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For those of you who dislike dogs and other animals because they're smelly...?

do you realize that is has been determined that humans are the smelliest of all mammals. We have to toil on a daily basis washing our bodies and clothes and using fragrance just to keep down the stench we put off. So go hug a dog.


@Sheneniah guess're a racist. You're in the same category of people who thought blacks were subhuman and should be enslaved.

Update 3:

@RU Kidding I don't know. There may be some sort of liability issues with that, but its worth calling and asking them. Its good that you want to expose your kids to animals because I think its the natural human state to have affection for animals and kids need to have that cultivated at a young age.

Update 4:

@RU Kidding I don't know. There may be some sort of liability issues with that, but its worth calling and asking them. Its good that you want to expose your kids to animals because I think its the natural human state to have affection for animals and kids need to have that cultivated at a young age.

Update 5:

@Stefano Thank you

Update 6:

@Narathzul The article actually states that almost every part of our bodies emit odor in addition to the odor microorganisms emit: "Humans turn out to be particularly smelly because odors are released from nearly every part of the body while other species living on us are simultaneously emitting odors too. " Besides, its sort of too fine a distinction anyway. If the microorganisms in someone's armpits are emitting a pungent odor, we just say the person stinks, not the microorganisms.

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    EDIT : Thank you for waiting for my answer .

    First of all forgive me for my Christian-toned answer .

    1. I am also a lover of animals and birds . All these animals and the vegetation reveal the wonder of God's creation. Let me tell you that I am also a strong lover of these non-human beings . I don't tolerate even the suffering of a small plant . I don't even pinch a plant ( if it doesn't have an urgent medical purpose for me ) . God has blessed me with His Spirit of love with which I am able to love the whole humanity ( including my enemies ,if any ) equally as my own brothers and sisters .

    2. When we refer to the Biblical creation story , we see that God made everything come from the earth . Hence ,everything which came from the earth returns to the earth itself ( when they die ) . God made man also from the soil .But ,not like all other beings , man was not made just with the soil .When he was just like an earthen doll , the Lord blew into his nostril His own breath and he became a living soul ( the angelic, eternal / imperishable property) . When everything's physical body ( including man ) just returns to the earth and get decomposed , man's soul ( God's seed ) alone is expected to Return to Him where the soul has its origin . Everything must be returned to its original thing or place when its time is over on earth .

    3. The whole Bible speaks of the safe and proper Return of the soul to the place ( God ) where it originated from . Everything earthen becomes earth when its time is over . But man;'s soul has to Return to God, its eternal Father . Hence everything except man or human soul is not given that much importance in the Bible . God the Father worries the most about His prodigal sons and not much about their dogs .

    4. No doubt dogs deserve human being's love and affection . A dog is a best friend for a man . It is ready even to give away its life for its master . I also had my dog friends when I was young .But not now . Please try to understand the meanings behind the answers given by some of our friends here .

    5 . Every being deserves proper care and love . You can wash your dog with water .But you need not wash the dog ( out of great affection ) with milk . I don't stand against dogs ,but personally I stand against the unwanted other extreme ( i.e , washing the dog with milk ) .

    6. Every being must be given its due respect and love . If you look in to the life of the Hindus in India , you will wonder to see their foolishness . 80 % of the Indians are considered Hindus . The Hindus practice casteism ,( the International Crime ) , according to which some 16 + 7 = 23 % of the India people are considered Untouchables . These Untouchable people are called Dalits in India . They suffer the world’s worst Human Rights Violations in India the so-called democratic nation . The 23 % of the Indian untouchable people are treated in the worst manner in this present educated world . They are treated far worse than the slaves we read in the past history . This worst practice is carried out successfully in India ( 24 hrs a day ) .

    Please . Try to study about the Dalits in India and understand their worst position in the present world . …….! According to Hinduism ,every meat-eating human , American is an untouchable . Especially president Obama is a number one untouchable ( based on his color ) . Untoucability in India is like a woman’s severest and most helpless labor pain . The just Government of India tries to uplift the Dalits ,but in the heart of heart the whole Hindu community bitterly dislikes the growth and development of the suppressed , oppressed and the daily exploited Dalaits . The Hindu Casteism is like the Law of the jungle . If you ask about this to a Hindu , he will cheat you with his wrong and twisting answers ..... ..

