes out to the family & real friends of this young man. And I wish the man Sean who tried to help Steven, the best and hope his burns heals well and he finds solace for trying to help save Steven, and he is a hero.

    Source(s): Youth & Disability support worker and teacher
  • 5 years ago

    My spouse died of a surprising coronary heart attack on a similar time as i became into asleep next to her. The day earlier she reported she became into dizzy, which she often did, yet they might in no way locate something incorrect. i did no longer take her to the scientific institution that day, as I continuously had earlier, and lived for greater beneficial than 2 years believing it became into my fault she died. I discovered in the previous this twelve months she became into prescribed 3x the utmost counseled dosage of a drugs, which equipped up in her physique, inflicting the coronary heart attack. the advice with regard to the achieveable existence-threatening factor result's in the PDR, yet we've been in no way recommended. To this present day, no remember how often i'm advised there became into no way i'm going to have huge-unfold, and not something i'm going to have executed, i won't be in a position to forgive myself.

  • 9 years ago

    I don't care what name people give it.... at those ages, anyone should KNOW better than to set fire to another... even if joking was the excuse.

    Teens, adults... many will pick at others... it even happens here, on Yahoo. People pick, make fun of and worse and why?

    This world really is going to hell in a handbasket... values, morals and so much more are shoved aside...

    Kindness and causing no harm... many dropped those at the wayside.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    no one really cares about the young man, and if anyone reading this was in a similar group they'd laugh and join in. **** people they're all evil

  • 9 years ago

    What kind of society do we live in that setting someone on fire is considered a prank that got out of hand?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    They should be locked in jail and throw away the key.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    World is cruel.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    firstly this is not something that happens all the time

    its an isolated indident

    secondly - please stop reading the daily mail - it is full of scaremongering lies and exaggerations

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