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Have you noticed how liberals' tune has changed regarding the uninsured?

Before ObamaCareTax passed, they told us that these people were poor unfortunate souls who had a right to health care...and they were there to protect them. Now that it's passed and upheld by the Supreme Court, they're going around saying these uninsured people are freeloaders who aren't carrying their weight.


Mr Wolf has this habit of never actually answering the question....

Update 2:

TO DIRTY SOCKS fella....Is that all you think about? Little boys' penises?

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If somebody goes bankrupt because they can't pay medical bills, then they are freeloading. It's not a moral problem on their part in my opinion, but it is a fact and it distorts medical costs. Part of everyone's hospital bills goes to pay for the many people who didn't pay for their super-expensive treatments.

    With Obamacare, Medicaid has been greatly expanded so more poor people can get their bills paid that way. People who aren't poor enough to get on Medicaid can get government subsidies to pay for their insurance so they can pay their bills. In both of these cases, people can now afford to go see a doctor rather than just going to the emergency room once they're on the verge of death and then going bankrupt. This saves money for everybody.

    The only tune I see changing here is that of the right-wingers who now suddenly care about the plight of the poor. Nobody is falling for it, guys. You spent two years telling us that poor sick people should just lie down and die. We've seen what you really are.

  • 9 years ago

    What the hell are you talking about? You cons come up with the worst lies.

    The only freeloaders are those who can afford insurance, have access to it, and choose not to buy it so the rest of us have to pay for their care. Kind of like an uninsured motorist. And they are freeloaders.

    But that's not what this is about. It's about the people who want insurance and can't get insurance. Those are the unfortunate souls. But I'm sure you will happily let babies die in the gutter because the parents can't get the kid insured. Or granny having to die because she can't afford her prescriptions.

    But you cons call anyone who isn't in the top 1% freeloaders, while ignoring corporate welfare.

    So you are a liar. No one has changed their tune, except the cons. Who were all for the individual mandate, even coming up with the idea, and are now ranting about how evil it is.

    Hypocrites. Don't want to do anything the scary Black Presidents wants done.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Wasn't it Mitt Romney who specifically didn't want "freeloaders"?

    In any case, *progressives* (not democrats) want our heath system to include a provision to only cover those who are working (that are able to work). What's wrong with that? If your lazy *ss won't work, why should we help you? You aren't contributing, so why should we pay for your medical care?

    Basic, *emergency* medical care would be all that should be provided to them. Not very good PR to turn away bleeding and dying people at hospitals.

    Source(s): btw LOL at your blog reference. Might as well reference the bible. XD
  • 9 years ago

    “Right now in this country, people that don’t have health insurance go to the hospital if they get a serious illness, and they get treated for free by government. My plan says no, they can’t do that. No more free riders. People have to take personal responsibility. I consider it a conservative plan.” ~Mitt Romney talking about an individual mandate

    “The Republican approach is to say, you know what? Everybody should have insurance. They should pay what they can afford to pay. If they need help, we will be there to help them, but no more free ride,” Mitt Romney

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The more and more I study The Affordable Care Act, the more and more it seems like Republican policy, It forces me to pull my own weight. Obama is a capitolist! you win this one c0n!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yeah. They are hypocrites. They have no sense of decency or morality. They sought to acheive Obama's special protections for his worshippers. Nothing else truly mattered.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes, and I also notice Obozo handing out waivers to liberal buddies of his left and right. If this is so great, why don't liberals want it applied to them?

    Guess it's about the money, yet again; they stand to make a bundle of this!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    And when there always pregnant, too obese to work girlfrienod gets their earned income tax deduction deducted to pay for it, they wil be crying even louder!

  • JOE
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I would like to know where you saw or heard any of us say something like that I think you lie

  • 9 years ago

    Your imagination is out of control, or you have been listening to FOX. No liberal feels that way, we care about people.

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