    7. Now come to the fun . The above- mentioned Hindus worship cow as one of their chief gods . If any one found be disturbing or killing a cow , he will be ( Severely ) punished according to the present Indian Penal Code . But everyday the oppressed Dalits are killed , raped , exploited and treated lower than the street dogs , but none cares for them . I also love every animal including cows . But considering a cow to be god and considering human beings to be the lowest begins on earth is something strange , meaningless and foolish .

    8 . A cow must be treated like a cow , a dog must be treated like a dog , a cat must be treated like cat , a lifeless idol must be treated like an idol , God must be treated like God and human beings must be treated like human beings .That is right and that is just . The order or hierarchy must be maintained properly .

    PLEASE NOTE : Due to lack of space , I am posting the remaining part of this answer in the space lent by our friend < Prince > .. Thank you ..!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I had no idea some people were actually terrified of cats! I love cats AND dogs. I suspect the dislike of cats stems from not understanding them. Dogs have evolved as members of a pack with a dominant leader that other dogs defer to, whereas cats are solitary and do not defer to a leader. In relation to humans, a dog's master takes the place of the pack leader, so the dog defers to the human. Accordingly, they depend on the "leader" for food and for acceptance into the pack. In the wild, a dog that's exiled from the pack will probably die. However, being solitary, cats can find their own food and don't need a leader/master, so the relationship with a human is quite different and more equal. This is part of the attraction for cat lovers. Cats are extremely intelligent and sensitive animals which CHOOSE to spend time with their human companions. However, once a cat has formed a bond of trust with a human, it can be just as loyal and devoted as a dog. My cat absolutely LIVES for my affection! The independent nature of cats is also a plus for those who don't have much time to spend with a pet, since they don't pine as much as a dog for their human companion. Also they are not normally dirty - a kitten that stands in its own poo has probably been taken from its mother too soon. Most emotional or behavioural problems of cats stem from this, as the kitten has not had time to learn proper cat behaviour from its mother. Cats (and dogs) that shed a lot of fur need to be groomed more often by their owners. The problem of cats pooing in neighbours' gardens comes down to irresponsible cat owners. In some communities cats must be kept inside by law, at least during the hours of darkness, as this is when they roam, hunt, and fight. Take it up with your neighbours and local government.

  • Bill
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I don't see what point you people are trying to make with humans not being smelly. A dog wouldn't smell half as bad without bathing for 2 weeks as a human that doesn't bathe for 4 days.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I have nothing against animals or owning pets so long as the pet owners are not self righteous (the idiots that preach to me about abuse of animals and killings yet still eat meat). I have a problem with people whos homes smell like @ss and and raw meat because they don't bath their pets as frequently as they should or they're giving them a diet that inhances their hormonal smells. I have noticed a trend were a certain demographic on average tend to have their homes smelling like this. If I owned a dog it wouldnt smell, my friend owns 2 dogs and her house does not smell and her dogs always smell clean and their teeth are well maintained.

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  • 9 years ago

    I don't hate dogs because they smell bad (well actually that's part of the reason), I hate them because they're noisy, attention seeking, mess making, get in the way, need too much care, etc.

    And if humans are smelly then why is it that when I walk past someone they smell okay but when Ipet a dog my hand smells horrible after? P.S. yahoo answers isn't a place for you to rant about what is smelly and what is not.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I'm just not an animal person. My brothers were allergic growing up and so we never had one. Now, I'm allergic. I also think they are a lot of work and cost a lot.

    That said, it bothers me that people leave their dogs in the car with a window cracked--still. Don't they watch the news?!

    Hey, do you know if animal shelters will let me take my son in and play with a few dogs? He'd like to have one but we just can't do it, but I'd like him to get to know them.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i dont find animals smelly. i just find their poop smelly. must of animals needs humans to clean up their smelly mess that's why they bother me. and not all humans are smelly. as an example, asian people tend to not sweat because of the tropical temperature in their country so their body adapt and so they do not sweat as much plus the fact that asians are strict on everything, they take good care of their body. in that case, they do not smell as much as others.

  • 9 years ago

    As your article says it's not actually humans who are smelly, it's the microbes that live on our skin.

    "News that 'the microorganisms on our skin use the materials present on our skin and in our sweat for their own metabolism. The microorganisms convert non-volatile compounds into volatile compounds.' "

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I don't dislike dogs and other animals because they're smelly; I just don't want them in my bed. But out of the bed, they're fine.

