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Lv 4
Carra asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 9 years ago

Would you neglect your child...?

Would you neglect visiting your child so that you could have uninterrupted time with your new love interest and that person's child?

How should the parent that is in the presence of the child answer when the child wants to know "why didn't Daddy come get me today?"

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would be better if you just don't tell the kid that his/her dad is coming to get him on whatever day. If he shows up to get the child, let the child go with him. If he doesn't show up, then the child is none the wiser.

    And in answering the question-I personally would not. I'm a mother. I don't know the whole situation, though. There are some women that like to use kids to manipulate their father, so I personally wouldn't blame him too much. If she is otherwise a stable person and wants absolutely nothing more than their child to have a bond with his or her father-then he's wrong.

  • 9 years ago

    No, I wouldn't. I have never placed a man above my child. When the child asks that, I'd say that we should call right then and ask him.

  • 9 years ago

    What if the dad is in and outta the hospital

  • 9 years ago

    don't make excuses for someone else.

    "i don't know for sure, you will have to ask daddy"

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