  • 9 years ago

    Please Note : Christian's Answer continues here :

    9 . Hope you understand the so-called kind-hearted and idol-worshipping Hindus . A Typical nonsense . If we look in to the Western life, they also do such a type of foolishness . They also pretend to be kind and loving people . But fail to practice Godly love towards the deserving ( human ) beings . We can not deny how far the dark-skinned people were mistreated by the White –Christians . How can a Christ-spirited white man mistreat a dark-skinned man ? How is / was it possible ? All such White-Christians were/ are typical hypocrites . They didn’t have Christ’s Love in them .

    10. Some men are running charitable institutions But they themselves mistreat their own parents in the worst manner .

    11. People want to show themselves as animal lovers , cow lovers and as many other lovers . Then how do they suppress ,oppress and exploit their own fellow beings ?. We should not judge people with their love for animals .But we must judge people with their love for their fellow beings only . People who fail to love and respect their fellow men but pretend to show themselves to be lovers of animals are mere hypocrites . ( I am not speaking about you dear Captain , I am speaking just generally ) .

    12. An another fun with animal lovers . They are ready for divorce in the matter of their pet animals ….!. What a shame on humanity ….! Some people cry aloud for animals’ Rights . Most of such women , only recently have aborted their human babies in their wombs … What a shame …! Should we not sympathize with the offspring of our own blood ……. What a shame on humanity …! People who don’t have mercy for the child of their own womb , cry on the city roads for animal rights calling themselves animal lovers .

    13 . The cows honored by the Hindus and the dogs honored by the Christians ( when time and necessity arise ,) would eat human waste . It is true and most of the animal-lovers know not this fact . If you would tour with me to India , I would show the cows , the dogs and the pigs eating human waste …! All these beings are considered great by people ( as vegetarian vultures ) .

    14. Around 2500,000,000 Christians read the Bible . But no verse in the Bible says to care a dog like a human baby . It is forbidden to give the food of a human baby to a dog .

    15. When each of the Oppressed Dalit families ( with 3-5 people ) in India don’t get even half a $ daily per day , just think how much $s each one of us spend daily as well as monthly for the dogs (pets ) ? . Many Servants of God in India can not feed their babies ( without half a $ daily ) what do you think ?

    16. . many people stumble or fail to reach the doors of heaven due to poverty , sickness, ignorance and without knowing Christ’s Gospel of salvation . Christian’s every penny must be spent for leading people to their original Home ,the presence of God ( heaven ) . Only human beings are immortal and have eternal life ( in heaven or in hell ) .Dogs become earth when they die .

    17. .Dogs are forbidden in one of the Abrahamic religions . Yes, Muslims care for their suffering neighbor only . Not even a single penny is expected to spent on such pet animals .

    18.. Some people keep tigers and some people keep the literal pythons as their fond pet animals ( for their children ) . There are human families which suffer and struggle for existence without half a $ daily . Many of them live in open streets exposed to all unfavorable climates . They become sick and die ( forsaking their dependents ) . The well to do people cook tastiest food items ( chicken ,mutton and so on …. ) for their dogs .But the poor people just inhale the pleasant favor of the food and die .Is it humanity ?

    19.. When thousands of human beings die without food daily , some Christians deeply think ,how to provide still tastier and more calorific food for their dogs , how to provide a still convenient and sophisticated dog house , attached with cushion –beds and a best color T.V ..! Some dogs remain even millionaires …!! Number of dogs are fortunate enough to enjoy beautiful women ( sexually ) …!

    20 .. Christians call their servants as dogs , monkeys and donkeys . But they call their dogs “ Peter , John , Kennedy ,Bush , George Washington …. And so on ! Hope a bit of exaggeration .. O.K

    If some one has a cup of milk ., it should not be poured upon a lifeless idol as the Hindus do upon millions of idols daily . It need not be given to a dog . It must go to a hungry human child . If we human beings experience self sufficiency , no problem ,things precious can be given to such animals . ( Rf .Proverbs 12:10 also ) .

    [ Just forgive me dear Captain if my answer seems to offend you . It is not at all intended for that . Thank you for reading . GOD BLESS AMERICA ... through whom the whole world will be blessed .. Amen ..! ] .

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